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Phia May 2016
She is a beautiful flower
soaking up the light,
standing nice and tall,
when the days are nice and bright.
But sometimes days are gloomy grey
and there's hardly any light at all,
and those days are the ones
where she doesn't stand as tall.
But when the clouds begin to part
and all the dark has gone away,
that little flower stands stronger and taller
with each new bright and sunny day.
axr Jan 2016
try harder,*******
try to bring me down
go ahead,
break me.
i'll come back stronger
i'll fight back
believe me,
i'll come back alive
This is my poem for the #makeitbetterchallenge
L Jan 2016
Sometimes I call you my angel.
It just slips out in moments of passion and love.
I know you don't really like it, but B, that's what you are.
If you hadn't entered my life the moment that you did, I would be dead.
I know it - without a doubt.
In February of 2015, you would've been attending the funeral of your temporary chemistry lab partner.
"You came along and you saved me."
You had no idea what I was going through.
I hadn't even told you the worst parts.
But you were there for me for months.
You kept me going.
You were the coffee I should've been drinking.
Because of you, I'm finally comfortable in my own skin.
I know who I am and I am because of you.
You grabbed my hand and led me through the darkness of a bad breakup, bouts of depression, and midnight panic attacks.
You had the uncanny ability to know when I was slipping.
My angel, my guardian angel.
I've spent the last ten months thanking you
- with my lips, with my hands, with my writings -
but nothing will ever be enough.
I love you endlessly.
I owe you everything.
Hope I did this right

embla Jan 2016
I said that I wanted the time back, but that isn't close to the truth.
If this was what it took to bring us together, then it was all worth it.
Every single miserable second of it.
I wouldn't erase a single part of the past.
You, a close confidant, a listening ear, a defender, an inspiration, an understanding companion who takes the time to truly know me, and most importantly, a dear and loyal friend to whom I owe so much.
You're one of the three people who has ever even come close to my core, to my soul.
If I altered the past, if I wiped it from the course of time, there would have been no other circumstances under which we would have come to know each other. Your friendship was worth it all.
You're more like me than I ever would have thought, and you've helped me to balance looking out for myself with looking out for the needs of others, which is something I so desperately needed to learn to do because when you met me, I was beaten down and worn out from constantly defending everyone but myself.
You helped me come to terms with the harsh realities I had been avoiding. You aided me tearing free from the veil of uncertainty and internalized fear that I had been so hesitant to rip away.
You've helped me learn to be comfortable with my own company, to be comfortable with the thought of being alone, although you know there are always those loving souls standing behind you.
You've opened me up to new passions, to new experiences, to new ways of thinking that I never thought I would dare venture out into.
I've, without a doubt, never been truly happier than I am now, and even if you don't realize it, I owe so much of it to you.
Every minute of the hysterically loud laughter we share restores a little bit more of the light that once filled my eyes.
For that, I can never thank you enough.
axr Jan 2016
We have so much going on in our lives and in the world which forces us to dwell on our negativity. Let me tell you that YOU can change your day despite the circumstances. Despite your boss's curses or you teachers' snide remarks YOU can still make your day better. My life is a mess at the moment, yet I march with a strong heart and optimism. It's tough sometimes but at the end of the day, it's worth it.
I have been on HP since 2014. Over these months I have seen a lot of negative stuff on the website. Poetry is indeed the reflection of our emotions but this time I challenge you to write a positive poem, a poem which made you happy, something you wrote and felt happy afterwards or something which happened to you which made you smile. It's all about the happy memories here, my friends.
Use the hashtag #MakeItBetterChallenge or message me. I look forward to reading your poetry :)

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