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Brent Kincaid Apr 2018
How can you
Let him do this to you?
So many lies
You fail to see through!
You insist on being
An incredibly stupid pigeon!
You don’t make sense,
Not the tiniest smidgeon.

You ******* when Clinton
Got a simple office beejay
But now you let Chump
Grab crotches along the way.
You turn a blind eye
When he steals from us daily,
And let him ruin the US
And continue pillaging gaily.

How can you
Let him do this to you?
So many lies
You fail to see through!

You claim he’s Christian
Though he acts like a true pagan;
You accept his KKK crap
And reject Hawking and Sagan.
You let him do things
That remove other politicians
When he should be
The point of many petitions.

You insist on being
An incredibly stupid pigeon!
You don’t make sense,
Not the tiniest smidgeon.

You parrot his words,
But his talk is completely bogus.
You holler and howl
And you think you’re fooling us.
But he is a charlatan
And often says what he means,
Then tells lies you like
And shoves them in between.

How can you
Let him do this to you?
So many lies
You fail to see through!
Brent Kincaid Mar 2018
I survived K-12 schooling
I read and researched a lot
I went to political meetings
I investigated social ***.
I met with some politicians
And then sterilized my hands.
Anyone who has ever met them
Will instantly understand.

Then an idiot ran for office
And I told myself he wouldn’t win
And that was when I wanted
The Big Do-Over to begin.
Because that idiot was picked
To be the Mutton In Chief
When it was widely known
He was a serial adulterer, liar,
Cheater, embezzler and thief.

He immediately set about
Instilling high dollar nepotism
By using his offsprings as proxies
And promulgating social schism.
He thinks he is the role model
Everyone else should follow
When someone else talks like that,
He finds them hard to swallow.

All he really wants is worship
Because he thinks he’s a god.
He doesn’t recognize he is crazy,
He can’t see his behavior as odd.
He’s the modern-day Caligula,
But he won't accept that of course,
Even though he has appointed
Crooks that are the back of a horse.

So, let’s have a do-over now!
Let's put someone trained in place
Of an overdress orangutan
With an big fat orange face.
Let’s put someone in there
That is and intelligent  human.
Oh, I have an idea, everyone.
Let’s elect to the job a woman!
I sure wish someone would put this to music!
Savannah Mar 2018
A moment arrives and you let it take
    away any empathy you had
Dull, lifeless I lie dying, beating inside
    your heart, captive
Unheard, I wait for you to finish your
    assault against our love
Lecherous mountain of meat,
    disgusted by you, I can't help but
Turn away, can't bear that
    unapologetic face, so stoic
Essentially, you succumbed to a more
    favorable *****, so you can
Run off for a wet, foreign kiss, but
    please understand
You can never come home
Thanks for reading

— The End —