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zeineb bouhaouel Sep 2014
she was shedding tears
what's wrong little dove he said
i just realized
i'm no queen of carthage
nor the heir of england
i'm no khaleesi
i can't slay no dragons and
i can't free no men
but you are much more babydoll he said
no i'm nothing but
the queen of sorrow and sadness
the heir of sin and guilt
i'm a useless creature
and a heartless *****
i lead a meaningless life and
i deserve to be butchered with a keen edged knife
bouhaouel zeineb Jan 2015
she was shedding tears
what's wrong little dove he said
i just realized
i'm no queen of carthage
nor the heir of england
i'm no khaleesi
i can't slay no dragons and
i can't free no men
but you are much more babydoll he said
no i'm nothing but
the queen of sorrow and sadness
the heir of sin and guilt
i'm a useless creature
and a heartless *****
i lead a meaningless life and
i deserve to be butchered with a keen edged knife
Poetry by MAN  Aug 2014
Poetry by MAN Aug 2014
Worship taste you
I would never waste you
Ravage your body then I'll face you
I am your M.A.N
Hold more than your hand
We can make plans know where I stand
I am the real
It's what you feel
Putting a seal on this new deal
Show you I'm true it's what I do
Yes I'm a fool one for you
Drop the disguise you are a prize
A Khaleesi an empress in my eyes
Queen of the moon but that's been done
Love for you burns like the Sun
Till the day we become one
I'll beat in your mind like a drum
Take my words with a grain of salt
Fact that I love you is not my fault
Not looking to catch but I caught
Or looking to rent so I bought
Into you I fall away
Disappear into what I say
Serious with these words I play
To hold you in my arms someday.
M.A.N 8-1-14
cleann98  Jun 2018
cleann98 Jun 2018
if you're not the one
who was destined only for me
then i refuse to believe in destiny
lol really should've been a haiku but i just don't want to condense it
anyways, apparently khaleesi is becoming quite a popular name now in the western culture umm sure that's brave... but yeah we all know what character is behind that name right? (if you don't, go watch game of thrones, now.)
OnwardFlame Sep 2018
I was wondering if you were aching for me too?

Our paths intertwine but separate
I reach and make an excuse
Only to duck out again.

Leotards and fairy wings
That's how you see me
I wish it was just me you could choose.

But a choir sings songs against you
And what you have to bring.

I can get along with you, easy.
I don't need you--but you added something to my life
I'm surrounded by prisms of deception
But the thing is honey,

I have the most powerful and enchanting prism

Of all.
Helen  Jan 2019
Helen Jan 2019
monsters have shoved their claws into my ambitions
you have turned my body into butter
unsalted, not the good kind
my arm reminds me of a tree carved my young men,
hungry to be remembered and to leave an ugly mark
dripping like sap

i feel like Jenny
“dear god, make me a bird, so i can fly far, far away from here”
because i am ******* sick and tired to being forced to look forward to telling my excruciating narrative,
like pulling my nails from my nail beds
and remember, it is my ******* story,
not yours,
it will never be yours

i am not your final girl
i am not even your girl
and i hate to break it to you,
but i never will be

i am the daughter of Khaleesi, and Aaliyah, and Beyoncé,
women who have walked through fire and have come out the other side, unscathed,
women who continue to take no **** form anybody

the world is a *****,
but over realized,
so am i,
yet more than anything,
i have been the cattiest ***** to myself for years ,
and i’ve finally decided,
i am ******* fed up with taking my own abuse
OnwardFlame Feb 2016
He said above me, warm wet kisses
Newness, forgetfulness
Riding in the back of a cab
Icy wind howls in my chapped
Pink rubbed from whiskers face
Heading home.

I'd rather slumber alone
Lavender Collins, tastes just like
Memory a time or two
Papa sat across from me
I felt so happy, so content
A streak of turquoise in my hair.

Flashes of you haunting and corrupting my mind
I blink them away, internal moments to myself
"U ok?"
The boy lying behind me asks

Formation, everybody gotta say something
Women all around expressing themselves
Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Always Mattered
Is the real truth
Now we argue credit where credit is due
But you don't know his or her interpretation
Stacy Dash always got somethin' ignorant to say
But let all the people
Of all the love
Hold one another, with ease and might
Run free.

People say I'm brave
I think I sigh most of my days away
Flapping painful thoughts away
I wonder where you err tonight.

Just like we were a Shakespeare sonnet
Or like all the times I put myself in harms way
Because I haven't always been so brave.

New beginnings, always
The first year is weird
I heard tonight
Smoking **** till our lungs
Fill up like pantyhose stuffed with the most sensual buttercups and four leaf

I wish I could forget
I wish I could forget it all
I worry at times how long the thought of your face. Words you said. Moments and breaths. The way you held me underneath you and said my name
So rarely
But when you did
Oh when you did.

But the wrongness of it all echoes
As I consider sending you this poem
And decide to fuel my heart, my blood
My love with it

I say goodnight to my empty beside
ardnaxela  Dec 2020
ardnaxela Dec 2020
I think it's more hurtful because now
I know I was never heard and
the words I said
didn't really mean much.
Seems you had your own idea
in your head
about who I really was and
handled me as such.
Made a mistake, no doubt.
But really we both did.
But it's worse because I'm a woman -
I guess -
That's what I get
for being so naïve again;
More fantasies to undream,
more feelings to forget.

— The End —