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529 · Apr 2016
2 Player
Mike Rollain Apr 2016
Ms. Pac-Man is in
A cheeky mood

Deftly navigating
Percolating apparitions

Darting between
Narrowing gaps

Just in the nick of time

Overtaking and consuming
Feathered energy

In midair

As I barrel along
Just below

Collecting dots . . .
The struggle is real
522 · Apr 2016
Mike Rollain Apr 2016
Sick and secluded
I discover myself
Bouncing between
Feelings and hot water music

A poetry pong master in the making!

Or perhaps a mere loner
Lost in wild blue?
Criticizing deflections and
The distance of the moon

These tides are my own doing
They'll drag me back in
They always do

A drunken realization of
What matters most
Wanders in and out
Of consciousness
In and out
Of solipsistic getaways
In and out
Of this existential rain
Then miraculously sticks

Becomes static

Crackles and lingers
In my ears like
Bubble wrap buttons
Snapping and
Slamming this
Contemporary chatter
Back into the reality
Of these off-white walls

A residual impact
I can feel in my bones

I wonder who knows
509 · Apr 2016
Mike Rollain Apr 2016
I don't even like mango
But I feel compelled to consume this one

To savor its every liquid thought and
Collect its every persistent ray of color

And allow them all to dissolve on my tongue
As a solitary solution of sweet perspicacity

Not like raindrops falling into my mouth
But like tiny citrusy snowflakes

Colliding with my tastebuds at the speed of sound
And exploding on impact into an existential array

Of earthbound fire
478 · Apr 2016
De Rien
Mike Rollain Apr 2016
An early morning, like most others
Her pale white stare catches mine
A rare, impending sadness looms
And yet
When I implore
She simply takes
A deep, deep breath
Exhales in kind
And winks
475 · Apr 2016
Mike Rollain Apr 2016
You observed for six months as
I clawed away at every fleshy obstacle
And only then were you so compelled
To take part in the excavation
474 · Apr 2016
Mike Rollain Apr 2016
Destiny denied
Bright, painted constellations
Burn with wounded pride
473 · Apr 2016
Mike Rollain Apr 2016
She would feel detached but
Not from this reality or family or friends
It was more of an out-of-body experience
Or maybe a kind of possession
Where neither party is wholly host nor parasite

Sometimes it worried her

On this particular night
When she looked in the mirror
What she found gazing back was
Hardly recognizable and
What familiarity did exist
Was only of feature
Not of the expression that
Lately always seemed to catch her
A little off guard

What's your deal anyway?

She half-expected a verbal response but
What she got was a hint of a spark and
An upward turn at the corner of the mouth

Expression faded
Head slightly tilted
She continued to stare and
Slowly lose herself
Within the deepening void of
Dimensional distortion

When suddenly
Gaze became glare
Eyes narrowed and flared
A blur rippled past
A chill curled at the base of her spine and
Sprung up through her body and
Into her lungs

It stopped there
Expanded there and held
Her breath hostage

Eyes locked
Face white
Skin cold

And then she cracked and
They both laughed
And turned away
And vanished
459 · Apr 2016
Spoken Word
Mike Rollain Apr 2016
When you speak
I don't listen
I absorb your words
I allow them to sink into my bones
I beg them to destroy me from within
Atom by atom
A chain reaction
A cellular Doctor Device
That begins in my marrow
And ends with the incineration
Of the outermost layer of every
Obsessively parched pore

When you speak
I'm not enlightened
The entire universe falls into darkness
Except for your words
Every syllable you utter shines
With a brilliance that doesn't spread
But drains
Every star of its glory
A brilliance that calls it all into question
A brilliance that leaves me wondering
Why I'd ever been born

And when you speak
I'm not alive
The universe dies
There is no movement
No gravity
No inertia
No friction
The breeze stops blowing
The trees stop growing
The electricity
That once flowed through my veins
Can no longer elicit a single heartbeat
And I discover
Just how pointless my efforts ever were

And when you finish
When you've said what you wanted to say
And every perfect syllable is in its perfect place
When the stars start shining and
The planets start moving and
The breeze and the trees are blowing and growing once more

When the oxygen claws its way back into my lungs

I exhale with a smile

And anxiously await the next verse
449 · Apr 2016
That's Amore
Mike Rollain Apr 2016
When it comes along
It falls like rain
And you drink it up
And it saturates
Every cell
Of every pore
Until your soul's had its fill

When it's true
It falls like Georgia rain
And when it falls
It pours
And floods
And if you're not on higher ground
Well, you'd better learn to swim

But most days
It falls like Florida sunshowers
Isolated and sudden and
All at once
Blinding you and
Soaking you and
Deserting you
In broad daylight
Mike Rollain Apr 2016
I learned the difference
Between burglary and robbery
Seven years ago, on a breezy
Late summer evening

I remember it well

Not just from the shock of it all
But because it had been
A rather pleasant day
Up until the moment we arrived
Back at the apartment

The noisemaker alarm
We'd had many an argument over
Was going off and

(Silver lining: at least it worked)

The door stood ajar and
In a moment of pure brilliance
And zero hesitation
I went straight in as if I'd had a clue
What I was doing

The noisy half of the alarm
Was across the room
Ripped from the wall and its mate
Wires hanging off the door and frame
Where that uselessly persistent hunk
Of plastic, now on the floor
Had once been attached

I picked it up and typed in the code

My eyes began to adjust and count
All the ways we'd been violated
On that otherwise peaceful evening
And in a way, the worst offense
Was the still open refrigerator door

The police finally arrived

We gave our statements
And reported our losses
And filled out their forms
And I mentioned that
The last time I'd been robbed
Was when I was a child--

Did I witness the theft?
Was I home at the time?
Was anyone still in the home?

Then I was not robbed and certainly
It was kind of them to inform me so

When they finally left
We packed our clothes
And stayed with friends
And by the end of the week
We were one step closer
To buying our first home and

We never slept in that apartment again
412 · Apr 2016
Mike Rollain Apr 2016
At the precise moment
Beneath inevitability

From within this nucleic bubble
Of disjointed stillness

I can just make out the whispers

The gray-green haze of aged betrayal and
Cyan-tinted halo of every guilty sibilance
Seep through hollow crimson airwaves
And flood each sensory input like
Color-coded chloroform

Diluted just enough
To leave my consciousness intact

To allow me to witness the foundational disassembly

Not to experience the event
(That's what aftershocks are for)
But to document it for future reference

To study the lasting effects
Of impact

And act
396 · Apr 2016
Mike Rollain Apr 2016
I wander these claret corridors
In search of humanity lost
And I find you waiting
Behind a pane of translucence

I was chosen, you tell me
You've been waiting for me
To save you from this hell
And I believe you

I can see the longing in your eyes

There's sadness there too and
I want only for your happiness and so
I devise a plan to set you free

But it's not enough

You need me to see
To truly see
What this freedom will mean
And so I try
Again and again
To empathize with a desperation that
Only the imprisoned can understand
And I just want to show you
That all you really need
Is time in the world
To breathe

But it's not enough

You need proof, you say
As you roll up a sleeve
And I watch in helpless horror
As you cut and bleed
With a surgical precision
That only comes from repetition

To show me your humanity

And as it drips and falls
And collects on the floor
Through the red
I realize

There's none left in your eyes

What was there before
Is now gone, devoid
Of all emotion
From your body and
Pooled at your feet
And I try to run out
But it's far too late

You're already gone
The door's locked
The oxygen's run out
And I'm the one
Left for dead
Inspired by the film Ex Machina.
388 · Apr 2016
Mike Rollain Apr 2016
An almost pointless flight
But it was free
And it was raining
And I wasn't complaining
I just wanted to sleep

But I knew
The second I saw him
Making his way down the aisle
With his big goofy grin
Backpack over one shoulder
He looked like a Bryce


"Hi there!"

Sure enough
I had myself a new buddy
For the next 45 minutes
Whether I wanted one or not

I just wanted to sleep

But his name was Bryce
(To no one's surprise)
And he was 27 and a registered nurse
(Okay, that was unexpected)
And he was on vacation
And visiting his grandma
And meeting up with old friends
And he loved to travel
And run
And poetry
And long romantic walks on the beach-

Or something
I may have nodded off for a bit

He also had a side business
Doing eyelash extensions (!)
And it was tough to balance with nursing
But he liked to stay busy
And he charged $300 per session
And $90 for touch ups
But of course friends and family got discounts
And it was tedious work
And you needed steady hands to do it
And I'd be surprised how lucrative a business it was and dear god I just wanted to ******* sleep

But the plane was landing
"Sorry, I just need to send this text"
Still talking


We were shaking hands

Finally, off the plane and
She was already waiting
With open arms
Bryce? Bryson? Ehh, whatever.
377 · Apr 2016
Just Run With It
Mike Rollain Apr 2016
People are always describing their dreams as crazy.
I had this crazy dream last night, they say.
I think all they really mean is the dream is still fresh in their mind;
crazy means vivid; crazy means I'm going to describe to you my dream as if I believe that it's only a dream but I expect you to tell me what you think it means.

Most of my dreams aren't that crazy, but I did have this really crazy dream the other night.
I was running through a long tunnel; you were there and so was Edward Norton.

We (not Norton, he comes later) were running, hand in hand, like the guy and girl do in those predictable action-thrillers.
It was dim and loud and voices echoed off the tunnel walls and back at us, upon us, like when we were in Atlanta and the sky opened up.

We were running; everybody was running and people were screaming and I had to **** and up ahead were men in black suits and black sunglasses with black AR-10s and they were shooting and people were dropping and I told you to run but you were scared, and it was too late; they were upon us.

They yelled and waved their guns and we did what we were told.
They divided us into two rows, each facing the other.
They were screaming and demanding and firing and people were dropping and I really had to **** and they were looking for a man.
They were looking for Norton and I could point him out and I had to **** but I really liked him in Fight Club and apparently my moral compass was still intact.

So I kept my mouth shut and so did you and and so did Norton and when I awoke the room was cold and dark but I was on a mission.
Dreams are weird. People are weird. Weird weird weird.
367 · Apr 2016
Mike Rollain Apr 2016
They're all so busy
So desperate
To spread
To create
To infect
To shine
To meet
To drink
To call
To lie

I just want time
To stop
360 · Apr 2016
Over or Under
Mike Rollain Apr 2016
Bridges are wonting thresholds
And this one is no exception

The widest visual spectrum I've seen in years
Splits the sky from sinking shadows and

Each of these straggling drops is
Far too hot to be liquid, yet the streets

Diligently gather and swallow whole
This budding collection of backlit dreams

My palate has been cleansed
These dilated pupils are a *****

But if I close my eyes
Even for a second...
334 · Apr 2016
Mike Rollain Apr 2016
You introduced me
We played them over and over
Always in order
You said it was the only way
To really appreciate them

So we played them
Over and over
So many times
I could anticipate the starting pitch
Of every track
I wanted to save you
And when I traced away the fog-
Well, you know


Inside jokes
Mirrored empathy
Corrected lines
The wrong ones I continued to sing
Just so you'd crack a smile

Those seven years of summer
Saw an evolution
An eternal return
And predictable though it was
What resulted was
Profoundly, undeniably unique
And I'll never forget that

But I can't do it
I can't let them go
I won't let you have them
I'm taking back every single one
And I'm breathing into them new life
With oxygen from my own blood
From my own sweat and tears
And what emerges now
Is a revolution
So pure
And entirely untouched
That I know now
Without a shadow of a doubt

I earned this
325 · Apr 2016
Skin Deep
Mike Rollain Apr 2016
At dinner with his father
In reflexive response to the worry
Of his sister's relationship and
Its eminent failure:

"Well, most relationships end prematurely"

He hadn't meant it
He'd meant "her" relationships
Not "most"

But he'd been divorced
And so had both of his parents
And several of their friends
And both of his aunts
And his friend
And her friend
And his former boss
And a neighbor
And a barber
And this random guy at the bar
And now another friend--

Being alone when you know
What it's like to not be
Has a way of warping your perspective

Or maybe they were right after all

Maybe his optimism was only skin deep
I tried to write, a rarely productive endeavor.
162 · Nov 2021
My Cat
Mike Rollain Nov 2021
has torn your book
redstained spine
scarred sand-
paper palm


— The End —