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  Jan 2015 Lil Kitten
DC raw love
Roses are red
Vilots are blue

When she says
I love you

I reply
  Jan 2015 Lil Kitten
Her eyes worked perfectly fine.
But She was blind: maybe because she chose to be.
I lied, I cheated, I played silly games on Her every chance I got.
Yet, I told Her that she was my only One,
And she listened. (She wasn't deaf)
But ****! She was blind as *****!.

And now,

I got this beautiful Dime that I'm recently dating. Her names Casey. ****, everytime she smiles my kidneys faint.
Her sweet voice commands me to do almost anything.
Sometimes she doesn't pick up Her phone and in public she doesn't wanna hold hands too much. She lies about where she been last night...
She tells me I'm Her only One,
And I believe Her...
Am I blind too?
  Jan 2015 Lil Kitten
Under Empty Skies
Sometimes during the drowsiness
And after the feeling of remembering the times we stayed up talking.
I call your number hoping for the day.
When one missed call can become one never ending conversation,
And I can finally say.
I've missed you.
But I laugh because I know.
That you'll just say,
I know you do, but your love,
Is a love I threw away.
Lil Kitten Dec 2014
I wanna smoke with you.
lie under the stars,
and talk,
about the world.
and your views.
I want to kiss you on your neck.
I want you to get the same trembling feeling I get when you do it.
if we smoke,
we can vibe.
no more fighting.
everything would be calm,
*for once
Lil Kitten Dec 2014
I text you
you used to respond
with "baby I love you"
now I watch you ignore me and everything we used to be.
I wanted you.
you were my one and only
I knew you would be forever,
you know,
what we had was amazing,
I miss the days we would lie in the grass and talk.
we'd talk for hours.
I really loved you,
but what I don't understand,
why her over me?
what did I do to deserve this?
I wake up at night and write.
about us,
how we were.
you were the only one who understood.
most of the time was good.
we never had bad, dull, moments.
we rarely fought
and we got along
so why?
why have things ended?
I wake up and smoke.
to try and erase you from my memory.
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