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The walls are there for a reason
As ugly and inconvenient as they may be
The walls are there for a reason
Though the reasons may only be clear to me

The trust is gone for a reason
People are fickle and they lie
The trust is absent for a reason
Though many may ask why

The love is gone for a reason
My memory has much it has stowed
The love is gone for a reason
Because of more hurt than is allowed to let show

The stability is gone for a reason
Too much changes in a glance
The stability is gone for a reason
Although stability never stood much of a chance

The distance is there for a reason
Can't let people or things become too dear
The distance is there for a reason
Betrayal is what I most fear
I'm in a room surrounded
Trapped and locked inside
There's a door on which I'm pounding with all my power and my might

Then pretty soon I realized
I'm the one with the key
And if only I could find the lock, Then I'd be able to leave

But the keyhole is misshapen
It has been beaten and worn down
The key will not fit and I wonder if I will ever be found

There is no way to repair the lock
I can only break down the wall
If I want to move past the room that contains me, I need to break it, once and for all.
Sometimes you have to take matters into your own hands and help yourself and grow up
The walls won't come tumbling down
There's no horn player from Jericho
The fortress took years to build
And more scars than the stones let show

You chipped away at the barrier
You really, truly did
For a while some interior was exposed
The fortress' contents unhid

But danger is ever present
Some entrants will be foes
And castles have no filter
The drawbridge is either open or closed

And even thought the door was shut
You swam across the moat
Fighting to be let in
Not realizing the futility of your hope

In the end you will not win
No matter how strong the advance
The guards are strong and the castle cold
You never stood a chance

However, you left something long lasting
Something that cannot be taken back
You left a crack in the fortress
And maybe one day the walls will collapse
Sometimes you aren't as ready to love as others want you to be
Eb and Flow
To and Fro
Push and Pull
Which way to go?
decisions are hard
Beginning: A lamb with a fluffy fleece
Soon she will be naked
These fine strands of taken
To be twisted by a machine
From an atom-like jumble comes a line
And the line is to be twisted yet again
But twisted in a methodical pattern
Cast off, put on. The sock.
Am I the sock or the wearer of the sock? I am never sure

— The End —