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 Jun 2022 HerInMyHeart
Andy Chunn
my melted minutes
searing sunshine sultry stares
torrid tropic tease
I returned home at 4 o clock
The latest time I’ve ever known
Through your voice I found my echo
Through your voice I found my home

And in the pitch black, hopeless moments
There’s one place I always go
Your fragile pulse pressed flush against me
Your soul making me it’s own
तुम फूल , मैं तितली‌‌ हूं
तुम आज़ाद, मैं ‌बंधा हूं
तुम चुप, मैं गुनगुनाता हूं
उड़ता सा स्पर्श तेरा पाता हूं
तब‌ आशिक कहलाता हूं।।
 Sep 2015 HerInMyHeart
If I was an artist
I would make you my moon
To shine on me in the darkness
And stay with me
Even when my shadow leaves
 Sep 2015 HerInMyHeart
 Sep 2015 HerInMyHeart
Your elegance entrances me.
The way you carry your words
the way they roll off your tongue
and melt like butter in my mind.
The way you carry your body
like you own the world
like you own the universe.
I am entranced by your elegance.
 Sep 2015 HerInMyHeart
 Sep 2015 HerInMyHeart
He told me my scars weren't beautiful
And I told him that no one could ever really admire a masterpiece
Without taking a few steps back
Your scars make you who you are and no matter what you are beautiful
 Sep 2015 HerInMyHeart
I've forgotten how to live
like a man on death row
accustomed to four walls
and the monotony of routine
waiting for the inevitable

yet still I hold out for the miracle
some dna evidence that this is all a mistake
that there is something waiting for me
and that this death will give way
to pastures full of sheep
waiting for the shepherd to return
 Sep 2015 HerInMyHeart
no direction, dressed in distress
suppressed by excess of regret
expected infection, hard to digest
a left mess that's best to forget

projected wreck is yet to accept
object of the reflected effect
where defective breath has wept
i rest in the echo of my neglect
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