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129 · Jan 2022
“ i luv ya ”
daphne Jan 2022
I never liked how you
abbreviate certain terms,
omit your punctuations,
lowercase your ‘I’s.

I was raised to be scrupulous,
to spell the word as they are,
to add periods at the end of sentences,
to capitalize my pronouns.

Correcting you became a habit of mine,
I rather liked the red flush in your face,
the downward tug of your lips,
how you'd avoid my gaze.

Still, you managed to find a way,
to gain the upper hand,
with a smirk on your lips,
your careless fingers sent:

“ i luv ya ”

With the tables now turned,
a scorching heat spread on my face,
I frowned as I stared at the text,
deliberately avoiding your gaze.

You never had a way with words,
you abbreviate certain terms,
you omit your punctuations,
you lowercase your ‘I’s.

However, i rather liked how it's so very you.

Perhaps, that is why...

“ I love you too. ”
107 · Jan 2022
bottle it up
daphne Jan 2022
i really don't
want to make you upset
it's best if i
just left things unsaid
but the burden
weighs inside my chest
they really won't
let me lay down and rest
God, i must
look like an absolute mess
it has you saying
“hey, you seem stressed”
when you frown
there is no way i'd confess
so i decided
this feeling i won't address
“nah, i'm fine”
though it seems suppressed
it's so suffocating
but i know it's for the best
i really don't
want to make you upset
105 · Dec 2023
your reading glasses
daphne Dec 2023
how evil grief is
to make me latch desperately
onto this little trace you left behind
as the world i've worked so hard
to build without you crumbles
and destroys the only stability
i thought i could maintain.
105 · Jul 2023
daphne Jul 2023
i do well with criteria, i must confess,
it acts as a guideline to avoid a mess,
i always fulfill criteria with dedication,
to earn your love, my aspiration.

but anxiety takes hold within my heart,
when love is shown without a chart,
without standards to guide your affection,
i question if it's really a genuine connection.

if you were to leave, i'd blame my own strife,
my inadequacy would be the result of this life,
for without criteria to prove my worth,
then i am nothing but a piece of dirt.
100 · Dec 2023
love language
daphne Dec 2023
when it rained,
i placed my hand above your head
as we ran for our ride back home.

that was the closest thing
i could come to a love letter.
99 · Dec 2023
our fundamental right
daphne Dec 2023
in a world
where anybody can be hated
for no particular reason,
being loved without one
is a privilege we all deserve.
97 · Aug 2023
coffee gives me anxiety
daphne Aug 2023
I think it's too scary to be in love.

You offer them a cup of coffee,
and then your heart races,
hoping it wasn't too hot or too cold, and hoping that the mistake you overlooked was not reason enough
to leave you forever.
96 · Oct 2022
time heals all wounds
daphne Oct 2022
before i knew it,
it wasn't february anymore

gone are the days
where i longed for the rain
in the afternoon heat

now it was august here
and the monsoon season
made our once empty backyard
fill with mangosteens and rambutans

it downpours every day
i finally got what i wanted in february
but ironically, i find myself missing
the afternoon heat once again

i hate being chained
to this feeling

i hate being in this cycle
of constant longing

only six months have passed
but so have you

and i have to learn how to adapt
to the change of seasons
and loneliness
once again
daphne Dec 2023
two strangers
sat in two different rows
watching The Avengers
but this is how their story goes

today, they will cross paths
and catch a glimpse of each other
the girl rushing to finish her drafts
the boy breaking up with his ex lover

two unacquainted lives intersect
waiting for the right place, right time
like a highly anticipated project
to make two random words rhyme

a few years from now, two strangers
will find their lives intertwined by fate
two strangers to friends to lovers
that will become each other's soulmate

right now, they may not be aware
of the resilient red string
that they both share
like a binding, invisible ring

all the stories they create now
they will share to each other later
exchanging "seriously?" and "wow!"
as they take turns to be the narrator

for now, two strangers
sat across from each other in a tearoom
the boy vowing to have no more lovers
the girl creating drafts for her next volume
87 · Jan 2023
language barrier
daphne Jan 2023
it's never going to work between
the girl whose love language is poems
and the boy whose love language is
peeling off her prawn shells

she wants him to immortalize her
through words on paper
but he's too busy folding her
1000 origami paper cranes

he wants her to bring him
breakfast in bed for his birthday
but she's too busy quoting love songs
that reminds her of him

there was a language barrier between them

it made them doubt each other

"does he really love me?"
she asks herself as he braids her hair
while she talks about the deeper meaning behind her poems

"does she really love me?"
he asked himself as she romanticized every little thing he does for her
and writes about it

perhaps, she will never know just how much he loves her when he's building her a library for all the books she owns

perhaps, he will never know just how much she loves him when she writes about how days without him felt like an eternity
86 · Nov 2022
one day // day one
daphne Nov 2022
“i wish i can be as happy as you 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐲”

“be happy 𝐧𝐨𝐰”
82 · Dec 2023
i want to be your phone
daphne Dec 2023
in another life,
i want to be your phone.

i would light up in your eyes,
and you would suppress a smile
as you tickle my body with your thumbs.
in the morning,
i would wake up beside you,
your fingers still wrapped around me
like the night before.
at night,
i would have your full attention.
you will play with me in bed,
even as your lids grow heavy.
when you don't sense me close,
it would send your heart racing with unease.
when i ring for your attention,
you will look for me immediately.

"in another life, i want to be your phone,"
i say,
looking up into your eyes.

"that's silly,"
you respond,
looking down at your phone.
79 · Sep 2023
daphne Sep 2023
i killed my succulent today.
its leaves swelled, mushed,
and lost its vibrant green hue.
its body began to separate,
and plop lifeless on my windowsill.
i never know when to stop giving.
i give and give too much.
i didn't allow my love time
to dry out between waterings.
i wish it knew the depth of my heart,
that i never meant to make its roots rot,
but i give and give too much.
71 · Aug 2023
to have and to hold
daphne Aug 2023
in another life
i would hold your hand
instead of holding out my feelings
and holding back the temptation
to hold your hand
64 · Mar 2023
learned helplessness
daphne Mar 2023
you know what's truly hopeless?
crying into your sheets
in the middle of the night,
your mouth gaping wide,
and yet no sound is coming out,
you feel your throat closing up,
feel your lips getting dry,
your eyes swollen
as you beg.

beg for the saviour
written in the scriptures.

beg for salvation
from a God you don't even believe in.

that's hopelessness.
60 · Aug 2023
daphne Aug 2023
she smiled shyly at him
he grinned back
and they both sat there
smiling stupidly at each other
58 · Apr 13
divine love, i suppose
daphne Apr 13
my first unrequited love
was between God and i.
i spent countless of nights,
repeating the same hopeless pleas,
wondering if his love is
silent or silence.
57 · Dec 2023
are you listening?
daphne Dec 2023
sometimes, when we speak,
it feels like i am writing a story
that you will never read.

have you grown bored of my content?

have you grown bored of me?
43 · Mar 10
the broken vase
daphne Mar 10
i broke one of my vases the other day.
it was rather simple in design, modest.
its shape unassuming, its colours muted.
but it broke me just the same
to watch it shatter into a million tiny pieces.

as i knelt beside the scattered fragments,
my hands trembling to gather them,
i realize how alike i was to the vase;
how little i must have mattered to you.

when you broke me into pieces,
a nonchalant sigh escaped your lips,
hardly fazed by the accident.
you hummed a tune under your breath,
your mind already drifting to other matters.

why would you dwell about something easily replaced and forgotten?

why would you dwell about me?
30 · 2d
hard to maintain
daphne 2d
my hair has always been unruly.

i was no stranger to things that are hard to maintain.

so, when you ran your fingers through my head, i become very aware of you.

the twitch of your lips, the way your breath slowed.

is the coarse texture off putting? does it bother you that it's blooming from my scalp?

as your fingers come past my shoulders and to the end of their journey, you stare at your hand, realizing you had tugged a few stray strands that coiled in different patterns.

i held my breath, waiting for the familiar look of disgust on your face.

“your natural hair is lovely.”

my world stilled.

you had my heart in your hand, but did not choose to crush it.

in fact, you even planted warmth as you watered the roots of my rapidly beating *****.

i was no stranger to things that are hard to maintain.

but, oh, how i wish you wouldn't be.

— The End —