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  Nov 2015 Desirea Fox
Rafael Melendez
It's sad to think about but the light comes and goes, and it's sad to say, but I always knew I'd wind up being in her shadow.
Desirea Fox Oct 2015
you were the sun and i am the stars, but don't you get it? you are still the sun to me, but i can not shine in you present, but rather at nights present. that's why you wanted the ocean, and i kept it form you.
  Oct 2015 Desirea Fox
Rafael Melendez
A lifelong amount of moments to a matter of seconds in my head, a few drops of liquid in my brain that could have erased all of the miserable feelings in my uneasy gut.

You used to always roll my sleeves up for me, but now my sweaters are in the closet and they're catching dust.
And now winter is coming, but I would have worn them for you in the summer.
Desirea Fox Oct 2015
every one thinks i can do it,
every one thinks i can get through this ******* sadness and be happy,
every one thinks my poems will be happy,
instead of sad.
every thinks im strong. pretty. flawless.
except me.
the one person who counts.
Desirea Fox Oct 2015
how can you tell me to be happy
with tears running down my face
and my hands shaking frantically?

oh please tell me how.

how can you me to be happy
when all i have are sad thoughts
running through my mind?
felling pathetic, and ****?

oh, please do tell me how.
Desirea Fox Oct 2015
staring blankly at the wall, felling every feeling in the world, yet felling nothing at the same time.
Desirea Fox Oct 2015
how are you so calm right now?
is it because your numb?
is it because your just pushing it all away?
how are you so calm right now? 
just short poems to lazy to add tags.,
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