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 Apr 2018
Amanda Kay Burke
It is hard to be loyal
When a friend ignores
The unwritten quiet code
Among better shores

They delicately drift away
Leaving no trace behind
Except unspoken words
That we cannot find

Bound to a promise
Turned to a curse
Our ups and downs
Poured out into verse

Rumors, secrets, and lies
Run rampant through the day
While we helplessly watch
Worn memories fade

The more that we struggle
The harder it gets
To work and untangle
Our huge woven mess

Like a broken record
We cannot mend
There seem to be cliffs
Around the next bend

We have built a wall
That cannot be torn down
Now in a sea of anger
We both stubbornly drown

Meaningless smiles
Can't fool us anymore
I think it is time
We walk out the door

It kills me to say this
I do not want to lie
Somehow I will still love you
I am saying goodbye
An old one I took out some extra buts and ands and rephrased a few lines and the difference is phenomenal.

— The End —