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 Jun 2015
This isn't the remedial rhythm your grandfather told you he listened to when he was a lad
This rhythm is the sole possessor of unfathomable depths
A melodic perception of what awaits at the steps of cognitive pools
Each bubble coalesces at the apex and pops with a reckless flush
Liquifed sound scatters and turns to dust
You can hear it on your skin
It's slight
But you can almost decipher what that muse was mouthing before you took the dive
Warning: Contents under forever
Sand does not absorb these notes
Infinitesimal grime only shocks and provokes
Until the boiling point is reached
The clock will strike half past infinity before you can even see
Your reflection's hymn ripple across the well of eternity
 Jun 2015
There is a primordial groove that eludes brevity and alludes to heavenly steps caught between breaths. It exudes an archaic depth and consumes in rhythmic hues of reds greens and blues, fours threes and twos. It’s measured in winters, and it springs and falls like the heartbeat during the strumming of heartstrings and empyrean elegance.
 Jun 2015
The last words of an upstart
Coming into their own
Feels like the heart stopped but the fire has grown
Wild and strange
Bristles with energy
****** expression unchanged
The face of adversity might’ve put on some weight
Surface unearthly
Distorted and framed in odd spotlight
Reflection is way beyond my means but I’m alright
The waves stay unchanged
Adamant in resolve and I’ve learned from the same mix of granite and seasalt
Great leaps come grand skyfall
I wish you sun rays
          Sometimes I even wish I could stay
But we have our own fates
They clashed for a time but now we part ways
Just til the next time our paths cross and blaze trails across the skyline

                                                ­        Whirlwinds and paradise
                                                        ­Never missing the heartlines
                                                      ­  Forever kissing the starlight
 Jun 2015
Love ain’t for the faint of heart
Cause it wrecks your soul and leaves you scarred
Let breath unfold underneath the charred remains of your patience
Soulmate remains nameless
In place a name wrought with memories of sacred
Until one day they express that you ain’t ****
Writhing in pain and your days thin to ways you can stay numb
In waves the hate sung
False anger with your fate strung on threads of late night drinking
Endless hours of thinking about how it all went wrong
You second guess your first kiss with palms balled up in fists
Straining to remain calm it just doesn’t fit
Voids draw you into the abyss
Your heart skips
Mind is in manic shifts of agony and dissonance
The lights gone
Darkness sits with faces drawn in prisms
Explains the end and the beginning are just lessons all much weather
The wounds fester and rip at your intestines
Sheer dread and suddenly convalescence
The scars you bear now filled with poise and wisdom
Knowledge and room to expand your own decisions
Each grain a possibility to new depths
Lovely, really
The way life tends to find ways to keep you sun-kissed under cloudy skies
 Jun 2015
Splintered decisions
Now here’s the fun part
Finding which way is quickest to the stars
The quietest outro with the detour to mars
Despite all the downpour I’ve cut through and charted a path to the new
Looked past what you’ve put me through
I know I’ve done the same
All this time and the shame still plays in the back of my brain
Symphonies of deceit and false image of grandeur
Reliquaries built on the blood of the meek
High and mighty was the sheep
Lofty in aims getting fat for the feast
Deigned to believe it a wolf and was greeted with punctured lungs
Blood spilled from the throat of the unsung
Devoured on behalf of its insolence
Now the grave screams to be undone

At last I return to where I begun

— The End —