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 Aug 2016
andrew juma
Mirror by my bedside
Why are you in cahoots with the inner man?
Expose him
Give me a three dimension reflection

What you hide
When you feed my fantasy?
What sentiments you keep burried
Among a thousand reflections?

Plastic reflections you give me
Sunrise and sunsets
Thriving in impressions
You suffocate the real me,vainly

Can you see past my face?lets face it,
In darkness will you see a light in this heart?
In light will you reveal hiding gloom?

Lift off your make-up tonight, dont fake it
Show me where
Visions thin into illusions
Strip it all down, give me the explicit

An imperceptive liar you've become
You frustrated some
They smashed their fist into you, lied to you
Everything that you hide someday explodes

Show me you so I show you me
Be true
And I will be real
Don't care how long it lasts
 Aug 2016
andrew juma
Crawling over broken glass for adoration,
Acceptance and fulfilment
The heart beats fraily
Hemorrhaging with disappointment

The world spoke promises that never came back
Occasionally they echo in mocking reverberation
The D man below eager, drinking and licking
Every drop leaking from my sour cuts

The world is beautiful with its facades
Encouraging young roses bloom beautifully
But then they wither sadly
The sky leaks happy showers occasionally
That dissolve in a sea of sourness

I look out from my pensive window
Streets are washed in acidic struggles
Trees suffocated and emaciated
Someone once cared for them
Now they don't

Sadistic eyes stare at me
As i watch the world from my window
I dare not step out, I retreat to my cocoon
Where it is just me and my faithful alphabets

Unconditionally the love
Faithfully they never let go
I roll and twirl them into a bandage for my wounds
So the horned man below does not **** life out of me
Poetic hope
 Mar 2015
andrew juma
Chocolates ,warmth,love
The first time I walked with a girl I was nine,
Cold and weighted down,
With a backpack full of books
June,my feet freezing in my shoes,
My breath producing steamy frost ahead of me,
Then disappearing.I walked toward her house,
The one ever quiet with many trees,
A dog barked at me until she came out
Hands in gloves and woven marvin on the head, I smiled, touched her shoulder and  led her down the street, across a green park and a garage, until we were facing an old candy shop, we entered, I turned to the sweets ,colored and boring,
I asked her what she wanted-
Light in her eyes, a smile split across her face,
I fingered a penny in my pocket,
And when she lifted a chocolate, I didn't say anything.I took the penny and a different flavor, and placed them squarely on the table,
When I looked up, the girl's eye met mine, and she held them,
Knowing very well what it was about,
Outside, a few cars hissing past,
I unwrapped mine fast and shared a bite
Fog hanging low in the trees,
Warmth spreading in my veins,
I held my girl's hand in mine

— The End —