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S-weetest ever, sweetest heart
W-earing a smile, I love so much
E-veryday, everynight
E-very moment of my life
T-hankful I am for your gift
H-eart of mine wants to receive
E-very drop of your rain
A-sk me now if there is pain
R-ead my eyes, my lips, my deeds
T-rue love of mine, you're all I need


Distracting myself.
 Jan 2016 C Michael Higgins
when last have i had a 3am kind of conversation,
with my star like emotions scattered all over the darkest parts of me,
mimicking the sky,
my moon like persona that always returns back to hiding me away.  
when last have i felt safe enough to let somebody in,
to not have visions of my vulnerability being tied to the bed after he locks the door behind him,
his voice like some sort of broken record that keeps on repeating that
"it's gonna be okay."
when last have i had a shoulder to cry on that isn't my own,
for my neck to stop worrying that the tear filled sea on either side won't get waves big enough to drown me.  
when last okay,
when last has it felt good to be me.
in the deepest and utmost corner of my heart
the pain is being hidden

and on the outside
you will witness
my sweetest smile

if only
you will catch a glimpse
behind those eyes
is the loneliness that being kept

if only
you will stop and stare for awhile
you will find out
that i am in despair

i was wondering
if the saying

"in the eyes you will see the real feelings of a person"

is true

because why can't you see?

that i am






the twin of love is pain
Passion in the midst,
Hunger is what it is.
Determined to make a change.
Scared for those in pain.
Pride wont let them stop,
Fighting with all they have got.
Acceptance of what is right.
Freedom for those in plight.
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