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So this is defeat.
This place in which helplessness and discontentment meet.
This off rhythmic step to a melancholy beat.

It seeps into the creeks where light once resided.
Confiding to no one the fears that I hide when shedding my tears in places pride cant thrive in.


This feeling that cant be beat nor destroyed.
This strong-force that makes all joyful things void.
In this world so dark and dim, I ask myself "where do I begin?"
How do I open the windows to my soul to shed the light in?

For it's harder than it seems... the fall of shattered broken dreams.
This place where self-destructive schemes and life's worn down seams meet.


*-Bobbie Leigh
Once I spoke the language of the flowers,
Once I understood each word the caterpillar said,
Once I smiled in secret at the gossip of the starlings,
And shared a conversation with the housefly
in my bed.
Once I heard and answered all the questions
of the crickets,
And joined the crying of each falling dying
flake of snow,
Once I spoke the language of the flowers. . . .
How did it go?
How did it go?
dragged down
cut down
clown without
his thorny crown
Just now
it came to me
There is nothing
beyond this moment
Everything that will be
is just a stubborn postponement.
Tommorow never knows...But yesterday was...real?
The only true freedom
is a life devoid of love.
 Oct 2012 Alice Curtis
Pandora dO
I         can
      only, truly      r  e   l a  x


Trying to sleep... Wish I'd succeed.
linger like cigerette smoke
as I inhale them
giving myself over to the images
of you
and I
locked in a kiss
that only tasted of goodbyes
I just hate goodbyes
 Sep 2012 Alice Curtis
Ahmad Cox
Life gets better
You have to believe
Have faith in the storm
Even as deep as the darkness
Things will get better
The storm
Has an
Bird wings, sing
song's sweet play,
gone - the rains washing
Hawk glides the sky stalking
talons piercing prey
dark the skies
they fall away
two birds
one dying
 Sep 2012 Alice Curtis
Pandora dO
The blue sky is clear
with fluffy, white clouds floating
and the sun shining.
Rain passed into the distance,
the day seems to start out fine.
 Sep 2012 Alice Curtis
This mortal state is not my own
It is too fleet to call a home
Bound and strapped in chiming chains
Until the circle turns again

I hear a spirit calling me
Awake, let loose the ties, be free
Draw to a close this mundane game
To return from whence you came

But for as long as I may choose
My choice is not to follow you
My lust for life still shines too strong
So my friend for now, be gone
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