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  Apr 2018 Pure Bliss
Hopeless Outlet
Until my face eased back
from the form of a smile
due to a memory
of you.
I never would have believed
it could happen,
even if you told me.
Pure Bliss Apr 2018
Black power,
All hour,
White supremacist,
My nemesis,

They’ve always said that blacks get no rights,
But segregation has no fight,
There is sight,
I stand with my power,
So I can say Black Power!
Pure Bliss Apr 2018
When you see her cry,
You want to die,
When you see the tears streaming down her face,
You lose all faith in society,
Due to the reality,

As she sits in the dark,
She fights a shark,
The shark of depression
That has made a major progression,
As she cries,
You feel so confused,
You don’t know what to do
So you cry too,
You want to help her,
But you’re afraid that you’ll stress her,
So you give her some space
Being careful not to give her to much
As she falls in to the rut of suicide,

You go to call her,
No answer,
So you call over and over,
Each time with no answer,
So you go to her house,
You knock on the door,
No answer,
So you knock louder,
Still no answer,
You open the door
What you see is to forget,
Her blouse just hanging there,
Hanging by the rope of death.
This poem is about a girl that i used to know who was suffering from major depression. I was very close to her, So as you read this please enjoy!
  Apr 2018 Pure Bliss
Pain written across your beautiful face
Beautiful girl you are
Filled with pain from afar
Troubles fill your mind
Burning bridges from all around

Trust long gone
Nothing but dust
Lust in your eyes
For this beautiful new surprise  

Pain hidden behind the barbs  of your heart
Yet openly revealed
On the mind of your eyes
Capturing your internal soul
Bringing the pain to the surface

Beautiful girl you are
With a pained smile on your face
Pure Bliss Apr 2018
When you see her cry,
You want to die,
When you see the tears streaming down her face,
You lose all faith in society,
Due to the reality,

As she sits in the dark,
She fights a shark,
The shark of depression
That has made a major progression,
As she cries,
You feel so confused,
You don’t know what to do
So you cry too,
You want to help her,
But you’re afraid that you’ll stress her,
So you give her some space
Being careful not to give her to much
As she falls in to the rut of suicide,

You go to call her,
No answer,
So you call over and over,
Each time with no answer,
So you go to her house,
You knock on the door,
No answer,
So you knock louder,
Still no answer,
You open the door
What you see is to forget,
Her blouse just hanging there,
Hanging by the rope of death.
This poem is about a girl that i used to know who was suffering from major depression. I was very close to her, So as you read this please enjoy!
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