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She wished me abundant joy
The best wish I ever got

I told her of my problems
I told her stories, Scott

Tonight the soccer field
Nearly all alone

The religious are often frightened
I read them on my phone

I too speak of God
But only as mystery

Bless you, Sheherazad
When I through shall not be

              Please bless me.
 Jul 2021 Michael T Chase
Zoe Mae
I loved you the moment we met
Your imperfections made me forget
About my glaring flaws that you never saw
And still have chose not to see yet
My parents call me the only normal kid of the family which is a nice cover story but the reality is that I am the weird, rebellious, special needs kid with a silver tongue and a heart of gold.
My siblings call me weird, an old soul, an elder person, an enigma and annoying. That's more accurate.
Normal is Boring, it's insulting to my intelligence to be called normal by my parents.
Normal is Boring, I don't like the word normal because it's full of false tales and societal expectations.
 Jul 2021 Michael T Chase
I think the entire world's addicted to a type of sadness we see in broken mirrors.
I saw you
Through the screen
On that second
Why did I think
It was meant to be

Now read from bottom to top.
Half of the world sleeps
While the other half wakes up.
One more light goes out
 Jul 2021 Michael T Chase
So cool, for
papers to drink
to make its surface
moist with some
upper and lower
cases, and the word
in the watery passage
of phrases
Safana's Poetry Kitchen
stitch my mouth
one at a time

stealing words
from smoke

a dream
from my head
Where do you go,
When you're back in town?
Do you drive by
The torn down church?
The old graveyard famous
For fornication, or the old-style
Dairy Queen with the good
Downtown's too young now--
Let's put it that way--
No one there you'd know.
Try to remember
Where you left your heart,
When you see me
Looking up the road.
The nature of earth
is the balance of power
I’ll never come back
from smelling the flowers!
Traveler 🧳 Tim
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