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804 · Dec 2018
A walk in the night
Labhrás Dec 2018
A walk in the night
Cool, calm, solitary.

Darkness as I walk,
The cool night air
Envelops, absorbs.

My mind drifts,
I become the darkness
My feet lift from the ground.

Drifting in a starless night,
Wishing to disappear
As does the darkness at dawn.

Suddenly pulled to earth,
A car drives by.
Then, once again

Alone, in the darkness I walk.
Alone, with the drifting of my mind.
Alone, in cold air and black night.
Partially drafted on a walk a few years ago, finally completed I think. First attempt at this. Feedback warmly welcome!
155 · Dec 2018
Pentacles V
Labhrás Dec 2018
Why do you follow me wherever I go?
You **** five of pentacles
Are behind every corner.

How many readings?
Every one for the past month(or more?)
The **** five of pentacles
chase me no more.

What are you trying to tell me?
Something in my nature?
Anxiety, I already know.
Show the five of pentacles no more.

But still it appears.
Why now? what is wrong now?
Are the five telling me
Of other things as well?

Heed its warning.
Fix my problems.
Is the five of pentacles gone now?
No. Always. Present.

The five of pentacles
Imagery burned into my skull
A wilted rose or travelers in the cold
Torment me no more.
139 · Dec 2018
Labhrás Dec 2018
Music is built in my soul
Ingrained, instinctual, a calling.

Always has been there for me
Comforting, therapy, my home.

Why is music growing dimmer?
Uncertain, fearful, stress-driven.

The musician I thought fate was calling
Is this who I am meant to be...
93 · Sep 2019
Confusion and change
Labhrás Sep 2019
What happened
Where did I go wrong
Who am I now.

Questions move and flow
In a constant flurry
And still I’m just left with how.

How did I get here
What did I do
Or maybe it was unstoppable

Where once I found security
Now I find dispare;

Where have I become to little,
Or where was I never there.
77 · Dec 2018
Labhrás Dec 2018
There are no words.

Maybe someday I will find them
A familiar feeling

— The End —