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What is it to be compelled?
What is it to have a feeling ****** upon?
Like a needle
It ******,
Scratches and sticks
Stays in mind
Repeats, rewinds and repeats
Time and time and time...

Until, another comes about
Pricking, sticking and repeating
Like the one prior
Only different in its nature
Stemmed and born to cater
The prototype that preceded
Predicated on deceiving
One's perception of the first.

And another third to sift off the second
And a forth to sift off the third...

Leaving one deaf, blind and dumb
Becoming nothing but an outcast;
A sad and lonely ***.
Immobilised and cocooned in bed;
The warm glimmering shine of sun-
Touch not registered  
Given the compelled numb.
Love is a mindless obsession.
Oblique as point
View here I bear thought
Hard in heart
That glows with blue hue.
Timeless affection
Endless inner dialogue
Leave everything external regressive
Engulfed within self
Once layered within other
Oh Brother
I am Russian Doll
For now
Oh Well.
Regrets are none
I'm alright in this state of confusion.
Oh, Right
In this compelled numb!
It is a strain
That wonderful darkness that pulls.
Like the roots of weeds
It grabs by the knees and holds.
Causing deep thoughts to cluster;
Amalgamate and fuse.
Leaving only frustrations to fluster
And pendulate one's mood.
I guess I don't get it and that's fine,
The rumblings, the gestures,
The's all alien,
What lies beneath the icewall is visible yet I can't pry in.
I can't get to the other side.
All to be is passive,
All to do is stomach the ride.
To Idealise is Sin!
For one ignores truth,
instead holding with sentiment a specific image within.
Without flaw and without compromise,
a picture unattainable.
Perfection in beauty and in mind.
Ultimately bearing no ties
to what truly exists.

His object of desire is like a flake of snow;
each entanglement of the fibers of ice hold
patterns only visible under rigorous scrutiny.
Yet the closer one gets,
near to contact, it begins to hit ya
like a brick to the chest;
it bears no resemblance
uglier than expected is the picture.
Broken in agony one becomes;
stock still stared.
Knocked like a left hook to the chin.
A fallen soul unwilling to be spared.
Isolated he roams.
In anguish he brims, as a result
He becomes the metal man with nothing but a heart of tin.

For this reason and this reason alone...
To Idealise is Sin!
Solitarily in silence sitting.
It's fine!
She moves slow here; time.
Not to linger but fester,
To remind of misery.
Not to comfort but pester,
nag does she.
Hold in place
lure tantalisingly.
Motivation nowhere to be found
Gagged tied and bound.
I'm not getting out of this anytime soon
It's fine.
I'll survive.
For now I sit dazed,
ignoring the outside;
locked in my haven.
An insomniac reluctantly lucid from midnight to noon.
In melancholic glee
trapped in my room.
Stuck is how I feel.
Stuck is what I am.
A stick in the mud,
a gum on the shoe,
a feeling; motionless
given troubles I can't address
in an endless abyss I stand.
Stuck is what I am.

Trapped it has made me.
Alone it has caved me.
Isolated in the centre
in the coldest of winter;
without friend,
without plan.
Stuck is what I am.

— The End —