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Stiji Alphonsa Sep 2020
I am filled..
Covered in Your colours ..
So that You are..
Always with Me..
We sat intact ,alone on the corners of benched sand dunes
Far away from tantrums of the beach and dwellers
Chatted long of the past present and future..
With no voice overheard, any eyes unnoticed
Perched together with hand in hand
Heart on heart facing head to head
Viewed ocean's happy and furious tides
Thrilled people with rhythms of waves
But silently in a world our own
Cherished our intimacy....
Embraced our lively lovely togetherness
Me and my loneliness !!
Stiji Alphonsa Jul 2020

Self isolation
Stiji Alphonsa Jul 2020
I gave you the pages
Of my life..
But you ripped them of,
when I expected it to
Be written in your love..

I glued those pages again
And gave it to you once more..
You scribbled it up..
With harsh words..
And made it more worse..

I again made an attempt..
To give you more beautiful ones..
But this time..
I am grateful that you
Didn't tear it apart..
Nor scribbled it up..
But instead..
Wrote your hatred in it..
And returned it to me...

My life endures..
As remains of your hatred..
The glued and patched up pages..
Remain incomplete..
I would hardly burn up this book..
Of my life..
'Cause this book..
Is still the favourite of some..
For the sake of the dearest..
I spare myself..

I would have been happier..
If I got another book..
Of my life..
And give it to someone..
Who could beautifully imprint...
With the inks of love..
And make the pages complete..
And beautiful...

But I am sure..
You would come again...
To tear it off..
And end it forever..
Because you can't bear to see the
The happiness in me..
The smile I have....
Stiji Alphonsa Jul 2020
Wherever I go..
I find You..
And only you..
And when I don't..
I somehow seek you..
Amidst the crowd...
Among the unknown faces...
Between the hidden smiles ...
You and only you...
That's what I see...
That's what I find...
Wherever I go..

My eternal bliss!!!
Stiji Alphonsa Jul 2020
Broken hearts

Mended hearts
break.. !!
Stiji Alphonsa Jul 2020
Its better
to deal
heart attacks
heart breaks...

— The End —