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1.6k · Feb 2021
syzygium Feb 2021
Gleam beneath the palpebrae
Distance brought to touch
The labour of saccades
Beyond vision as such
I had been thinking about the non-visual elements of ocular sensation after considering the limits of current VR technology.
572 · Feb 2021
syzygium Feb 2021
We always see matter enslaved
Each primitive substance is shaped,
Possessed by a form

But whose is this agency
But of matter herself?
Matter is richer than the objects it yields: they are fixed, frozen in a single form, while it dances in pure virtuality.
446 · Feb 2021
syzygium Feb 2021
There is one
It grows
Free, it continues to grow
But tension appears
And welcome as it is,
It must be relieved

So now there are two
No growth
Opposéd, they cease to grow
But war is their task
And painful as it is,
It must form a dance

So now there are three
Formed of syzygy,
A pleasant mirage
Inspired by vague memories of Parmenides and vegetable dreams.
286 · Feb 2021
A Stifled Moment
syzygium Feb 2021
Take your heart to the air
Dance in the wind, in my hair
Draw out every joy, every pain
In laughter, have no disdain
In our world
Too late understood, but not without purpose.
187 · Feb 2021
syzygium Feb 2021
In out the cold

These hands of stone
Webbed with woven red
Gemmed yellow-blue

Softing, slowly
Flesh displacing ice,
Written during the process described.
135 · Feb 2021
syzygium Feb 2021
Each star is a flower,
So close!
Just waiting to bloom,
So soon!
Upon the inner dome
The moonlight will touch me even in the abyss
128 · Feb 2021
The Lost Warmth of Despair
syzygium Feb 2021
You were once my only light,
So strong against the night
But the sun's ascent now done,
My love for you has gone

So cold against the sight,
My heart, the mind despite,
Must wither neath the scene
Don't fly too near the sun, else you'll faint and fall.
122 · Feb 2021
syzygium Feb 2021
A fire burns without me
And a fire burns within
And the fire continues to glow
But there is still a mirror, even as there is a world.
111 · Feb 2021
Post Mortem
syzygium Feb 2021
I am disturbed
For this foul woman,
Only hours before my end,
Took to my precise imitation

I speak through her even now,
As I lie amongst my kin
I am disturbed
She was, to my fortune, not taken to therapy, but rather took to poetry.
108 · Feb 2021
Two Arachnoid Visions
syzygium Feb 2021
Ghosts spread out around me
In manifold symmetry, their web surrounds me
But not for long:
They displace me, chanting
"Make way for the Lᴏʀᴅ descending"

To the golden spiders,
The vassals of the light,
We give our thanks

For it is by them that the web is spun
Endlessly, the Bergsonian web of light
Endures, is woven
Between your heart and mine
These two images came to me on either side of a long interval of time, and it was only after another great duration that I came to see their connection.
107 · Feb 2021
syzygium Feb 2021
There is, at least, one soul
In every stream, and each gust
Of stirring wind, a thought.

Such is the doctrine of mystics,
Bored men of science,
And of dreaming children too.

But what is this worth?
We have no oracle
We have no ear for ghosts
Can these instruments recover the link? They speak a third strange tongue.
102 · Feb 2021
syzygium Feb 2021
my body, my rules
my body, i rule
my body's mine
my bodies, my...


you're my i'm
i'm your mind
your, mine
you're mine


you bring skin
i bring limbs
all limbs mine
skin your mind
you're mine you're mine you're mine you're mine you're mine you're mine you're mine you're mine you're mine you're mine you're mine you're mine you're mine you're mine you're mine you're mine you're mine you're mine
98 · Feb 2021
The Blooming
syzygium Feb 2021
My humours dance:
Strange balance!

My heart divides,
Now whole again!

The dust invades
But I don't strain!

I flower
The sick are pregnant with joys
96 · Feb 2021
syzygium Feb 2021
Twas the blade that wrought the organs
Tis the eye that binds the scene
Twas passion made all matter
Tis the word whose parts machine
Revelation is creation;
Sight is combination;
Libido is existence;
Language is division.

— The End —