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225 · Jun 2018
zebra Jun 2018
I'll eat you
while you eat me
whoever has a mouth left
gets the last bite
224 · Nov 2019
zebra Nov 2019
the church

stone palace of rigidity and grief
do Satan's work

wheel house
lecherous priests
for crowds of power
algorithm of spiritual disaster
in an industry of lies

wet willie lick strokes
mangina ******
rituals of obedience
by **** angels
for old aeons corpse

the black robe
signifier of deceit and confusion
fits like a gothic tent
on a married daughter
"nice dress honey"

humiliators of genitals
stammer a commerce of servitude
and self doubt
for a vacant god

with out the life force of eroticism
guilt ****
creativity abandoned
and flowers bench press the cross
to failure
in hierarchies of shame

the bejeweled divine
huddle in darkness
pimping hallows
with the pride of the devil
for gold lame fashion and cute décor
paid for by mortified parishioner's
while **** wagging wives of God
preach celibacy
223 · Dec 2020
Talking To Anne Sexton
zebra Dec 2020
i just read your poem Anne
about your desolated masturbations
after you fell through
into that atomized monoxide
dream of pantomimes glittering
vague shapes and black holes
where slumber sinks
and silence rolls

we couldn't follow
you into your
receding suicide labyrinth
of timeless echoes
past those dire meadows
of serpentine fires
and shrouds you saw
where life eclipsed
by cosmic law

so i read you
one of my black little pieces
of erotomania
headless Barbie ejaculations
all Marquis De Sade
shadow fantasies
of dead play toe tag
and spilt milk
kisses' true
under Habeas Corpus
sweet dead you

you made me giggle
like jumping jellybeans  
and *** honey
I'm so glad you liked it
and your cute comment
about how my poem
made love to you
like multi chromed
teensy weensy
**** candy throat ticklers
at a careless Halloween party
where everything forbidden
in troves
is hidden by the hidden

how you loved
dancing with Night-gaunts
from temples of the astral
past those incessant ruffling whispers
past shadows flesh
somewhere high up
beyond the glimmering headlights
of muttering pastel colored boulevards
that flicker contorted images
of the resurrected living dead
still warm
in your dreadful toxic bed

so tell me dead girl
till the day i die
is it better now
beyond father time
no more words and wounds
no more toothaches
and lunging depressions
pulling you helplessly
into gloomy vortexes
shadowed cups
of looming spacelessness
with no downs or ups

instead you say
you're published
in the Dead Leaf rag
where words like shrouds
blur ballooning solicitude
of indecipherable
mirrored reflections
under tongues of crystal ethers
where life lives backwards
and you just
write beautiful
like flat eyed Phoenician ghosts
beyond the ages
in windless skies
on empty pages
219 · Dec 2019
zebra Dec 2019
perverse anarchies
within the well ordered hierarchies
nightmare cycle of contempt
America trembles
215 · Feb 2017
Trumps Protocol
zebra Feb 2017
This is a remark by a Political Observer I thought bares repeating  © 42 minutes ago, zebra    politics
214 · Nov 2019
zebra Nov 2019
Ive been straight all my life
but then you
you shot me
with your eye ball
blue river bullets
like a double barrel pistol
my heart and groin the target
all flutter eyelids
a catastrophic wound
crumbling a male mystique

girl boy smells of lavender
needs her daddy

and big adolescent eyes say
desperate gurl
hold me
danger danger
**** me

im drowning
in your pretty *** eyes
doing gender

imagine that
swallowing me
swallowing you
with wrap around kisses
being born
212 · Jul 2017
zebra Jul 2017
when you say
i feel my ****
deep in your sweet wet mouth
so i say
to you too
my beloved
my lips gums teeth and tongue
with souls urgency
licking your silk **** and ****
as deep as i can go
each stroke
of curling luscious lap
and tender kiss tremulous with love
your knees to chest
haunches wide
my head steep
a bending worship
in prayer
to your goddess estuary
temple of heaven
and delicate heart
in gratitude immense
blessed !
love *** explicit adult
211 · Nov 2017
zebra Nov 2017
of one day
zebra Dec 2021
He is a boy sleeping against the mosque wall, ******* wet dreaming into a thousand ***** pink and smooth as sea shells.
— William S. Burroughs, Naked Lunch
209 · Nov 2021
Paragon of Nothing
zebra Nov 2021
reality collapses
into a paragon of nothing
forming memory
of boundaries like detonating corridors
about primate organization
chemical interventions
and political furors

the mind of earth
forces a mashup
of alternating currents
as the higher sends the temporal
for excursions into whatever the ****
like a dog on a leash

in another clinical metaphysics workshop
for karma farmers
we lick hell's ***
in a greasy crowd with jaundice  
for our own ******* good

i cross dimensions
like an alchie with the shakes
where one reality collapses into another
making me ****** again
in a transfiguration
of canvassing beauty
towards deportment for a slow withering
like the astonished refugee
when shipped to a clumsy place
for shattered senses

with every crown
the gift of life
comes the guillotine
207 · Jul 2018
In The Giving
zebra Jul 2018
eyes bright
legs open
grace in submission
an exquisite intrusion
ooow love hurts
blood gush
pain for pleasure's sake
a yielding exorcism
of shuddering curves
haunches poised
to welcome
that which is taken
in the giving
****** dark adult
205 · Aug 2017
zebra Aug 2017
you are silk and candy        
your blood, an adornment        
your lips naked raw make me tremble with love        
your hips
wiggles and giggles        
your ****
a heart shaped dark fruit
moistened peach        
i could cry it's so beautiful        

your feet perfect in form        
they sweeten the ground you walk on        

would you step on my face 
crush me please     
dance your toes in my mouth        
drown me in your ***        

my mouth is yours        
stuff yourself       
while i circulate my tongue for you        
to tingle the ridges
of your aqueous cherry
adorations honey toy      
belly and ****
hurty teases        
blood and blossoms        

i'm your ***** boy **** toy
lap dog licking
slippery nose between your legs        

inflict your self on me as you will        
and be inflicted upon
by melting devils mania
mouths, eating mouths, eating mouths        
are we not reciprocating pain *****'s

my precious
eager for more                
i acquiesce to every strike        
pain is pleasure promised        
blind me with your ****        
i scorch you with thorns and flowers        
blood bell kisses
your ******* stinging plumes
raining red        

my body ready to break        
bend my spine        
while your wild mouth 
is milk drenched      
who can say there is no pleasure        
in suffering for your every delight        
for your pink cheeks    
your devouring eyes        
and drooling smile        
for your tremulous lechery 
and your piqued confetti *******
*** sadomasochism love
204 · Mar 2018
Naked Kiss
zebra Mar 2018
your arms pinned back
pushing your body into mine
dark thing that i am
cobalt black mouth hollow
a tongue of rust
drunk on your shuttering sonorous howls

i am to wrong to be forgiven

driven by fires rod
i am cracked glass
a switchblade
under dark cast *******
a black light
trapped in your warmth

my fangs gleam
cleavers bright
blades of light
and shake silver
ready to pry blood throat
your raw mouth open
a naked kiss

and then you fall
200 · May 2018
~ Girl Friend....Anonymous
zebra May 2018
Are you going
to tie me to the chair?
Pinch my *******,
strip me bare?
Fill my mouth
with tender tongue?
Bend me over,
have me strung?

Fill my holes
with **** and finger
Let my ***** perfume
on your breath linger
Hold me down
and lift me up
undo my soul
as I flow your cup

for I am forever
in your rule, your reign
a slave to pleasure
my loyalty pain

you love me perfect,
a Master true
knowing my needs
and fulfilling them, too
my spirits get high
when you work me down
a whip in your hand
my head to the ground

You set me free
release my rut
and  forever I'll be

Your loving ****
****** adult
written for lucky me by.......
199 · Nov 2017
zebra Nov 2017
its not nice to be slutty
so she looks for the one
cause mommy told her
its not right to have fun

and now she is married
for many long years
they fight like porcupines
and weep blood and tears

virgins are good
***** are bad
as long as your dupes
you'll always be sad

the world needs to change
lets wake up
love is a range
and get unstuck

we can love each other
long nights in heaven
kisses galore

its a new aeon
the aquarian age
enough stagnation
lets turn the page
social commentary
zebra Dec 2019
Truth titillates the imagination far less than fiction.
Marquis de Sade

I'm a lady killer
sending her through the mirror of life
like a kissing syringe
in a ******* blood ritual
with a long waiting list 
of arched glittering masochists
eagerly she presents instruments of dispatch
as she wanders into my mind
like a drugged eyeball
excited to be comforted by death

im making her wait
not meaning to be rude 
stranded momentarily 
with so much filing, faxing, emailing,
and calling in this cathedral
of the taboo
as i play with myself
fascinated by a soap opera suicide

primping ready to lose herself
in dizzying emancipation
from a wrapped throat 
in sparkling battery cables
and a tormented red mouth gasping
tear glazed for the apocalypse of her depraved lust
she caresses boa constrictor extremities
that turn her brain to froth
and lips numb  

stroking her hair
she dampens at the sight
of rust tarnished daggers
and a black fanged skull
enticing swinging hips
and open legs
in the mood to bleed

a tantalizing appetite wetter
****** hors d'oeuvre served up
like a crimson scar through snow
she whispers how wet you make me

a sponge drenched moon
while we have another coffee
and tippy toe leg show
flaunting her nails painted a different color
like xylophone chromes
she *****-ishly fingers 
the inside of her mouth
and between moistened thighs
while i finish the therapy reports
of blow by blow depravities
after watching Dark Corners Crazy ***** Films
she says"Stupid girl. 
The moment the zip tie would tighten around my neck 
i would take my shirt and ******* off 
and go ******* in front of a mirror 
so i can enjoy the final moments" 

i dress her
in a fashionista silver skeleton bra
stained ******* silk stockings 
and the body bag she so lovingly sewed together
between finger *****
as if having already climbed inside

let me know your favorite room
"bathrooms are hot" 
toilet  head first please 
and leave my *** out to be admired
for a state funeral *******

she was enveloped 
a blood stained **** dummy
in reverie
with a vacant grace, and red oozy kisses
for a mob of *****
at the Gates of *****
begging for savage death rites
knowing how pretty her pose
with outstretched toes
on a black palanquin 
she floats on tropical hemic Vaseline 
whispering  do you like me like this 
like that
**** up banana split
with a blood cherry yoni
and a spoon of gruyere
lick butter

look into my peepers
kiss me tenderly
lose control of your
wet viscous
whipping saliva tongue

then perforate the ******
pierce the ****
open the intestine
she quivers
and spreads like Peking duck
ransacking the brain
editing the history
from grave to spirit box
she thundered like the burning bush
cuming raw,
and glowing roses
*** is a  nexus of all things and not just the public version of it but those aspects of it that are beyond the language of the concrete
*** plays out in all aspects of life to include history, epistemology, cultural norms and taboos, racism, politics, religion, social engineering,  art, issues of gender, and all human relations
We are all watching ****.
Why should poetry be exempt, why shouldn't it shock and usurp the charade? Why shouldn't poetry bomb and smash the temples of  normalcy, when so few of us are in actuality normal and finally catch up to the irreducible paraphiliac  myriad of ecstatic distortions and erotomania
What has shaped human history more than the power of lust and death?
198 · Feb 2018
zebra Feb 2018
when you bleed
i love it so
haunches wide
red on snow
menstruum love explicit adult
197 · Jul 2017
zebra Jul 2017
workin myself
workin you
197 · May 2018
In The Middle
zebra May 2018
if we are looking forward
we are looking in the wrong direction

i am here in the middle
there are many below me
and many above

to grow
we  must all suffer
and if not
we must suffer anyway
Inspired by Westworld
195 · Jan 2021
Threatened Sensibilities
zebra Jan 2021
a book of shadows falls from the sky

on her knees
her head hinged    
bowed and supplicated
to his long tear dropped arterial ****
among heaps of naked bodies
in a temple of ******

his heart her refuge
her feet sweeten his mouth
her spine writhes a shimming snake
in riddles of pain and pleasure
each accentuating the other

his teeth in her flesh
she shakes bewitched and scarlet
foraging for dissolution

bleed pretty my love
pillar of fire milk and honey
the flames a banquet of tears
from tearing flesh
she wakes bleeding
a thirsty tulip
Laureate of allure and sprawling limbs
who suffers with grace and pride
a disease and cure

pink petals wet with dew
her ****  
a hard working immigrant
gathering fields of poppies 
humiliation as aphrodisiac
her tears glitter
eyes like jewels sparkle darkly

her skin prays to be eaten
marrow salt and butter in a red negligee
to be consumed
in a field of stained beds
she falters with grace

what does it mean you ask
how does it make you feel i ask

abjure the Christian plague
or the mind dies
to **** the body

why whip yourself
when he who loves so ardently
swells to do you the favor

wear the nylons!
Each laureate is supposed to promote a greater consciousness of and appreciation for the art form. Yet in reality, some have acted like ceremonial monarchs while others have been vigorous ambassadors/promoters. Robert Pinsky, the most effective laureate to date, had the zeal of an activist and the charisma of a celebrity.
193 · Nov 2017
zebra Nov 2017
I'm bilingual
i speak
Baby talk
from the bilingual genius academy
190 · Dec 2020
*Waiting ...intertextual
zebra Dec 2020
all my life
i spent waiting
waiting for the words
i should have said
flapping the desperate wings
of conciousness

                           a drugged pig

waiting for some ineffable her
with wendigo lust
and my ship to come in

                           a woman grinning with a knife in her hand

waiting for a new transformed me
that could do math
better than a decapitated dolls head
and write obscene poems
in plyometrics
of self-presentation
to **** by

                             catching up with a future that will never

and not do it all wrong
so disgusting becomes beautiful
in the portico
of some gothic ***-mare
dripping imagination
that bankrupts reality
in a fashionably pretentious way

                             the devils ***** flirting    

maybe disgusting is beautiful
in a fierce burning of ethical piety
and praising moral turpitude
where islands of *****
tuck in sweet wet mouths and ascend
under ***** glittering moons

                                   dancing stiletto's in a savage hula

i wait to understand myself and others
in dumb silence
but my shadow alludes me
without a private moment of the heart
and rigid architectural order
to give a pathology of poems
sparkling language

                                    to find the blood and guts of words  

my fumbling
a catastrophe
as i wait to get up the nerve
imagining myself smarter
taller faster bigger
writing better poems of unrequited lust
in wild cherry red asymmetrical verse

                                   hoola hoops and dragons

waiting to get older
and wondering why i always felt
like i was waiting for others to die
and finally to die myself

                                time flies when your dead

could i handle it
in its juxtapositions
and fatal discontinuities
as if i get to decide
so called
master of my own ship

                                 Andromeda crashes the Milky Way
its unnerving
so lets get this over with
although i hope death
doesn't happen too soon
even though i make frivolous ******
and slippery associations  
with her as she welcomes my
galoshes wearing
Trojan horse
over the moat
passed widened thighs
into her grand **** courtyard

                                           ****** feet with pointed toes    

Venus is never
completely happy
unless she feels
Pluto's edge
forcing her submission
in willing chains
from out of proms' blazing date
into a congenial poem
passed a cliché of grunts

                                        *** slave grovels to be corrected

but the waiting
for a fanatical delusion
of waking tongues
and self-destructive fury
is only sacred
when it burns like hell
on creaking beds
that rattle about the room
in this grove of infelicities
and tapestries of flame

                                             prehistoric clitori indulge ****** politics

a performance
in a rearranged reality
we can not understand
189 · Nov 2017
Souls Crux....Erotic Horror
zebra Nov 2017
the flesh around her surveying eyes
crinkled like pitch black crape paper
and glaring alabaster pupils

her ****
knuckle white and drooping
over her falling bloated belly
with darkish brooding *******
obsidian as Turkish coffee
blood drizzled down her pale face
and countenanced her features
like a frame around a painting
of a grotesque from hell

she stood before me
her mouth an undulating invitation
imprinted in souls crux
my heart pounded
my **** swelled
i ached for her
black rose throne
weeping as if lost
and disembodied
haunting me

she spread her legs like great bat wings
her ****
a purple mouth howling
convulsing waves orgiastic
an unimaginable ecstasy
****** horror
185 · Jul 2019
Stich Mouth
zebra Jul 2019
thumb twiddlers
we write from hunger

chirping birds
stich mouth chirr
pay attention to me

every poem
a song of need
a murky spray
in zebra tights
hugging the contours of an ***
stand in's and cut outs
that call please look

poetic butts
like fish in *** holes
groaning props
in brawling whipped air
swampy arms
in a sea of desire
that move like dumb clouds
from one chaotic ocean
to another
cups of sea secrets
holograms of wet furniture
ready to evaporate
like the scent of old roses

no one hears us
while rapturing on
like broken ***** humming birds

we write poems
sleeves of mental illness
like voluptuous women
corpse blossoms naked
fire the night
for poems that rattle windows
in a palace of splintered glass
drunk on tangled limbs
and pools of fake blood
183 · Feb 2021
Worm Cake
zebra Feb 2021
earth wakes like a blinking marble
worm cake
ravine of ravenous hunger
breathing bowl of fruit
and black hole cauldron
of spit and sediment
where life grows like debt

disembodied skyward souls
who's haloed ground
a funeral coif
of etched intaglio grim headstones
that remain arcane symbols
of refuse underworlds
sunken under black beds
shaped like centuries of tragedy
in moldering graves
and dusty trailer park archaeologies

cosmologies eclipse
open pleasures and sultry winds
that form charades of architype golden eyes
impregnating us with dreams
like animated tarot cards
while body-caged man-o-spheres
on apocalyptic mountain sides
crawl and claw in endless nights to thrive
with every breath and squalid gasp
we propel ourselves through this life
by sacrificing the present for the future
in arduous labors of discord
and glowering autopsies
of smoke & blood
until we remain
unable to live with ourselves

i vaguely remember
traveling disembodied
like a new sun
past empty hulled tenements
where the living dead
perform soap opera cameos
as sliding doors
open and shut
like switchblades
on withered clanking subways
of shuffling bones
all the way to Hades

time bruised and beaten
bedlam of age
we each fall forgotten
grey as pulping zombies
shuttering downwards
from primordial nuclides
of contagion and death

gossiping Doppelgangers
on tesseract winds
witnessed energized prodigies
teaching the dead to construct dreams
with drum stick rhythms
and flutes of savage craving
in meta whirls
that mobilize astral spitfires
faster than tachyons
in a forever extravagant next world
monster infinity
183 · Aug 2021
zebra Aug 2021
180 · Aug 2021
zebra Aug 2021
179 · Jul 2021
Rem Noir
zebra Jul 2021
while being a man eater
she preferred
to be eaten
like a ***** bride for a vampyre

cleanse us from all unrighteousness

she liked her ****
bruised as beaten apples
with scorched *******
perforated with the needles
still glimmering in her areolas
oozing small rivulets of blood
as if alters to a weird mythic Jesus

do unto others

she spread her haunches wide
and knelt in supplication
her **** and glistening **** presented
for the scythe and whipping slick ******

let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace

she imagined
her body like a dirigible
exploding in mid air
her hands caressed her lush *****
with rabid fingers
like a woodpecker on amphetamines
girding an unlocked cage
of wet smeared lips

for this is my blood of the covenant

her **** drooled
as if a thousand baby tongues
dripped for a teasing tickling blade
knotty hung ***** and sagging *****
on the way to a glorious ascension

hard is the path to God

her life more dissolute
than *** **** videos
a rich lady languishing
with a growling animal inside her
and gold enough for life
but not too rich to bleed
extravagant tears of flaming petals
while licking devils *****  
and being eaten and ******
from ******* to gut
in a bottomless rusty bathtub
by a pantheon of fiends

come now, let us reason together, shes a horney *****

in her own rem noir dark city
of obsidian dreams
she woke up happy as a jitterbug
and full of grace
her cunty fingers tasted extra ******
and slippery as melted butter


watch out for the boiling red eye
and the hillbilly keep out sign
“God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise”
zebra Dec 2019
Under the advice of legal counsel I declare that the entire content of my filthy disgusting poems about *******, *******, smelly feet, tremulous flesh perspiration, bleeding, crying, screaming **** me to shreds; are for the purposes of bending minds and hearts towards becoming *** addicts, **** fiends, perverts or masturbatory worm gob entertainment ***** and that I do not vouch for the veracity of the content since I'm not in my right mind due to large amounts of amyloid plaque build up in my gerontological decrepitudinous brain that strangely pulsates the mind box sexuality of a disturbed twelve year old boy who likes to watch his teenage sister and her cheer leader pom pom pony tail crew in the shower while playing with himself. I in no way waive any and all of my rights as a free citizen of the world to any individual, group, agency, government or any other entity, and that the use of any content posted by me for any purpose other than personal entertainment, population paste, or creepy oyster droppings, is NOT granted, and furthermore that I reserve the right to hit on all your friends, write poems like scuzzy snake spray, and tell your mother if you're caught reading it or sitting at the computer for hours with a jumbo tube of KY spaffing throat yogurt, protein shakes, bath tub bubbles with bloodshot bulging eyes and saliva drool squiggles down Sally sloppy lips

Shove it where you love it
177 · Aug 2021
zebra Aug 2021
177 · Mar 2019
zebra Mar 2019
in the end helpless
nothing, nothing could I do or not do
willed or thought
could have led me to a different fate

deeper than any feeling
deeper than fear
this imbues etches. poisons me:
the indifference of the celestials
to us of earth,

Unveiling the venture to set
little warmth against the icy chill
Vain our attempt to evade their atrocities
Inspired by the writing of Christa Wolf
zebra Sep 2021
what happens when
Dark Fetish meets Radiance Sutra

finding it is like looking for a needle
in a haystack of needles
a dog meowing
night park astral planes with erections

a chromosphere with starry swollen labium
a purity purge, then taking it back
a pro life run away embryo
Debbie Dare and Bridgette Beware
with 3rd eyes blinking like traffic lights
trying to become tasty
while turning up their bottoms
for starving breatharians
who can't resist the allures of
Pandora's portable rubber genitals
they bought
at the five and dime tinsel towns  
Queen ***** Emporium

not everyone can walk in the light of truth
some people burn
like country fair corn fed Iowa lesbians
clucking kisses
asleep and awake at the same time

donut bumpers expecting the unexpected
in an unfathomable matrix
at a witches broom barn dance
during partner swap night
among straight couples
who only like rococo

Jekyll & Dad Samadhi
health, wealth & unhappiness
licking, spitting on each other
and having tantric *** the wrong way

you're safe now bwahhahhahaa

codependent sadomasochists
drift infinitely upward like psychotic marble roses
while Queen Opalala  @ ****** University
gets **** buttered and buckarooed
during the downward dog
to the music of the spheres and poems to **** by

a red head
bed head
**** in a cinematic pillow of flames
mouthing her ruby red lips
in a soft voice  
a day without being forced to her knees
and a slap across the mouth
is a day without sunshine
This among other things is connecting the higher with the lower
Feet below the hells and head above the heavens
176 · Sep 2018
Write Your Own Fuckin Poem
zebra Sep 2018
you came
you left
and now
i'm bereft
write your own ****** poem
175 · Aug 2021
zebra Aug 2021
174 · Aug 2021
I'm Zebra
zebra Aug 2021
no ****



1-800- hit-me-up
173 · Nov 2019
Find Someone
zebra Nov 2019
"Find someone who is proud to have you, scared to lose you, fights for you, appreciates you, respects you, cares for you, and loves you unconditionally"....
But what if they dont turn you on?

"Maybe if I start telling people their brain is an app they'll start using it."
171 · Aug 2017
zebra Aug 2017
everything alive is insatiable
every creature hungry
the bull ***** the cows till it's half dead
but wants another and another

we are a swarm of living things
hands to touch fight and labor
beaks to peck
horns to gore
wings to fly
claws and teeth to tear
with lapping desperate tongues
we are mouths eating wild
panicked for nourishment
trying desperately to live
feeding on others
as shrieks rise from gazing mists

creatures birthing eggs and babies
as long ***** muzzles tear
in gladded swamps
shifting bones and twisting fat and meat
taking turns as predictor and prey
the more life
the more death
history is built on piled corpses
feeding mother worms and beetles

everything is after you
even your own body
will turn on itself
like a snake that eats it's own tail
our minds rattled
perpetually smoldering
with incoherences

i feel like a *****
without a nice ***
but no worries
nothing ***** us like time

in-spite of it all
when i see you
i am a child in paradise
your smile
a golden apple
the cruelty of nature and  the sweetness of love
171 · Jul 2019
Trailer Trash
zebra Jul 2019
***** rot
**** queen hot
pale face and freckles

loves wonder bread
mountain dew
sugar flake
and miracle whip

you'd see me baring gifts
like a can of spam

there's always a line out her door
blow jobs $14.95
This is America
you gotta do what you gotta do
170 · Sep 2018
zebra Sep 2018
Why is brevity such a long word?
169 · Oct 2017
zebra Oct 2017
I am not feeling very talkative tonight
*Oh okay
then shut up.
zebra Jun 2019
I hate people who repeat themselves

I hate people who repeat themselves
168 · May 2021
zebra May 2021
you've got to suffer
so you dont have to suffer
161 · Nov 2020
Threat Land
zebra Nov 2020
threat land
hot grease
on tainted water
i like to bind and
defile my poems

but nothing like you
my love

your mouth a river of spit
like kiss slow butter
as i push your ****
up to your neckline
and dissect your ****
with my tongue
161 · Jul 2020
Tom Dick and Harry
zebra Jul 2020
at souls center
the void
a blackish asteroid  

have you felt
its emptiness
this scared witless Cthulhu
crater of the heart

livn the dream huh
161 · Feb 2021
zebra Feb 2021
wild atavism ritualized
in a bed of straps
a riddle of alchemy
in the temple of sapphire
catechism of freedom
summa of subversion that frees
architecture of cruelty that breeds kindness
in a doll house of ******* babble  
and pleasures of disgrace

read my lips
use my  mouth
walk my face
strip down
rise up
where mouths
are fiends for love

her body the covenant  
the bread of life
a fetish
the scent of musk
the ****** and the non-****** switch places
for hazards sake    like a loaded pistol
that pierces her frothing mouth
engorged with white blood butter and spit

a trigram of lust
the bottom is firm
i ching aling-us cuna cuna a ming us
the top dominates the bottom
a love bite hurts
a deviant psalm    
sings liturgies of adoration  

pain is not its own reward
fictive death makes her ready
for this hungry haloed devil
the greens of his jade eyes heal

what does it mean?
resurrection through mania

i am an insider writing for outsiders
it is your exodus from Egypt
she is the mana streaming from the moon

most humans
**** like livestock
and black is the earth
And the air came in with orange-blossom fingers
over all the sleepers:
a thousand years of air, months, weeks of air,
of blue wind and iron mountains,
as if soft hurricanes of running feet
were polishing the solitary enclosure of the stone.
159 · Jan 2021
The Feminist
zebra Jan 2021
She hated lewd offers
but thought, as she fled rationality
there is a deficiency 
a feeling as if
dormice gnawed on her tender heart
unthreading her very being

in the old school
fearless foul mouthed men
with big shoulders and hero's chests
new how to take a woman
so she would lose herself
caring for nothing but
spilling her
clitoral incandescence
into kingdom come

out of the question
was dissolute lust
its quivering equivocations
of undoing and redoing
in a torment of feeling,
as if blood thirsty
disavowing, yet starved for love
like a cry of the void

the feminist
159 · Oct 2019
Human Beauty
zebra Oct 2019
when i am huddled
in glooms dark corner
there is a human beauty
in being devastated by ****** impulses

Other's, those objects of desire
are like fiends of an uncertain music
that turn the heart into a stammering blush

I sniff the scent of flesh labyrinths and causeways
glitter toes and derrières
pom pom pie and brazen limbs

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
I want to **** them all
zebra Jan 2021
She hated lewd offers
but thought, as she fled rationality

"Taboo and Transgression reflect two contradictory urges"

there is a deficiency
a feeling as if
dormice gnawed on her tender heart
unthreading her very being

"The taboo would forbid
the transgression but the fascination compels it"

in the old school
fearless foul mouthed men
with granite shoulders and hero's chests
knew how to take a woman

"Please Master"
Please master can I touch your cheek
please master can I kneel at your feet

yet she would lose herself
caring for nothing but
the spilling
of her clitoral jeweled incandescence
into kingdom come

mystery woman
with a **** in hand
plays the piccolo
in a hot swing band

out of the question
was dissolute lust
its quivering equivocations
of undoing and redoing
in a torment of feeling,
as if blood thirsty
disavowing, yet starved for love
like a cry of the void

her throat  
a spiral armed galaxy
her heart and ****
hounded moons*

the feminist
INTERTEXTURAL POETRY...The poem as Rorschach through juxtapositional
texts making a connection between the public and private, the  subjective and objective
Intertextuality is the shaping of a text's meaning by another text.
zebra Sep 2020
what a poem is supposed to be?
philistines mediating reality
a middle brow extravaganza
colored mousey

fancy religion

against tragedy
a war over abstractions?
wearing dolls cloths
made out of wood
axiomatic of surrender to the crowd
but never to the art?
consider that poetry
conforms to us
not the other way around
so much
for social constructivism
identify politics
and turning emotional hemophilia
into possession by ideology
the poet as flammable landscape
that no longer understands  
reality through the body
while herds of
theoretical institutionalists
and their slave company hoypaloy
adapt structures
of memory
and cant remember why
obsessive herds
word chopping
with tweezers
for atomized food
as engineering
tormented contortions of language
replicated ad nauseum
in search of me too formulaic
maternity wards of yackity yac
just intellectual camouflage
in the shape of servitude
while grieving the heroic
forgetting there's near infinite ways
to interpret the complex
pushing mechanisms of the derivative
and radical relativism
as fear kills the avantgarde
"there is no god
and his only son is Jesus"
155 · May 2019
Like God
zebra May 2019
I weep
and god never could

I love every inch
like god never should

I breathe air
god doesnt breathe
I eat and taste
grow cold and hot
worry and fear

will die
like god
never will

and will never live in this house thatched
with bones like I do

so this is an old unspoken prayer
to be
and fixed in fullness
of eternal expanding ecstasy
like god
to never be
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