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149 · Sep 2018
House Wife
zebra Sep 2018
144 · Feb 2021
Midnight In The Afternoon
zebra Feb 2021
pink buzz
listen to her splashing tongue
and my lip trilling licks
shivering liquid traffic at her delicatessen
opening wide for corned beef ****, mayonnaisy
black lipstick lips taste like Drambuie
and belch a garland of muttering burps
passed candy mint teeth and swirling lips

let the fireworks smoke the sky
as it billows and sprouts
from my rubbery ***** crystal dream
its open skin exhumed
breathing hard with a strained pulse
peering from my trousers zipper
like a pugnacious criminal
a kicking pony between our legs

a quick shower
i rinse off
this squeaky poodled up
all wavy and bowed
like a curled pigtail

falling eye lids drop like venetian blinds
and accentuate a Chinese lantern
casting crimson light as blood linen
while a whipped cream parfait
poured out
bursting with love
at exactly
midnight in the afternoon
143 · Aug 2021
The Fucking Problem
zebra Aug 2021
There's a saying
if you want a *** life dont get married

Back in the day wealthy men had courtesans for pleasure
concubines for quick *** and marriage were about land, labor and the forging of kindship for galvanizing power among tribes and feudal clans

Folks knew better than to have *** with only one person for a lifetime, like that was gonna work

Since contemporaneous studies show that *** among married people often becomes voided at least in part except for *******,
you know, when he sits up and begs and she plays dead

Aside from cheating just to remain sane, today we are going with computers who are our concubines, made internet ******* our mistress
and technology the replacement for human intimacy

I think of guys like Harvey Weinstein, not that I condone his actions and for that matter *** trafficking, both abhorrent.
Do I need to say it?

The problem is that they both along with **** remain symptomatic of a systemic relentless ****** deprivation, that feels like a slow suffocation to many. We outlaw every form of *** and the pure ecstasy of lust either overtly or subliminally that isn't either in marriage, a serious relationship or at least the appearance of one for ***** sake.

Bill Gates among other public notables has been reported to have had acquaintance with Epstein. This game changer businessman looked understandably horrified at any inference of involvement with this notorious slime of course or his infamous ****** Island.

What's more fascistic than circumscribing ****** behavior to such an extreme that people are utterly alienated by their most intimate and sacred desires and feel forced into criminality irrespective of the grave penalties. I'm not blaming anybody persa but why is it any stupider, than the express product of histories 2000-year weave of sensual and ****** disenfranchisement than not getting vaccinated so we dont end up killing our friends, family, and ourselves or thinking Trump is the second coming of the Golden Sun God.

Many of us treat the impulse of desire like its temporary insanity and just wana hurry up and get over with, like wiping filth under the carpet.   

As a society we are still victims of medieval thinking for all our apparent progress, unable to integrate the primal and social without tripping over our own shoelaces and each other's.

The way to a man's heart is not through his stomach
Make the bedroom an alter to Venus
then just go out for dinner.

"roses are red
ice-cream is cold
take off your cloths
and do what your told"

All I know is that I'm 74 and I still haven't had my first period
The bias of the media in terms of what they report is that women remain exclusively characterized as victims of predatory men. But what you may not know is they also remain the victims of predatory women as men do too; which gets little to no press..

Podophilic Nuns:
While there is a long and tragic  history of  priestly ******* in the church catholic nuns have been nothing less than notoriously ******* and even homicidal in their abuse of little girls especially in the Catholic orphanages where there are no parents and children are hopelessly defenseless. You know the infallible Catholic Church.
140 · Aug 2021
Tinker Fluff
zebra Aug 2021
tinker fluff
tinker stinker
mustard slot
***** trumpet
smelly bed bug
***** dust
sausage wallet
dance off pants off
and bare foot too

pink pop
wish i was your lover
Black Label Poetry
winner of the  triple aluminon poetry prize
140 · Dec 2020
zebra Dec 2020
on the day you choose death
we should be married
i want wedding bells
you dressed in a beautiful black dress
black hi gloss nail polish
pitch black licorice lips
to shade red tongue saliva
and teeth to bite me with
little pretty razor slits on pursed lips
a blood painting
the color rouge to excite
your mascaraed eyelids
thick and wet
like rain from joyous crying

and then i want to take us far away
in a large black hearse
re-pleat with mahogany casket
dragging white skulls behind us
jockeying on an old gravel road
devil may care sirens howling
like the winds of nether worlds
where demons **** each other sublime
rich with the stench of ***
me kissing bare feet wiggle toes
your arched legs out the the window
for spring breezes kiss

emblazoned in white
"just married, so in love and gratefully dead by morning"

then to embrace and make love
to brush lips tender and bleed
with beautiful pearl handled silver cutlery
a crimson circus of ****** torments and laughter

she lavished me
with pink estuaries wet
between grimaced contortions
and tender licks brutal
mad for undoing

she spoon fed me her blood
like luke beet broth
a little at a time
a kind beautiful brides
late summer soup
being like a mother

i licked it off her fingers
tender thighs like creamy red velvet cake
and buttery ******* silken
every stitch and inch
glistening copulations pulsating
her heart breaking for obliteration
like a beggar
her ******* a weeping delta
crowned princess Thanatos in nylons
with grace beyond measure
she spread wide for the graves caress

we poured our love into each others veins
like flasks of claret
fondling smiling wounds
eager for tongues caress
she supplicates
with slow bleeding belly and wrists
gauzed ankles
with ******* gates tender
and determined ligature

make me yours forever
she entreats
until happily vanquished
a clanking skeleton
yet still a whisper of ***** undulating drool
to pleasure you oh **** of mine

my tongue ravenous
in her hollow breathless black cadaverous mouth cooing
whispering melodically
toe tapping
Marilyn Manson songs
calling her in echoes naked mouth
are you dead my sweet ?
not yet she said
keep trying
smush me harder now
no regrets
with silky stockings or black strap
until i stop fussing
let me gift you
with labyrinths sunken
my seeds squandered in dark puddles
ruin me

her arms wrapped around
like papier-mâché
even dead she wont let go
how sweet

i run wires over indifferent ankles and arms
girding reckless torso
tethered to iron doors shut
feet over head
to pull her apart
and slide my bubble of poison
in a hundred more times
as i ravished her
she all surrender
a ghastly confection

i hear her call
a brooding specter
am i enough for you
please darling
take all
and more
i am a ***** for death and love
a poetic fiction
with true longing
alive always
in the cave of the soul
140 · Aug 2021
Binge Watching
zebra Aug 2021
138 · Aug 2021
zebra Aug 2021
137 · May 2021
So What
zebra May 2021
I go to the refrigerator
to get some food

I go to the bank
to get some money

So what if I have a gun
136 · Aug 2021
By The Way Lonely People
zebra Aug 2021
By the way, did you know that the good ole USA according to Salon Magazine is not even on the list of most sexually satisfied countries. Even communist China has us beat, never mind Switzerland, Italy, Japan, Spain, the Netherlands, Brazil, Greece, Mexico, India, Australia, Germany, and Nigeria to name a few. 
  The legacy of the Christian imprimatur has devastated the ****** ecosystem of the American Psyche.  The language used by the middle minded "good people" to describe sexuality is often an ugly cocktail composed of derisive language, like disgusting, slimy, unclean, offensive, obscene, squalid, and nasty to name some. I was once married to a woman who weaponized *** using the word disgusting, meaning my desire for her was disgusting, and I'm disgusting. It was devastating. How could that end well? These words remain a mantra of harm in many relationships shaping a marriage towards abject failure. Isn't Venus already fickle enough without calling that regal gift-giver of love and ****** pleasure an omnibus of epithets?
  Can you tell the other person your deepest darkest secrets and feel safe? Can they tell you theirs, or is trust an issue?  
Do we wheedle each other with deception to save face and struggle in a gimping relationship assigning it to crutches, a wheelchair, or an early death propagated by an unholy trinity of ignorance, frustration and co-belligerence on the subject of erotasisim as we clutch hopelessly to hope, wondering how things get so loused up?
Most relationships end over finance and ****** unhappiness.

  While cyber **** is accused of bringing out the worst in us  a short trip through contemporary anthropology demonstrates *** remains ***** irrespective of cyber ***, besides have you seen my stained collector magazine collection at the Museum of *** in NYC?
Check it out.
1 Weird ****** Practices from all around the world
1.1 Egypt- Public *******
1.2 Mangaia- Old women sleep with much younger men
1.3 Ancient Greece- Young boy lover to an elder male
1.4 Nepal- Brothers share a wife
1.5 New Guinea- Sambian tribe drinks *****
1.6 Indonesia- *** with strangers on Pon festival
1.8 Cambodia- *** will multiple partners before finding the one
1.9 West Africa- Wife stealing festival
1.10 Marquesas Island, French Polynesia- Children watch their parents having ***
1.11 Inis Beag-Make love with underpants on
1.12 Chattisgarh, India- No emotional attachment ***
1.13 Columbia- Make a man trip to have ***
1.14 Haiti- ****** dance
1.15 New England- No-no to penetrative ***
1.16 Rural Austria- Armpit flavored apples
2 15 Unsolved and Perplexing Mysteries of India
2 17 Japanese ***** Festival
  As for language  I prefer mango drip shake kissy witchy **** myself, as opposed to disgusting, but profanity can be bicameral too. On one hand of course it can be cruel on the other it can be an aphrodisiac. Ooow your so gona get it you little *****
Context in its intersectional shades of emotional content is everything.
Do we appreciate the impulses of the chaotic dusky subconscious that may fascinate when it comes to those ****** ideations that may cross our minds in the most private of moments Why not use them to enrich your life, or do we run from them and our primal truth? 
  While most all praise only tenderness who says *** is just about love, gentility, and the tender promulgated by middle-minded. Is this **** worm pathology rooted in anti-****** Victorian confabulations of the synoptic religions like tattoo ink into the psychic skin forming a deep seated stain of medieval horrors evocative of a Boschesque inferno with bubbling skin, pitch forks and melting collagen? No, no dont hurt me 
  In a life filled with stress and endless concerns about survival ****** expression is a sacred oasis for many of us, not another place to be told what we should do, or feel, or think, or be subliminally infested by the Piscean age pathogens as we currently remain still in the grips of the old Roman empire.
  Through an in depth exploration of erotasisim through ****, personal experience and literature we might know our own shadows better, share them happily with others, and bring that dark harvest to light so it doesn't trip us up in an exchange of lies to others but most importantly to our selves. At least when you hookup on a social media ***/date oriented site people tend to tell you the most intimate things about themselves up front.  

It may be important to note the difference between mere sexuality and erotasisim. Sexuality is a beautiful impulse but eroticism raises *** to the status of art. Besides *** itself I think of the athletic sensuality of belly dancing as an example.

"if its *****
or just plane wrong
i want it"

  To acknowledge the shadow, or better yet enjoy it, doesn't at all mean we are devoid of decency, kindness and love. May I suggest that those virtues are so much more potent when they are part of an integrated whole of our being including the dark side. Real musicians, artists, writers and for that matter people who have the spine to be authentic don't just play the vanilla notes and neither do exciting lovers.
God save the kink!
"We are lived by powers we pretend to understand:
They arrange our loves; it is they who direct at the end
The enemy bullet, the sickness, or even our hand"
zebra Aug 2021
take out your wee wee

grab your bride

open her gate

**** her then
Q...What do you like about this poem?
A...What I like about this poem is what it doesnt say
134 · Aug 2021
Her Mouth
zebra Aug 2021
133 · Jan 2021
*Mirror of Tunnels
zebra Jan 2021
mountains of blue tunnels
run through arteries of rock
imperceptible blue ball in a black sea of pitchforks
float grizzled faced giants
built out of spectacular cataclysms
in pounded stumps
in eternal night
in intoxicating beauty
careen ragged Titans

their mouths
flaming windows and scorched thoraxes
with a thousand spinning eyes
burn flybys
deviant stone **** shaped meteors
cull  from an infinitude of minutiae
formed accretions   gutted pierced
pocked and blunt
******* the black mother
in a sea of the wicked gorgeous marble stars
those ancestral monsters of glory and hell

my refuge
a dancing mad woman
with lush lips like ***** flowers
thighs like oily carafes
her eyes grin spaceships
and swing ******* like hams

her mouth     her mouth
a gaggle of spruced ******
hungry hips sway
a belly  a belly dance of chimes and bells
the smoking heart trembles with art and love
the trembling mind burns with over spilling moons

bare feet tender still
like silk dances to the shake
of cymbals and drums
wandering resolute on broken roads
in rooms of mice
terrified of fate and broad thin skies
in the shapes of gorgons
that stare down    reflecting
that i may know myself and bare up
like puzzles that fit in pictures
of endless fragments
and legends of desire

oratory serpents
clatter in a persuasive dream
a paralyzed consciousness
reveal barbiturates with legs
in fur coats
that shed watery memories
caressing corralled limbs
that spin skulls and speak
in French kisses
and ****** tongues

the burning bush burns
in a global crisis
leaving a deserted Jesus
with nailed hands
clawing torments claw
though crossed planked halos
milled by innocents
and admonishments and laws
to **** with me
so I **** with it
while rafting angry gods and devils
encircle in a white faced sky
all vying for the top spot
while sledge hammering
power brokers and hells bankers
terrorize me?

before i die
my heart and torso a blood sabbath
i invoke voodoo like a witch
in dark woods dim din
trolling in a ditch, a twitch, a stitch
a spiraling babble of sonorous tongues
invocations that shiver the cosmos
and rip the vaults of heaven

only to cascade
with tears that fall
like descending venetian blinds
kissing Babylon's feet
in a turning spell on mythological firmaments
of circles within circles
burning incense
and ******* in her hair and spit
until she appears just so
eye to eye in a distant life
and i am born
in her sweet wet mouth
133 · Jun 2020
Desire and Submission
zebra Jun 2020
The dark desire
of the feminine
to be owned
and adored
through a sensual
and ****** act
of willing sacrifice

Its not just the love
you are given
but the
poised religiosity
of desire
you create
out of it
that invokes the
potency of loves light
and lusts
diabolical sacred sins
131 · Oct 2021
zebra Oct 2021
Sometimes a poem is a surrogate kiss,
or hug, a transmission of love,
aching desire,
sometimes demonic or angelic
or all of them
in a great swooning web
that wants to swallow and be swallowed
130 · Jun 2021
The Cookie and The Cracker
zebra Jun 2021
i ate a cookie
and it turned
into the body of Elvis Presley
i ate a *******
and now apparently 
i'm a catholic

Sam Harris
129 · Feb 2021
Black as Crows
zebra Feb 2021
i'm as tiny as a fake something 
in the middle of nowhere
on the edge of nothing
with brazen teeth for grinning bites 
and the knee of listening 
howling into a phone
telling of hunger for food and herb
in a dream of diagraming sleep


she has no respect for the weak
hating her vulnerability
shrunken living in a cardboard room
stiff and dry the size of the sky
ranting tears in braids of rain
a five o'clock shadow of begging meditations
until deaths' lips formed the shape of O 
shaping a tunnel rimed in late afternoon
telling me her body is but metaphor
for orbiting angels
a fashionable estate of limbs
in apple fruited curved headlands
and demitasse islands of past desire
floating in pink glimmering heavenly clouds
licking the blue
where the emptiness of life used to be

she shimmers rainbow tranquilizers 
packaged by twos 
in shinny tinfoil marvels
slick as icicles
for the perfect dose 
you can feel in your hand like braille 

at tongues touch 
it folds into dark warm nothing
showing her that death 
has it's own special charisma
like calico tattoos
or syncopating neon moons

deaths mouth opens like an opera singer 
and eats her eyes 
till these sunken alters liquidate
and breath ascends distant from the ache of want
in the knee of forgetting
red and wet
black as crows
129 · Feb 2021
Smash Truth Oblivion
zebra Feb 2021
how do i know what i think
if i dont write it down

i cant stop talking crazy
bad ideas are rooted in Neuro Pathogens
idea parasites'

**** worms of irrationality

i'm a mess underneath the surface causing me to suffer a mental complex which is under digested unarticulated expression

the universal dialogue of misunderstanding

post modernism is an idea pathology
okay, mental constructs and language dont transform reality                      

reason remains lost through the sneaky ****** language of white science intellectual terrorism

watch out what you say in a free society

epistemologies are numerological evidence,
a numerical network from a broad base of data
and are a work of cumulative evidence

i cant stop thinking about the way i think        
you need gesticular fortitude to free yourself from the tribe

i'm afraid to tell anyone how i really feel  

so many victims of politically correct grotesques
are collective Munchausen pathos

i'm my own victim but it's fault                                                    your
in the Oppression Olympics of radical egalitarianism i'm a star

i'm so agreeable i hate me, thats why i'm better than you                            

Fascism is a
fanatical need for order, and or else

mass graves and chimpanzee politics

when your frustrated, its your obligation as a citizen to transform your feelings into an articulated argument

i hate you

militant lesbians attack male virtue while they dress like guys
i'm sorry about the testosterone, bad ****!

we extract the logos from chaos
and hold it above into habitable order and an ideal

i have my Porsche, where's yours and no i'm not looking at
your ****, your ****, your ****

my truth is grounded in your frustration
A poem of social theory prompted by  a conversation with Gadd Sad and Jorden Peterson
129 · Dec 2019
Sorry Pies
zebra Dec 2019
you ate the shut up cakes
now i'm throwing sorry pies
125 · Aug 2021
Playing Dead XXX
zebra Aug 2021
she had to admit
playing dead with
scummed ****
and a mouth full
that also glued her eyelids shut
brought her to ******

a good slap across the mouth made her **** wet

maybe her strewn flogged body
and *** filled with
tampons, butter knives, and mushed chocolate bunnies
would be discovered
by some gawking men
who would of course be horrified
yet feel some inexplicable romantic impulse
towards her

a study in male humiliation

dressed in a nightmarish logic
and broken heels
her eyes glared askance
with a mouth like smudged ketchup
and a note

hello, I'm dead, you can **** me now, no ones looking

common little man
timorous mouse
with a dead end job
your belligerence
belies your self self pity

she wore sunglasses to cover the bruises he inflicted

*****, noose, twine for a proper strangle
and ghastly potions
to inspire the tears and vomiting
in nurturing waves
that always helped the snuffling up
for a sicko *** massacre
with an all you could **** buffet beating
that made her long hair
fly around like a legendary Bollywood dancer

she spit in his face

they just shared a strange shadowy phantasmagoria
with her bare naked
on her knees
*** upturned and swollen
like a piqued daisy
while her hips moved
from side to side
as if weaving a samba
where at his whim she died repeatedly
a humming *** slave
straddled on a the heavy bladed guillotine
while getting backdoored
in a way
they both just couldn't live without
The Beauty of Ruin
124 · Sep 2021
Wicked Trace
zebra Sep 2021
plum plunk-ums
no placid Eden
yet as delicate as cigarette paper
always beautiful
but not without a touch of disaster
like a fetching girl with a milky eye
and a cross around her neck
a wearable god
a tiny, tarnished truth trinket
religion's armor
as ancestral glooming lights judgment
hammers guilt
and implores prayers to be saved
in dystopian lore
for priests' sake in temple prostobulaes
of hanging dark shapes wicked trace
drooping black
caped and heaped upon each other
like runged downward chandeliers
of stalactite falling knives
in caves of primal fear
zebra Dec 2019
a not so secret organization
of blowers and blowees
that attend on an annual basis

a church of lust
for those who have
passed the first blush
of wafting perfumed hair
and perfection of form
in the breach

for those among us who have
seen the gain of 40 lbs.
and seduced
into hard marriages
that ended in cold shoulder
Christian crotches
like frozen tundra's of dead fish

scholars of life cycles
like blotch Rorschach art prints
and written **** novellas
we who want to live it up
like a bucket list
a **** it list
and **** **** ****
it good fist
passed the myth of the ridiculous
school mom morality

gird your *****
and dont talk to boys

who feel life running out
like sand between their fingers

oh god
one last sweet wet mouth
wrapped around
a throbbing goodbye squirt
and those oral angels
who live and love to swallow
with a cherry cheek smile

thank god
for the international ******* society
124 · Sep 2021
Eating Lotus
zebra Sep 2021
i've been reflecting on the topsy side
of feeling strong and healthy
and the turvy side of feeling
a sickly white morbidity
evoking a phantasmal contoured toilet shaped bed pan
and the scent of syringes
bathing in alcohol

when feeling better
i sleep less
feel more alert
eat lotus and drink bone broth
becoming more active
and ambitious
but with it
more demanding  
raw with anxiety
agitated and vitriolic
like a buzzing electrical box
in a flood
with crisscrossing wires
and tainting the air  

when feeling poorly
i turn in on myself  
as if walking on my knees
wanting to avoid  interaction
feeling more and more
like a square peg in a round hole
i become docile
my insides a wandering ghost
in ethers of the unimaginable
a hanging mouth
hung on a face
like falling sand
i ask myself is illness
a drug
used to bow out
think about dead people
avoid hurt and stress
to let go 
as if floating through
some intestinal filaments
like an undigested spot of cheese
and a fish head
drawing closer to the shadows  
feeling the numbing of desire
and all the blah blah blah
so i'm not such an *******
cartwheeling terrors of hot air
with the language of vainglory

just a weight around the neck
of someone i love
120 · Apr 2021
Shamanic Decent
zebra Apr 2021
i embrace the monsters of imagination
even the barbed wire of tortured images
through blizzards and blackouts
imprisoned in the skin 
stuck in a time space package
where all poems of truth 
are a heresy to a culture of gimmicks
into the inferno of matter
honeycombs of hell
where ignorance is the most dominant religion
unable to recover the pearl of immortality
we look into a mirror of our mind
staring back faceless
a portrait with no eyes 
i'm a cat that barks
pukes on  his mouse
and licks the blood in the cream
like a midnight movie in hell
where we die in installments
mortality being merely 
a vertical management administration
in a graveyard **** town replete 
with broken whiskey bottles 
and stained weathered paper cups
where the drunk sleep on newspapers
like a roof of bones over the dead
118 · Oct 2021
zebra Oct 2021
with my groaning corpus
but can you smell odor of purple
swimming though the devil's skull
her painted body like a bamboo cage
incensed heart
my fluttering nightingale
with hot eyes
beguiling in a bucolic skirt
toe dancing in cross word puzzles
of enshrined desire's red stain
in a succession of ethers
deliriously famished for life
yet somewhere between
the unborn and the undead
nature's filthy discord
like Icarus reaching the sun
a lewd vampire smeared in crimson droplets and ash
under a funerary cross, shadow-less
and moaning for love
licking a blood axe
117 · Jan 2021
Red Mouth
zebra Jan 2021
Eating the chocolate bunny
staring at her own bare wiggly rainbow toes
she sat on the toilet with a red cherry lipstick mouth
humming television jingles about nothing
but ketchup-logged White Castle bacon cheese burgers
and amino acids as she called in imaginary air strikes
on toy cycloptic pigmies who  lived in an aqua blue rubber tub on the bathroom floor by her feet  filled with toilet paper rolls, Vaseline, face cream a folded rubber enema bag and a half empty bottle of Luxardo Cherry so she could take a swig when ever the stars moved her.

She swung her hips, like a ****** as if in the substrate of disco hell
wearing a cheap red party dress only to be forced down on her knees to take it hard and walloped until cross-eyed, frothy mouthed,  and grinning
at brawly tattooed men that stank of whiskey
terrorizing her with titillating thrills
as if her body were their fun house and amusement park
of loopty loops and Ferris wheels

All make believe of course
in that little damp cubby hole fantasy of sweet curves and wet holes marked Venus-dreamscape-come-****-me-land
114 · Aug 2021
I Want It
zebra Aug 2021
"if its *****
or just plain wrong
i want it"
114 · Aug 2021
Just Sayin
zebra Aug 2021
What I don't like about poetry is how the poet often hides like a starved bleeding child under the skirt of civility.

blood on a sugar cube

Too often a kind of Zen of saying something without saying something. Do you think that's subtlety?
Anyway let's face it we are all rather ****** up and some of us try to hide it and a few, very few, of us own it, and some of us have the audacity to celebrate it.  If you're that brave you may be a Satanist.

pants off dance off

We'd write our guts out. Force our readers to gobble up our penned intestines and rub their genitals in them and if they didn't we wouldn't give a flying ****.

a woman who writes feels to much

We might study the art of the spell and the curse. We might **** our sisters girlfriends, as many as we could, or our mothers, or our fathers unless you were given to ****** and then know what it is to be a sick **** and laugh our butts off about it, knowing thats how god actually made you in his divine infallibility.

a man who writes knows to much

We might know our own shadows and bring that dark harvest to light so it doesn't trip us up when we think we've persuaded the so-called good people with those among us who are  good too in an exchange of lies.

flowers from hell

To acknowledge the shadow doesn't at all mean we are devoid of decency, kindness and love, but may I suggest that those virtues are so much more potent when they are part of an integrated whole.

Just sayin, if you died tomorrow I would eat your corpse but why wait?
114 · May 2020
Dracula Moon
zebra May 2020
my love
im Dracula moon
a trembling hunger
come to fill the empty
space in my throat
with a small bite
that nips and shudders
putto rose
like a fly buzzing in the blood
a thirsty shadow
of eager tongues
for succulent
brooding areolas

im crepuscular music
each note a puncture
of the miraculous
to hollow you out
with obsessions
of tossing vampiric
blade blossoms
that spin like prayer wheels
of honey and blood
in the ancient temples
of Katmandu
112 · Dec 2019
Unknown Poet
zebra Dec 2019
Others, I am not the first,
Have willed more mischief than they durst:
If in the breathless night I too
Shiver now, 'tis nothing new.

More than I, if truth be told,
Have stood and sweated hot and cold
While in their veins, like ice and fire,
Fear contended with desire.
112 · Jan 2021
zebra Jan 2021
a shape of language
for the secrets of the body
for the secrets of the mind
in the flow of matter
physical and etheric
cyber chronicles of ambulated hunger
the cult of the body

spontaneous kinetic orality
to ****
to lick
to consume
to give comfort
to luxuriate  
collapsing into the other
the scent and circus
of heat and breath
we slip away
each other a sanctuary

rhythm as vertical   
deep in the ****
the *** of the *** shape shifting
into a wet mouth with vermillion lips
and long tubular slick throat
till the gag and the gag and the bulging
bloodshot fire red gag

the body a moldable matter
the spirit a flame
in a palpable momentum
the cult of transmutation  
the cult of perceptual alteration.
The pornified vision  
a restoration of the physical
the demise of ritual
in a pathological dimension

the sanctuary of ****
**** and mouth
gods mouth is her mouth
gods *** is her ***
gods **** is her ****
and gods **** ***** all
when we are bent low in prayer

leaning through the braille
of your scattered whispers
i make a house to worship in
a house of blood and flesh
111 · Oct 2021
Word Music
zebra Oct 2021
Is poetry mimicking the ruling culture class or does it touch the chaotic genius only the subconscious can render like anti-themic slanting word music?

Is poetry novel or intimate like a small boy in a fluttering dress or seen through the lens of social justice, of documentary, of collective resistance, or perhaps the propaganda of public iconography, and imperialism in it's lock step with the prevailing dogma trend lines?

Is the poetic form collapsing like a screaming mouth in a mildewed universe of prison-like isolation, Pandora stripped of her consecrated darkness and without her box?  

I'm in search of a sacred space where language serves the psyche without artifice, and pothole parentheticals that make plain the difference between the conservative public conversation and true innerness so that we see through each other like thin water stained cigarette paper and big doll eyes.
110 · Aug 2021
Shove It
zebra Aug 2021
108 · Dec 2019
zebra Dec 2019
effulgent sun
in the cave golgatha
indifferent to the satanic beast religion
like all things here
the temple shreiks
prayers helpless,
wounded and anguished
with idol Christ figurines
​and pie high heavens
for loathing low minded sinners

parishioners expensive burden  
Eucharist and crucifix
a fictional lump of flesh
in a bloodless wafer
abacus of nothing
in the deranged city
for gods sake
there is no God there.
A poem in the memory of the wonderful and great Christopher Hitchens
107 · Dec 2020
Dark Room
zebra Dec 2020
i write my poems with a torn tongue
of Freudian slips
in dark rooms of naughty language
that stick like fly paper on trespassing filigree wings of contagion  
where i remember the whole history of poetry
like a pageant of painted bride runway models
which i have culled
from the of blood of recognition


a ghost from the underworld
i awaken to life in ecstatic perception
below shimmering celestial equators in a world of endless war
booming noise and scenic fruited braids of blurring tears
as enemies try to fill each others bodies
with spores and yardage of bladed body parts
in riddles of flesh
towards eternity as obsession becomes horror in an empire of rage

                                your gonna get such a slap

where justice and power forever suffocate each other
in a phantasmatic struggle both born to intermittent death and renewal in some contra parallel juncture of back and forth
where burning floors
thresholds of disaster
sprinkle embered words from hinterlands of excrement
giving birth to sagging hearts
and broken brains vignette on skeletons of wire and shining eyes
staring    staring    staring
through muffled pinhole pupils
staring black

                                eyeballs whistle

thank God i'm ****** again
and driving the white car in a crescendo of halos
slinged back fantasizing mythological ***** dreamgirls
and the food they cook in their wet *****
of melodious love and bedroom splits

                             Venus gone mad

and then i turn to puff smoke poem jazz
singing with opiated mouths
grinning red Beetle teeth
while driving through immortal clouds
of wish bone shaped pole dancers
with burning button hole eyes
spinning in horizontal love and death
blue pineapple aspic rhapsodies

                                *i'm your ******* daddy
107 · Feb 24
It's a Terrible Thing
zebra Feb 24
It's a terrible thing,
I know a beautiful young woman who harms herself with a razor.
Butter and toast.
It's a terrible thing.
We kiss a lot as she bleeds.
And yes, oh yes,
It's a terrible thing.
Blood flows down her breast onto the soft curves of her ivory torso
To mix with my sweat and raw kisses.
It's a terrible thing.
The white marble goddess arches towards my mouth
Stone wheels sharpen the blade.
Her lips - red stains.
It's a terrible thing.
Blood in spiderwebbed rivulets fall.
She burns a smile like talons into my skull.
I'm bought and sold in the house of a tortured Venus.
Alley of torment and ecstasy.
Dracula licks her jewel box glitter and drinks her till whiskey blind.
A ******* mad hatter.
It's a terrible thing.
Please stop, I say heavy with longing.
Which drives her on as one wound begets another.
In this laboratory of sanguine obsession.
My voice - musical bones like xylophone tones.
And oh My God.
This filler that cleaves to emptiness.
This finger of the void - black angels.
Her grin upon me like the Ta in ******.
A merchant of desire whom I love darkly.
This ponderous monk black night of red children falling from mother.
To be savored.
I dive into her red.
My mouth wild cherries and rushing fire.
I am dragon's teeth and tongue lapping.
All cleavers and kisses.
She smiles spreading in a bed of red gauze.
We are good people.
And oh yes, my sweet.
It's a terrible thing.
105 · Dec 2019
zebra Dec 2019
hungry mouth
where thighs conjoin
like bells and finger cymbals

coiled spit snake shatters
and i swallow her ***, whole
up though accordion throat
kneeling slave in a smash face footopia

my spine bends
****** rings
*****'s gate
sublime fem Christ of ***
giving birth to ecstasy
a wreathe of tongues
like a thousand needles of heroine

her god a glistening cyclops
**** of immortality
ball ******* licking burglar
and mine this ****** wet oyster
drool tongue  
stained viper
a slithering felicity

animals devouring animals devouring animals
in a puddle of scarlet wounds
sublime *****
hungry for another ensanguining stab
gut punch puke ****
her ****** a crying torrent
***** trap
of wild hollow eyes
moon struck bomb
a blurred curve of desire
convulse sput patters
lunatic of lust
on the giddy brink
all tears and sweat

i erase myself  
for pom pom derrière
throat clutch gag
my tongue unwinds her
and the world drops dead
104 · Oct 2021
If I Loved Like You
zebra Oct 2021
I've been watching you
apes head with up-do crochet braids
noxious slurry of galactic form
terminus *****
fitting into a girdle
into a straight jacket
into a girdle
showing off your chastity belt with thumb screws
that hangs down to the knees
like after birth
and strangles by an ironclad umbilicus contract
yet never pure enough
like peroxide teeth  
a screaming lady without the hot sauce
canary class in a bush of flies

happy happy happy is your dreary halo nausea

slip and slide in the Pidgeon put
already bought your ticket to forget
a diabetes queen dreaming fountains of blood
licking the sugar off a powdered donut
with your flatulent tongue
stretched and hung out like gutted shoes
rolling arctic brown
a breathing hull
cold like a Christians crotch

happy happy happy is your dreary halo nausea

she looks for a penny oracle
in jelly bean *******
with a ponderous faith
of paper house souls hugging abstracts
blinking pig iron eyeballs like snarling dogs
and privates
shaped muscle waisted
that beats itself black and blue
shrieking you touch it you bought it
hook line and sinker
with a sign
marked commitment and of no use  
fire exit only
but dont use the stairs

you're a mental case because you know
if I loved like you
I'd **** myself

happy happy happy is your dreary halo nausea
104 · Jan 2021
Radio Ears and TV Eyes
zebra Jan 2021
the lost troglodytes
and their cockeyed deliberations
a case of mistaken identity
and a rattled recalcitrance

radio ears and tv eyes
in a fever of nonsense
which i filed under who gives a *****

We live in a cyborg democracy  
Social media manipulates the weak minded to structure ignorance using weaponized algorithms of deception.
104 · Aug 2021
Pork Hole
zebra Aug 2021
103 · Nov 2020
She's So Hot
zebra Nov 2020
she's so hot
I splooged
a Jackson Pollak
in my shorts
zebra Dec 2020
i sometimes drift into
memories of love

          illegible conciousness

oh Venus
my sweet *****
you're never easy
always mutilating
those archives of the heart
with their inky Rorschach's
and blood drop tears
that needle eyes
like burning hell
bare and bent
in a dazzling labor
of marshy dahlia lips

       cleaver teeth to tear

the world spins
synoptic nightmares
beyond critiques paradox
in quarries of
****** sacrifice
dead goats
and karmas black militant columns
baring a thousand scourges
in condemnation
of Mayas colossal shadows

       i depend on her

docile bodies
rise from immortal beds
covered in drapes
over slattern harams   
in hallucinatory temples
that make me pause
and fall from myself
into your moist
timeless root
of dreams

       dust through my fingers

odalisques move
in binding layers
****** and shuddering
concubines in mills of lust
that smear
chiaroscuros-laden shades

      a blood stained door marked no exit

i speak
unspeakable tenderness
to the sacred Goddess
displacing the steep lead pit of sighs
and saturating gravity
towards crystal fountain showers
in the religion of no religion

      Gods your daddy

i move
trigger - coiled
past retinas intake
from the sacral
through the crown

      om shanti om

am i not
this spume-brained monkey
both primal and sacred
vibrating arcane chants
in windowed clouds Samadhi
and clinging breathless breath

      what ever you think the opposite is true

am i not this atheist
drinking from her
slippery cup
where miracles leap
plump and smiling
as she holds my head
into her weeping ache

       i am red  with love

are we not all
the ineffable one
among the multitudes

      one hand clapping

what use is obedience
to lore and dogma
or whether the
God that burns in you
believes in God at all

      people who believe in God have no faith
"Its not easy to remain uneducated"
zebra May 2020
I feel violated
by your ******
maudlin poems

you have no language in you
just a sobbing pathos
in the inferno of morals

ooooh and
you're the stars in my sky
the down in my pillow
the cup in my cake
the sprinkles in my *****

you dont love enough
to say yes to her ******
her spit
her ****
her tears
and the pit of her deep dark ****

to hold her in your arms
to push the blade of feral lust
through her belly
while you *** in her face

and she is not grateful
to be strangled
with her own filth stained *******
adoring the sensual brutality of it
lost in the madness of subjugation
and lecherous carnality

that would take wisdom
neither of you have

well   you're to good too be loved
Elemental violence kindles every manifestation of eroticism. Eroticism is the domain of violence i.e. violation. The whole business of erotasisim is to strike to the inner most core of the living being, so that the heart stands still. The transition of the normal state to that of ****** desire presupposes a partial dissolution of the person as he exists in the realm of discontinuity Dissolution - this expression  corresponds with dissolute life, the familiar phrase linked with ****** activity. Georges Bataille
“We waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love.”
― Tom Robbins
99 · Apr 2020
*Bizarre Venus
zebra Apr 2020
Snow White
blood red
my liminal
tabloid Venus

anatomy of a nightmare
made her wet   
like a flaming June
of glitter crowns
spanning lighted pageants
and black perfumed candles

she pressed lubricated insertions
teasing open thighs
with ticklish pleated feathers  
and dressed up
to gild a galaxy of red parts
and trembling guts
that moisten *****
like slippery eel conbobulations  

***** blossom
thrilled for derrière calisthenics
yield dark fairytale Upanishads,
of tenderness
and splashing  horror

she fell to her knees
seduced  by the ******* villainess
*** **** demon queen
who kissed her pearl toes
and shapely contoured feet
hot as fire night pyres
face down *** up
at her own imagined funeral
I'm glad to say
I know women like that
zebra Apr 2020
There are no current job openings.

The Foundation
is an equal opportunity employer
and employs personnel
without regards to race
to include but not limited to
spics ****** chinks white trash, jews, ginnies,
whateva the ****
red, black, white, yellow, brown
children or old *****,
uneducated mongrels
dead beats
god pimping religious fanatic's
bad breath bloviators
**** gob nymphos
cross dressing ***** bag *****
death addicts
**** suckers,
***** lickers
annul *****
big ****** *******
gore ******
shallow ******
gender bending militant lesbians
drug addicts
stuck up snobs
grave yard enthusiasts
toilet slaves
bad rhythm racist
serial killers
broken hearted ***** willows
twinks , girl boy, boy girl

its complicated
you ******* potatoes

national origin,
veteran status,
Absent Without Leave
proud *****
*** criminals
***** fetish stoners
educated past your intelligence
tax evaders
dumb *****
***** toys
necro **** sniffers
bible belting ******* quacks
lazy mother *******
horror ******
satanic trans upside down banana splits
and those who pray
in the temples of normalcy

or any other bases
protected by law.
92 · Aug 2020
zebra Aug 2020
we must change completely
or cease to exist

the world we belong to
gives us little to love

existence is limited
to commodities

living in a world
we can not love to death

representing nothing
but an obligation to work

hideous and ill conceived
absent of ecstasy
a world of educated vulgarity
where one profits from

misunderstanding ecstasy
we are incomplete
where people only exist
to justify themselves
slaves to the universe
neutered and empty

some among us discovered
not god
who represents prohibitions
but a headless monster
with a *******
who ignores all prohibitions

it takes him about ten minutes
after being eaten
to realize he's dead

his meat stick
is so enormous
he can touch ****
from a great distance

women like his intensity
causing them insanity
which never ends
so they strangle themselves
oh what artists they are

terrorizing the earth
with their offspring
noise zombies
promised the absence
of a future
the living thrown in
amongst the  dead
there is no moderation
on earth

we live in holes
that separate
the absence of man
from the absence of god

I'm making progress
I'm making progress
I'm making progress

the terrible laughter
of an idiot

get up
go to bed
get up
go to bed
get up
go to bed

we live on a
garbage heap
of corpses
living the reality
of a banal fiction

self-conscious nothings
married to a rock
91 · Aug 2021
Suck It
zebra Aug 2021
**** it
88 · Aug 2020
zebra Aug 2020
distorted ***
transmuting into exaggerated realms
of bizarre emotional
and mental surrealisms
heightening to extremes
in ways
that can only be thought of 
by the rational mind
as insane

We Are Not Insane!

this is a religion 
that meditates 
on the fundamental contradiction of existence

we have chosen the pleasures of the taboo 
freedoms dictated
by the most base 
and demonically sensual nature
which remain a powerful 
liberating force 

a contemplation 
mapping our  
experience of shadow desire 
we live this violent contradiction
of excess 
to be free
of reasons agony
giving form to the formless
******* it
moving back and forth
between the centerpiece of life 
and the intersectional void  death 
where most deny
both mortality and the forbidden
Intertexted from reviews  on Georges Batatille
zebra Apr 2020
The less you know about me,
the better off we'll both be.
I do have a thing for
***** British women,
hot Afro *******
shapely Latinas,
leggy Russians,
***** little Jew girls
Asian **** *****
  Middle Eastern temptresses,
glory-hole *****,
classy escorts,
****** hookers,
loose ******* queens,
giant ***** riders,
******* ******,
******* tramps, cheating
shameless girlfriends,
promiscuous teen harlots,
easy party girls
and tattooed metal/goth/Satanic/witchy chicks.
Written by Lucifer
85 · Dec 2020
Giving Order to Things
zebra Dec 2020
I'm trying to give order to things
perpetually a competition
between desire and necessity

necessity always wins
and desire grovels
like a renga
of grunts and incantations

a blur  
only born to be pulverized
and bleached
found in an archeological dig
in a lineage of bones
and smeared ash
stained totems
of brittle ancestors
and jeweled coffers
under this necropolis of stars

we run head first
northward bound
where neuro grids
are instant evolution
for algorithms
of techno rationality
and hold close
south bound hearts of sentimentality
in a history of contingencies
interchangeable plot lines
like old sitcoms
with built in
canned laugh tracks
that **** us off
in the theater of atrocities

i am my
fathers fathers father
and the children of my children
weeping in labyrinths thunder
and swirling ethers
held down on the crucifix
of this spinning marble
that floats in ice black fires

blood fat armies
of knuckle dragging
infinitesimal bodies
fill tombs of pharaohs
and queens
extracted sarcophagi
from the Valley of the Kings
who ruled arcades
of brazen and terrified
praying chimpanzees
scattering and pierced
on hooks and flames
through their soft bodies
in a humanistic cinema
of tyrannies
and myth fiction horror

a history of suspicion
submits to
commodities of fetish phantasmagoria  
and festivals of atonement

at our end
Gods will
the big un-bang
a spectacular inhumanity
bashes us hard with   
Punchinellos bat
striking wounds and age
for the theater
fallen life
in voids and mountain peaks
till deaths wake
in the noisy silence
of forever
84 · Aug 2020
zebra Aug 2020
human erotasisim
essentially submerged
in a grim compulsion
where blood
is more resplendent
in death than in life

path of consumption
a contagion of love madness

what does it mean to be human?

analysis of an imaginative animal
out side the structures of power
and their conventions

if you ever figure it out
you'll never look at your eggs
the same way again

*** is evil
taking you to the summit
of death

death strengthens eroticism
and erotasisim
strengthens death

where we are driven to look
yet hate to

*** frenzy ******
joyful illumination of the base
stunningly beautiful
and absolutely horrifying

romantic poetic and despised
this is not poetry
this is witchcraft
Rooted in
Georges Bastille's
"The Story of The Eye"

"The Sacred Conspiracy" and claims that "Secretly or not... it is necessary to become different or else cease to be."[2] Further on, Bataille wrote: "Human life is exasperated by having served as the head and reason of the universe. Insofar as it becomes this head and this reason, insofar as it becomes necessary to the universe, it accepts serfdom."[3]
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