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May 2014 · 1.0k
last night
Presence May 2014
Last night I dreamt,
that somebody loved me
     no hope no harm
just another false alarm
May 2014 · 1.2k
Presence May 2014
we are all in the same game
just different levels
dealing with the smame hell
just different devils
May 2014 · 610
free at last
Presence May 2014
They come at night
giving me a fright
watching my every move
they comfort me and all my troubles
they come in close and give me cuddles
they say that I should come to them
'you'll be free at last'
from this horrid cage that causes pain
many call it
May 2014 · 1.0k
No escape
Presence May 2014
arms around my ankles
dragging me further down
you never show me mercy
only watch me drown
and now I have been trying
to climb and crawl back out
but you keep filling my mind
with horrible thoughts and doubt
May 2014 · 617
Fragile child
Presence May 2014
I remember when you first came over,
you gave me this warming smile
You told me I was beautiful
and that you'd be here a while

You took me to this room
and lay me on the bed
You wrapped your arms around me
and slowly kissed my head

You placed your bony fingers
around my frail body
you told me to keep silent
or you'd make me sorry

so I cried inside my head
and tried to struggle free
but you had locked the door
with your old bronze key

I was only a young girl
waiting for her prince
but now I only dread you
ever since
you used me as a toy
for your own pleasure and joy
and left me crying there without a thought or care

and I hope that your glad to hear
that soon I'll just be gone
because everything you did to me was
I know it's quite long...
May 2014 · 1.8k
Presence May 2014
Stuck in a mist
Lost in a haze
A end of life
No more days

A path not shown
A darkness creeps
A creature prowls
crouching it leaps

Slashing, tearing
You heart it yearns
A beat you miss
A pain that burns

Nothing ahead
your life you lack
No way to retrieve
Its not coming back

The end is here
The lid nailed on
Six feet under
Too late your gone
Presence May 2014
there are no kisses and hugs
no missing or love
were laughs become screams
and tears become streams

nobody dares to speak
for we are all too weak
and afraid of what should be loved

as my mum comes near
we all stand in fear
wondering who will be next
to be pulled by the hair
and get given no care
only painful kicks and stares

I tried hiding under my bed
for sooner or later I will be dead
we're all just living in dread

I can no longer take the pain
there really is no gain

because things are just different in my house...
it's not very good but I guess it's something...
May 2014 · 14.3k
Presence May 2014
She sits in her room
  all alone
shivering under her bed
in desperate attempt
     to stay hidden
from the monsters that scream in her head
What I came up with whilst I was supposed to be revising
May 2014 · 795
Can you feel my heart?
Presence May 2014
I'm scared to get close and I hate being alone.
I long for that feeling to not feel at all.
The higher I get, the lower I'll sink.
I can't drown my demons, they know how to swim.

-Bring me the horizon
can you feel my heart- Bring me the horizon
May 2014 · 376
Where does forever lie?
Presence May 2014
I have lost the will to change
Taking the path that leads to nowhere
The darkness is taking over
something i cannot repair
If it is to be broken
Drowning in the sorrow
I cannot give in
Take the fall and run to the heavens
Im never going to bow
Im never going to break
I will not fall
I will not fade
I was made to take your breathe away
Whenever my hope is lost
Thats my chance to run for cover
Light the fuse and burn it up
I dont want to change the world
I just want to make it colder
Watching the end
With our dying eyes
Tell me where forever lies
May 2014 · 1.0k
Presence May 2014
Stuck, with no way out
I try to run but she keeps catching up
Lost in confusion,
Is all an illusion

Collar bones, hip bones
Dry skin, light headaches
A week heart and cold hands
This euphoria has to end !

Tick, tock is time to eat
Food torments me on my dreams
A lost soul a life, walking death but alive

Winning battle, losing battle
Pushing forward, pushing backwards
Close to blade, an yet still so far
A decision I must make, it torments me every day
May 2014 · 606
Hush little baby
Presence May 2014
Hush little baby, don't you cry,
You stand on the scale with tears in your eyes.

Hush little darling, don't you see?
Hip bones and collar bones will make you lovely.

Hush little baby, I hear your sighs,
Your ribs aren't showing; there's no gap between your thighs.

Hush little darling, just take my hand,
I'll make you starve till you can no longer stand.
May 2014 · 555
The girl
Presence May 2014
The girl who feels alone in a crowded room.
The girl who fears she'll break soon.

The girl who cries when nobody's around.
The girl who doesn't dare to make a sound.

The girl who fakes a smile to hide how she feels.
The girl who has nightmares that are becoming more real.

The girl who swallows pills by the bottles.
The girl who starves herself to look like the models.

The girl who rewrites a suicide note each wretched day.
The girl who doesn't know how to feel okay.

The girl who could disappear without anyone to realize.
The girl who is hiding behind a disguise.

The girl who is numb and who feels nothing.
The girl who used to be worth something
May 2014 · 466
Presence May 2014
I'm addicted, what can I say? Addicted to withering away.
The joy I get when my bones come out.
The joys of eating, I can do without.
Oh Ana how I truly miss you.
The pain and suffering, the obsession I've come to.
Please take me in your bony arms.
And keep me away from all that fat tendencies and harms.
May 2014 · 443
daily lies
Presence May 2014
it's amazing how much pain
    can be hidden
         in the breath
              of a single laugh
May 2014 · 594
Roses are dead
Presence May 2014
Roses are red
Violets are blue
but now all the flowers are dead
and soon I will be too...
May 2014 · 484
Young one
Presence May 2014
Close your eyes, young one
        It doesn't get better
Shut your thoughts, young one
            You're all alone
Silence your cries, young one
       No one will hear your
       No one will save you
Can't take the pain anymore?
            Well, well, well.
We all know there's only one way out
Mar 2014 · 802
Wild Soul
Presence Mar 2014
beautiful wild soul
into the night
never land         foreverland
paths of ghosts and violets

lunar spirit
surreal soulful fight
natural         neutral calm
closed eyes, dreamscapes mind
not mine but I love it
Mar 2014 · 20.7k
Presence Mar 2014
And if you're ever
       feeling lonely
      Just look at the
is looking right at it too
Mar 2014 · 1.7k
Presence Mar 2014
is not
to when
you are
not really a poem but I guess it's something?!

— The End —