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 Sep 2014 Z
That Girl
 Sep 2014 Z
The girl you saw today
Softly humming a tune
Tapping her fingers upon her desk
Eyes flitting around the room
Crooked yet white smile
With a nose she thinks is too fat
Taking in everything quietly
Wishing she was wearing a hat
Shoulders slightly slumped
From trying to hide the fact
That her feminine chest
Is about as flat as her back
Her hair is short and choppy
She has a tenseness about her
She's uncomfortable with her body
That girl you saw in the hall today
Only wanted to be friends
But being the opposite gender
That puts things to an end
You couldn't be friends with her,
After all she is a she
That girl you saw around today
I can say that was me.
 Sep 2014 Z
 Sep 2014 Z
lets lay under a blanket of stars
and watch the world go by
 Sep 2014 Z
 Sep 2014 Z
I've always liked being alone,
Usually preferred it,
But you know how you meet someone
And you need to be with them?
Because it's like you've found a half of yourself you didn't even know you were missing until now?
And now that you do know, you feel it
You feel that emptiness
Because being with you,
It's not hard, it doesn't exhaust me,
It's just like when I'm alone,
Except I'm also
 Sep 2014 Z
Starting Fresh
 Sep 2014 Z
He's forgiven all my sins
I'm starting fresh
With a new look on things
And I'll prove to Him
He didn't die for me to just sit quiet
 Sep 2014 Z
 Sep 2014 Z
I used to like fishing
It was such a joy to catch a fish
And boy were they good to eat
Fried fish fresh caught
Right outta our bayou!
But today... I got a different look
Today a baby swallowed my hook
The metal device stuck inside
I saw te terror in his eyes
Twitching awfully, worm still attached
Flicking it's fin's, trying to breathe
The gills forced painfully open
Trying to breathe even if it meant
Forcing the hook deeper into an *****
Body occasionally spasming,
While I frantically look for pliars
Pliars to work out the hook
But of course I couldn't find any
I squeezed two finger nails
Into it's dime shaped throat
And pulled on the hook
I couldn't wiggle it out.
So I did the only thing left
I cut the line
It had been 5 minutes
I knew it was too late
The baby fish was limp now,
I still slid him into the water
He floated on his side to the surface
His gills twitched open,
Trying desperately to breathe
Soon the small gill twitches got sparse
And the baby's eyes turned foggy
I sat there, helpless, as I knew
I just took a life away from this world
It was ****** in my eyes,
And all the torture the baby endured
The pain, only to get a slim snack
The deaths for most of the fish,
Are too slow and tortuous..
I do not fish anymore...
I'm so so sorry.
 Sep 2014 Z
 Sep 2014 Z
I like the idea of friends snuggling
And holding hands all the time
But anything more and I'm asexual
I've always talked about love
And wanted to kiss, and 'stuff'
Who doesn't?
But I realized if I actually picture it
I freak out. I can't do it.
Maybe it's because I haven't found
Someone I am completely and utterly
Invested in, that might be it.
So until then,
I'll make the bestest of friends
 Aug 2014 Z
Joshua Haines
There was an army of ants in the plastic plants
So I poured light through a magnifying glass
And I created a fire on the artificial grass

They scurried and hurried
with flames on their backs
Like soldiers on a hopeless plain,
searching for invisible barracks

And I sighed as they died,
because we are all the same:
Scurrying and hurrying from invisible pain
 Aug 2014 Z
calpurnia mockingbird
There is a forest old as hillsides
tall, majestic, dappled shades
fall on ground beneath the silent
gnarled defenders of the glade.

There they stand in ancient splendour
many souls have passed their way
often used as welcome shelter
from the heat of summers day.

Sweet the air they breathe in chorus
our life's breath their lungs provide,
soaking up our daily poison
so that we may live and thrive.

You seas of men intent to clear them
citing progress, peddling greed
tearing roots from precious mooring
laying waste to nature's seed.

**** the beauty of a landscape
displace creatures for your need
rupture fragile ecosystems
scar the earth and watch it bleed.

To you I ask a simple question,
as I see the land bereaved.
What need has man of all this progress
when he can no longer breathe?
 Aug 2014 Z
I would say I love her because
I really do. At first it was friendly,
then it somehow became known
that I had more feelings for her
than I meant too.

But, today I realized that I loved her.
Not the kind of love that couples seem
to feel lately. Like, the kind that comes
so fast and fades so quickly?
No, this is something... beautiful.

I didn't want her to leave.
I wanted to pull her close and
just have her nuzzle into my
painful neck. I wanted sweet
kisses to be planted there,
and for it to heal me like
they always do.

I knew I loved her when I
fearlessly kissed her in the hallway.
it was easier because nobody except
she, Morgan, and I were there so I
didn't have to worry about someone
saying something.

But, in all honesty, I wouldn't care
one bit if someone would have seen us.
She makes me happy and as I to she.
Why shouldn't our happiness count?
Why can I not show my feelings?
I am in love with her, so please
tell me how this is fair?

How is it fair that I have to hide?
Having a beautiful and healthy relationship
full of love and trust and two beautiful souls...
Why should we have to hide when
abusive relationships are allowed and
people who are are sexist and rapists
are allowed to roam the world?

All I ask is for acceptance and love.
I just want to be able to walk around
with my head held high and to
be able to hold her hand, with my thumb
caressing the back of her hand.
I just want to kiss her when I want to
and not feel like I am disturbing others.
Loving her and being with her feels so right...
So why can I not show it?

I love her... I really do.
She is my night and my day.
My dark and my light.
My winter to my spring...
Please don't take my happiness away.
Morgan=great friend.
Leigh... baby... I love you so much.
 Aug 2014 Z
Wi(l)der things
 Aug 2014 Z
I would like to love someone
but my heart was made for wi(l)der things
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