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 Sep 2014 young poet
harry ride
you shattered my heart then stitched it back up
you played with my emotion like a child's new toy
yet i cant stop turning your pages in excitement
i was a fool
you ruined my life
but blessed at the same time
you left me lagging behind in life just so i could continue turning your pages
i love books but they hold me back from society  
this is the fate of a book worm
Body shaking
Heart racing
Mind scattered
Feeling dizzy
Need help
Can't talk
Go away
Can't walk
Pass out
Why not cry a little too

Hello my name is anxiety
She wrote:
Meet me there.
Run across the track.
I never watch you leave,
Please, come back.

He wrote:
If you never watch me leave,
Then I am still here.
I watch over you, darling.
I'll be there.
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