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  Dec 2015 xvy
I'm grasping on to any little bit of nothing to hold onto you
And my palms are sweaty and my fingers ache
but I can't let go yet
I'm not over it
or you
or whatever it is you pretended you were to me
  Dec 2015 xvy
K Alexys
I like open skies with many stars
I like clear oceans and lonely bars
I love watching animals attack their prey
I like to sleep so long i skip the whole day.
I like the feeling of having nothing to do
Not being bored but not feeling blue
Just relaxing and enjoying the sound of nothing
I like to take my  time i dont like rushing
I like eating food that tastes real good
Even though itll **** me i love it still
I love to lay outside and watch the birds fly above me
I love to think that one day id find life itself lovely.
xvy Dec 2015
I had a dream
It was just a dream
But it felt so real
  Dec 2015 xvy
Drag me down to the river and throw me in
Aint talkin bout the shallow but the deepest end
Take me down and hold me under
Don't let me breathe
Until you know i'm good and ready
For you to rescue me
Andrew Ripp

xvy Dec 2015
Was it the scenery
that over whelmed me
was it because you were
there beside me?
xvy Nov 2015
I am leaving safe places
To find where I'm supposed to be
It doesn't feel quite right nor
It doesn't feel wrong
But I'm leaving safe places
Because here's not where I belong
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