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Lexie Dec 2020
I have learned
Let the pain take me
So that it may go
Lexie Jun 2019
I didn't want you to blame me
When I passed out from holding my breath
I was just trying to be lighter on the inside
Walking is really hard these days
I keep forgetting how to talk
Even when I know too many words
I'm panicking, existential discomfort
I can make up a name for my feelings
They flow through me the same
Hold me now
So I don't let go of myself
You are not an anchor
You are a bridge
I am burning
It's my fault
You whisper through my hair
Into the hollow of my hear
Whispers in my head, tread softly
"It will be okay, baby."
I clutch the solid fabric of your shirt
Between the concrete fingers of my hand
Linger with me
Like you promised
I can be toxic, but I try not to be.
Lexie Sep 2020
How easily we are taken
With being left
Lexie Feb 2014
Driving drunk
Just one time
Just one tire
Across the line
Lexie Feb 2014
Seek the sun at the end of its journey
Chase the light past the clouds

The dark is scared it will hide
Will you stay and be the one

It is finished

It is done
Lexie Jan 2014
Dreams so sweet dream so scary
Filled with visions in my head
I'm so afraid to go to bed
I'd rather stay up all night with you instead

Don't go to sleep
Talk with me
Cut the bonds
Set me free
Lexie Oct 2021
I know sadness doesn't make you feel full
But it's one hell of a completeness
Lexie Aug 2020
Do you ever
Do what you think is right at the time
And by the time you figure out it wasn't
It's to late to fix it
Lexie Nov 2019
Never thought I'd be the one
With my feet on the ground
Can't lie about the view though
I love watching you
With your head in the clouds
Lexie Feb 2019
I seldom put my ghosts to sleep
They are the spiderwebs of my consciousness
The martyrs in the back of my mind
Even they, in their dead wisdom
Don't want me to wake up
Lexie Sep 2019
This dream
Delivered me to reality
Bore me no joy
Rolling up stardust
Second yarn ball
From the sun
Unwinding reason
Spinning in the dark
When I orbit the sun
The light will touch me again
Lexie Jun 2018
Are all
That she is
Every dream
A lanturne is a Japanese poem flowing in a syllabic pattern of one, two, three, four, one... shaped like
a Japanese lantern.
Lexie Sep 2014
let's sleep in our own dark dreams tonight
Lexie Feb 2018
You are all my dreams never put to paper
You are every star in the sky
You are the fog resting on the lake in the earliness of the morning
You are the wish I make before I blow the candles out
You are the heartbeat in my chest at the top of the mountain
You are the leaves clinging to the trees in fall
You are the rings in the trunks of fallen trees
You are the yearning of the earth for spring
You are everything that has ever been beautiful
You are anything that is strong
You are all this and more
Lexie Sep 2016
All of these words
Ever present in my mind
And all of you
A gift my heart cannot contain
For dreams are lucid
And tears fabricated
And my hearts only desire
Is to lay down in your arms
But here I find myself
On the ground
Strewn among the roses
It is not romantic
But it is sweet, and sickly
All at once
To be in your mind
And as I wander
The corridors of your mind
Knocking on doors
Slipping into your thoughts
I cry.
For I know
This is where I belong
And to you I will always return
My thoughts run
Out of my ears
And intertwine into yours
Will we ever end?
I know that we will die
That is for sure
But an end?
To be love we have
Is in foreseeable in my sky
Lexie Dec 2018
We just let the days run through
Marking them good and bad
We wait, crossed legged on the floor
For the next opportunity
As it peeks in shyly through the window
Waiting for us to fall asleep
So it can slip into out dreams
Just to give us a taste of tomorrow
In it's impatience to find us
Lexie Sep 2020
.                   .
                   i t
               c o m e s
           a n d       g o e s
      i n                   w a v e s

who will d
                 ­       w
         who will be  s a v e d

                    o                 a   e
who will l     v   the  w   t   R

and who wil take her  p  l  a  c  e
Lexie Aug 2020
I have loved you
Even in the time we are apart
I know it means nothing
Lexie Nov 2018
I shudder to think
Yet that is all I do
Lexie May 2016
like water we fall
into the skies
every kiss
from our eyes
with our sleeves on the shore
and hearts in the sand
we sing until we cry
each of our fingers
intertwined in the waves
and we kiss the stars
in their brightest light
Lexie Jul 2023
Lover, it is just you and I
Way up here, in the sky
When I look at you
I am not afraid
Of how high we are
If you feel fear, my love
You do not show it
If you are sad darling, cry
They are praying for rain below
And we have found no gods here
Lexie Sep 2020
Love was was not enough for us
Now we must face the music
Lexie Jan 2019
You speak with a tongue that has walked a thousand miles
And I, so dry in my response, it would seem mine only knew deserts
Lexie Sep 2020
I asked you
To trust me
Not knowing
You would be
The one
To teach me
What trust was
Neutral tyrants
Drink themselves
To the bottom
Of the glass
I pray only
That the well
Will not run
Lexie Aug 2016
Do you know how to write a love letter
I mean, you never wrote them to me
But you must know how, it is in you
Write out your heart, for me to read

I don't believe any life is a mistake
But I know I've made plenty in life
Just wanted to be your, and you mine in turn
Didn't meant to make any trouble, or cause strife

My skin burned red, when you were pulled away
A forever so much shorter than I ever imagined
So many memories crowded up in my head
Something though I wonder, if they really happened

I was lost, I loved, I lost,  I lost my love
So many words and all of these hurting hearts
Like trying to hard to make a snake dance
I thought I was a duet, I was left playing all the parts
Lexie Mar 2016
I am like a ghost to you
Never knowing what to do
Take this heart and use it to
Its not much good without you

I am like a staircase
I can take you to a place
Never to see your face
But you step on me with grace

The clock is ticking out of time
We stepped out of line
The sun refuses to shine
On this face of mine

Whatever makes you happy dear
I want you to hold me near
Never will you sense my fear
A little longer and I wont be here
Lexie Aug 2022
This is a fun little game game we play
You break my heart
And I leave you alone
Lexie Sep 2020
I feel fear in my feet
And that is why
I am not grounded
If you know you know
Lexie Nov 2022
My soul has an echo
Even when I say nothing
When I do not call out
To demons
In the darkness
Perhaps only when
Rocks from the precipice
From poorly shodden cliffs
Shoot into the abyss
It is your name
That calls back to me
It is you who resides
In my deepest depths
My soul has an echo
The wanderings of my heart
Have made you their muse
No matter my song
You are my melody
Lexie Sep 2020
I still dream
Of you
Singing in elvish
As close as it seems
To a true haunting
It is my greatest
Course of comfort
How delightful
I find
My delusions
How sweet you are
The recollection
Of love
Lexie May 2020
Noun, a place or state of great happiness; an unspoiled paradise.
Lexie Nov 2018
I was just your glass cliff
Lexie May 2014
I refuse to let go
Of the dark cliff
Before the sun rises
Lexie Sep 2017
Y'all so thirsty in these streets
But can't **** with me in these sheets
Lexie Sep 2020
The past
Held you
In abundance
Is it selfish
To want that
For the future
As well
Lexie Sep 2018
I can go back years in my mind
And still that changes nothing for today
What is done is dead
But not yet buried
This grave tempts me to lie in it
And my weariness coaxes me along
A few tears are running, silently, down my cheeks
The darkness, she always cries with me
New sheets do naught for old dreams
And new lovers do nothing for old scars
This girl, who runs on sand and streets alike
If you chased her,
And caught her,
She would wind you like a thread around her finger,
And tell you all the secrets of the world
Her heart is cleaved in half
She felt the breaking.
Yet somehow she is put together just so,
Just so, perfectly
The ground she lays upon is cold
Her nails scratch against the tombstones as she rises
Likewise, the sun is climbing her way into the morning
We will bury this night with shovels full of dirt
Enough has been said while the moon is full
To be silent for today
Enough has been said for tomorrow
To be silent today
It is late
But just early enough to remember a few heartbreaks
Lexie Dec 2018
The morning star, born into light.
Six words for the season poetry challenge.
Lexie Aug 2018
If I tried to make myself make sense to you, I would tell you that I am emotionally abandoned

Part of me was left on the side of the interstate traveling from Okay to Not Okay and is wandering around in a corn field

Maybe she will find a ride home, but some things while they are sought for no matter how much the chance of probability are still lost

Yet her grave is not yet dug
We don't all make sense.
Lexie Feb 2018
I thought I would feel,
feel something
I expected to feel to much,
per usual
There was no rush of adrenaline
No hot breath rising in my chest
My heart was a calm steady beat
I felt cheated of passion
Am I a broken clock?
Right twice a day
Just ticking away
I thought I wanted this,
wanted you
Now I am not so secure
In this desire
I feel a fool,
per usual
I feel empty
So busy overthinking
I turn you over in my head
Like a piece of food in my mouth
But I do not savor the flavor
So I swallow my pride
If that is what you call it
I cannot have my cake and eat it to

Some things seem more appealing behind the glass
Once you take a bite you remember, the taste of disappointment
I don't even know where I am anymore.
Lexie Aug 2015
No words more honest
Than those that fall
Unbidden from my lips

To a harsh gown of thorns
That encompass the earth
Judged and torn apart

By a one of a nobler birth
Could I compete?
Would I dare to be so harsh?

My sheets thinner
Than the water you drink
Did you catch me

Just to throw me back
Over the brink
Like an arrow

On fire at night
I would blaze out
Into endless night

You can not call me back
But yet I may return
Born and burn and beautiful

Like every other life
Not any brighter
Than you existence

Not any higher
For an resistance
To fight and lose

Or die and win
To make the battles
For you to win

You kisses un-gentled
You scent so torn
Between heaven and earth

All these scars were born
To travel up and down your limbs
Seeking for a harder way

To get within
To thrive under you skin
As thin as paper

To kiss you lips now
And taste it later
Like sweat on your brow

And the blood in your veins
I traveled around
Yet am hard to be found

As desirable as leaves
In a much to harsh breeze
Grown from the ground

Reaching for a sky
That sings and flies
And will ever fake to die

Dark clouds and burnt skies
More and less than butterflies
To not find your rainbow

Or be your sunshine
But to be yours
And you to be mine

A looking glass
You can never clean
Like double lenses

I am trapped between
Caught to a mortal form
Bound by your emotions

Would you release me
Don't just let me go
Push me away

No one will ever know
They are to absorbed
In their own laces

They never looked beyond
To see other beautiful faces
To trace the lines of your soul

To care if you were part of whole
To extend a hand
And grasp another

I found a hold
Hold  me close
Tight as a knot

I was neither given nor bought
Just an exchange
Don't let us trade hearts

For you would lose yours
But I will give you mine
So you can bind it inside

Right next to your heart
It will learn to thrive
It will never be lost

And never quite whole
But at least it will live
Next to your soul

Warmer than the cold
And as faded as dawn
Keep me inside

Or let me move on
To say goodbye
To lovers and friends

So ubruptly it ends
And I never knew when
So say goodbye

I never knew
It would be our last kiss
Was it something you needed

Or just something you missed
You can't press me
Between dictionary pages

For when the storms come
Its my temper that rages
Bound by paper

In handcuffs of ink
And when I begin to drown
Its you who lets me skin

Closer than kin
Thicker than water
You stole my father's daughter

She let you come in
But locked the door behind
So whatever happened

The lock would always remind
You of whispers
Hidden oak

To weave them inside
A memory cloak
What is found is found
And what is broke is a joke
Lexie Jan 2014
No words can express
What I feel right now

I cant understand the pain of today
I don't know how to figure out what to say

Cut the bonds
Slice the skin
Walls so paper thin

Listening ears
Aching hearts

Stop hold out your hand
I don't think I can understand
Lexie Dec 2015
I  couldn't walk five thousand miles in your four hundred dollar shoes
I could go any distance but you, baby, you baby, would never know
Took me and put me in a trash can
Said I wasn't enough to ever be yours
Love, tough love, never ever enough
Love, tough love, life is so rough

Never big enough to pay your bills, wasn't worth it
Could stand in your shoes and climb these hills
I had everything and everyone to lose

I try to stay away from all the triggers
But it pulls me back and bites likes slivers
Sharp and sweet, like a bite
Never enough, in your darkest night
Wanted to show, show the world
So heavy hearted, but a heart you still hurled
Show me your lights. in your eyes
So pick me and bring me right upside

I drown alone and die together
Baby, love me now, tame this weather
So beautiful to look at your face
All the bottles though take your place
One drink, every minute
Raise the bar, no limits
Whatchyou want, whatchyou got
Everything you want, everthing I'm not

Whats that, whats that over there
I cant even reach it
Every lesson learned, boy you never teach it
If you write a book with lots of pages
I just need keys for all of my cages
You come to my house and pull a gun on me
You home in my heart and say you want me
Lies that arent enough, life is just to rough
Lies that arent enough, life is just to rough

Save me

Ooooh save me

It's an empire you build with my broken bones
You stack them up like they are just stones
That monster in you did it.
Helped you build, helped your grow
An empire I will never know

I  couldn't walk five thousand miles in your four hundred dollar shoes
I could go any distance but you, baby, you baby, would never know
Took me and put me in a trash can
Said I wasn't enough to ever be yours
Love, tough love, never ever enough
Love, tough love, life is so rough
Love, tough love, never ever enough
Love, tough love, life is so rough

But nothing, not life or love, will make you immortal
Lexie Sep 2020
You say I am being emotional
What a crime
That only one of us feels
Lexie Oct 2018
This empty bottle has told me all her secrets
Still I hope for more
Like a thirst unquenchable

I tear away at myself
At everything that I have become
The lining of my lungs separates
And I pull her out of my throat,
and she slips through my teeth
As a ghost in the night
And a final breath
That had been spent to soon
She was told to wait
For the ticking of the clock to be silenced

These dreams, they cling
To the corners of my skull
Knocking together in the night
For warmth, for stamina
If each be just a drop of water
It is still enough to drown all else out

Like change in my pockets
Clutched between clammy fingers
And rings that turn my thieving fingers green
Are these memories I hold of you
I dare not let them slip through my fingers
Yet here I find myself
All spent out

These thieving fingers
Have stolen days
Stolen hearts
And left nothing in return
But two or three petals from a fading flower

Such is life
But to awaken each day
And to look for sleep at the end
Yet we paint our faces
With our bleeding, broken hearts
Oh some smiles, how red they are
Try as you might
You cannot wipe away the pain
So let it bleed
Until it has bled out
And still scars hold things together tighter than your hands ever could
Lexie Oct 2018
You said you were sorry
For not loving me the way you were supposed to
I told you it was okay
Because you had never really loved me at all
Lexie Sep 2019
Promises last
As long as you make them
Of promises being kept
Is a fickle measurement
Lexie May 2014
I can vent my soul in words but it still hurts
Lexie Oct 2018
I will trick my belly into thinking she is full
Just as I have fooled my heart
Lexie Jan 2016
It is enough
Only when there is nothing left
You will always take more
Until it is all gone

I give and I gave
And I died
You swore and you killed
And you tried

To be in control
And have it your way
You said this is harsh love
Harsh in every way

What is gentle?
What is sweet?
What is kind?
What is love?

I will never know
Hugs and kisses
Just a stare out a window
To what she misses

I long for better
And you shorten the leash
I retreat
And you yell and preach

I want a conversation
With a little truth
I ask one question
And all hell breaks loose

My nights are safe
Yet you intrude
To take my heart
And find it used

Little sparks in my eyes
And in my life
But fire always
Pays its price

Word as a release
But I bite them back
Trying to be enough
Reminded of what I lack

A comparison
That doesn't compare
To light or dark
Not right or fair

I will always have questions
Answered with slaps
I want to hide
But you drag me back

Hell is hot
But less that your rage
Words that bind
Me into a cage

Add me
To your list
Of those you beat
And those you've kissed

Give me a hammer
To build a home
Give me a friend
So I won't be alone

Play me some music
At my demand
Then take it all away
Just like you planned

I could run farther
And I could run faster
But I crawl back
Like a dog to a master

Good Lord, sever
Me from the earth
And let me sleep
Twixt sky and hearth
Lexie Dec 2018
You were rich in wonderment
As are many beginnings
Slowly the pennies fell out of your pockets
This is the way many things have gone
I will follow
Though with stubborn footsteps
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