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Lexie Jul 2018
I matched the look in his steel colored eyes with my own gaze of determination

The angel Uriel descended in but a thousand broken moments woven together with the distinction of bliss

And he bade unto me in my slipping consciousness...

I could not tear my eyes way even for an eon, the sight to my eyes was a breathe to my lungs - as is a beat is to my heart, to be everything at once,in turn to the nothing I was but a lifetime ago

Could you kiss my soul?
In the way music breaks my heart
Could you sing a song at the footsteps of the eternal himself

His ways
, higher

I think I take too much, you say I take too little, still you give as generously as you have before

What is this
That I would bare
My soul to you
With solemness, your eyes
Find me in the dark
Still you see me as I am
But a child
A fragile candle wish
Blown among the known
And wretches of night
To weep with the mindless

How can I return unchanged
To that which bore me
It leaves me in anguish
That which knew me
It let's me go
To those who see, but know too little
Reach with tendrils of hope and fire

Further still you lead me
Through loneliness I am not alone
Lexie Feb 2014
The sweet smell of frozen pines
The disappointment in your eyes
I am sorry I ignored all your cries
But at my heart it's me I despise

The cold embrace of winters hug
I just don't feel it anymore no love
All I feel is the acid rain falling from above
I am a ***** urchin and you a pure white dove

The silent kiss of the wind when it blows
The beat of the drums no one knows
The secrets that only time shows
The silence of power that the water flows

I was strong with a good heart
But that is in my past
Like all good things
It was not meant to last

My words are half true
But I can't see clearly anymore
I just want to know my destiny
To see what's in store

I am afraid to dance
Maybe The Lord of change will curse me
Better to be bound with others
Then alone and free

Better to look through frozen eyes
That have to part with sight or say goodbye

A door slammed over and over again
A battle fought by foolish men
Feet running in a straight line
All of us trapped by time
Lexie Sep 2019
Time dripping
Water through
A clenched fist
The hourglass turns
Beginnings, on edge
Born again
Womb of ancients
Turning over
Life in motion
God is born
Not so patient
Death is mute
Lexie Mar 2019
My breath catches in my throat like the plunk of copper in a wishing well
We had dreams once, and I haven't slept so well since
I'm holding my breath, sinking to the bottom

Time doesn't always tell you what you wish you had know
It just a births a new fool, so that tomorrow someone will pay their 'I told you so' dues
Being with you was like standing in the middle of the road blindfolded with candy in my mouth
Dangerous, foolish, sweet and wishing a car would just hit me so it could be over
Having everything you ever wanted
Doesn't mean it's good for you
But peope are drugs and I'm an addict
Who hides on the top floor of their house in the summer as the rising heat steals my next breath from between my lip
As quickly as I conceive a kiss
My brain screams abort it
As I convince myself its not "that bad"
Because some people fall in love with volcanoes trying to convince the world that they are just misunderstood mountains
Until they erupt
And you aren't erupting, not yet
You are just simmering on your way to a boil and telling me that lava isn't that bad because I'm used to being cold
But eruptions don't care
If you are nice
Or kind
Or nice and kind and sweet and patient
They just want to devour every taste in one bite
Even if they are just going to spit it out
One day you will find me
To your misfortune, it will not be as I left
Lexie Jul 2018
What could I say that would change your mind?
Would it be easier to tie a string to the moon and pull it to earth?
Still I speak into the unknown
My own voice, in solitude, returns to me
Though not as it was when she left
I have had days where words have bubbled out of my mouth as quickly as the regrets could follow
Days also, where not a word could be pulled; by any hand or persuasion, through teeth gnashing in my mouth

Silence she is a queen
Though she does not always sit upon her throne

It seems my mind, these days, has to many pages, but none to turn them like wheels in a stream
This ache in me eats away at rest and resolution
Soon she will go hungry
And I can feed her naught but contempt and dry, empty, hopes
Oh that you would come to me
In any hour of the sun
Find me as I am
And speak to me as such;
One whom you have missed in the abundance of a field, flooded in Spring, only so that the bounty of the harvest would be overflowing

Find no fault in me
As I find no lack in you
Lexie Nov 2015
Will there be more words to come?
Or are these enough?
Will there be more heart break to come?
Because I think I have had enough.
Lexie Jan 2018
To me you are the whole world
So I don't know how you could even think
That you are not enough
Lexie Nov 2015
I wonder sometimes
If its enough for you
The memories me
Do you even think of me anymore?
Or did your mind close,
When you shut the door?
Did you want more?


I constantly crave
The golden glow
From your eyes
When I kissed you
I will always want more
To lighten my own soul

To tell me its okay
To tell me to let go
To tell me you care
To tell me you love me

Would be a sweet torture
No matter how
I will need you
And I will never back down
Lexie Jan 2014
Seven billion people know
Seven billion let me go

They watch my show
They watched me grow

My mother is the one they want
But to reach her they must get through

They want my touch, they want my money
But they aren't getting any honey

I have diamonds in my hair
And riches everywhere

But I want it just to be
Just mother and just me

Without fame without crowds
Without the people screaming loud

Entitled to fame
A popular name
So much gain
Lost on a train
Going in one direction
People give the wrong directions

I dress to impress
And press in and on

I've talked on T.V.
But I am trapped never free

Let me go just let me be
Alone and forever just God and me
Lexie Oct 2015
You trapped me in your soul

And I writhed to get free

Now their are scars on your chest

From where your heart used to be

I bled beneath your fingers

You trapped me in your skin

And I fought my way out

You felt me from within

So feirce my rage

As I escaped my prison

It was like a new day

Like a sun I had risen

The blinding light

To sear your eyes

For you need to feel

The extent of your demise
Lexie Sep 2014
I love you like the Sun loves the Moon
    enough to follow you in a eternal cycle
Lexie Aug 2022
I am burdened
With a delightful weight
Your expanse covers me
Where I would not be exposed

Like night sky over deep waters
Gentle stars looking past the beyond

I am yoked
Neck and neck
Footsteps in the same direction
Joined as one

Like vines we are intertwined
Until we are buried in the earth
Lexie Oct 2021
Because nature was divided in two
Each piece seeks the other half

All along the completeness was within me
My pieces are wolves, and
so the restlessness is my equilibrium
Lexie Sep 2020
You are
The muchness and the madness
I look for the morning
The love I long for in the night
You are the softest star
In the evening sky
You are my guiding light
Lexie Sep 2015
You are my one expense
Little did I know
That one day

**You would cost me everything that I am.
Lexie Feb 2014
Every tear bought with love
Every gift from above

You harden your hearts
And stand before my throne
You stand tall
But stand alone

You don't know my power
You only see my face

I take away all that you have
Everything you hold near
Everyone you hold dear

A child you are, weak and ignorant
You can't find what you look for

I hide your treasures
And let go of your hand
Just so you can understand
That everything
Happens for a reason
Lexie Jun 2019
I speak to anger
Only to ask that she leave
Lexie Jan 2019
I have
Lost and found bin feelings
Lexie Apr 2019
The sky, barren of stars
Held no mercy for the pin feathers of my love
Has my mortality always been so close
Is my hope just as far, merely out of my reach
My fingers search in the dark
For what the light will not uncover
My hope so close
I will not let her be forgotten
Lexie Feb 2014
The fire burns
What did you think would happen
As snow melts and I see the real earth
Like a mask peeled to show
The face behind
When what you are trying to hide
Is what everyone really sees
What did you expect
This is life
Just a slap in the face
This is love
Just another broken heart
This is a game
What did you expect
Lexie Nov 2014
Butterflies on her arms then can never fly
Released by pain into a deep red sky

Sharpie marker tears on a stone face
Glass cutter knives take her skins place

The ones who cry for her know her pain
She dare not stop unless she go insane

A artistic name written in scars
To a split personality trapped between bars

She isn't a mutation just a mutilator
But she views her own hands as a traitor

A rebuke from the angles who watch her sleep
Know what separates the strong from the weak

Draw into the future is her painful past
She will do whatever it takes to last
Lexie Mar 2023
I don’t want you to see me like this
I don’t want to experience it, first hand, either
I cannot change it
I am vulnerable
And it has not bode well for me before
Lexie Aug 2015
Don't leave any little piece  of me behind
Because the littlest *pieces are the hardest to find
Lexie Nov 2017
At this point I think the demons hide under the bed because they are afraid of me.
Nothing terrifies me more than what I see reflected back to me in the mirror.

Why do you think I close my eyes?

It is not to sleep. It is not to rest, it is to escape this harsh reality.

For the back of my eyelids are blank, unlike the thoughts that haunt my mind.

Only fools go there.
Lexie Jun 2018
i hope to God
that your eyes are filled with the light of at least a few of the watts you give to brighten up mine
Lexie Feb 2018
I hear more than I let on
I see more than you know
Lexie Oct 2017
Life will flourish wherever this water flows.
Lexie Aug 2018
I get stuck in those moments
Like a video call with a bad connection
And I can't redial
To reconnect
With myself
Lexie Nov 2015
I am going to live
I am going to die
What  I do in between
Will make you ask, "why?"
Lexie Aug 2018
The moon is drunk and full
And I sober and empty
We both will fade into the morning
Lexie Sep 2014
the corn is tall and the leaves fall
dirt roads litter with discarded acorns
the nights are longer
and the sun bids each day goodbye
sooner than we wish it to leave
the pumpkins fill stands and field
the red and cold crowns tops of trees
gently let go off their children the leaves
Lexie Jul 2019
I wonder here
At the bottom
Of the stars
Not knowing
If the sky
Will ever fill up
We have both
Been empty
For a time
The moon will find
Her lover tonight
The big dipper
Spill over
Washing away
Worries and woes
Of the earth
Washing down
With the milky way
I know you
You are like me
Saving good memories
For when you are sad
Self addressed letters
For when you have
No words of comfort
I loved you then
I know you now
The last of the earth
Trickles away
Streams unbidden
My tears will follow
I was fallen once
I am fallen again
I know you now
Lexie Nov 2018
The edge is not the end
So I fall

As did the angels
Lexie Dec 2019
You are the words to a song
My heart plays over and over again
Broken record love
Here we are dancing
My hands run over
The faded spots on your skin
Wearing you out
We are new tomorrow
Tomorrow is new to us
This is love
We are the rhyme
On faded paper
Between the lines
Love me best
Lexie Aug 2019
Praying for answers
Begging for silence
We thought
Heaven was high
Here we are falling
Lexie Feb 2014
***** souls and empty minds
A candle in a room all alone

The wind blows but the flame does not flicker
Hearts beating fast beat quicker

They listen at the key hole
The reap the glory of minds they stole

The bells ring loud and clear
You hear the fear oh so near

Its your choice but its my pain
Are all my trials in vain

These chains are broken but still bind
Whispering voices from behind

Your hands are cold, cold as ice
You got lucky when you rolled the dice

What is your reason what is your will
I stand here frozen cold and still

The wind blows oh so strong
I've been here all along

I climb a tower to reach the skies
Dropping down to empty tides

Catching me I am falling
Lexie Jun 2014
Falling in love with a poet
Is like drowning with a lifejacket
As soon as you think you are done
They pull you back up to the surface
The water still fills your lungs
But they breathe life into you
Pull to a desolate shore
And begin to write in soulful lore

Falling in love with an artist
Is like being a canvas
They will see your beauty and flaws equally
But cover them with layers of love stroked gracefully
Its gentle strokes of teeth marked brushes
Words shouted and rough touches
Its the masterpiece slowly unveiled
A piece of beauty on a bigger scale

Falling in love with a singer
Is learning how to win her
Never break her shattered heart
Just to hold her from the start
To know the lines in her face
How she walks and takes each pace
The sway of hips and a rhythmic pattern
The love of the taciturn

When words say little
And emotions run high
But they love we hold
Will never run dry
Lexie Nov 2014
we blow away like leaves
and are forgotten even though
we fell from imaginable heights
withstood the strongest storm
held onto a weak limb
braced against the elements
yet be blew away in the fall
as we fell to the barren ground
covering it in a blanket of colors
leftovers from the summers crisp wonders
Lexie Dec 2017
What is familiar to us we hold most dear
The dying warmth in the fireplace that was our love
Oh how quickly we forget to add the kindling
To soon does the light fade on either side of your nose
Still you look into the night, searching
For that which you know, but have never had
You grasp for life with your barren hands
Yet it slips through your fingers as if it was made of water
For the flow of life is fickle and who can know it's course
Silent and serpentine these dreams pass
Through my sheets and on into the night
What poor unfortunate sinner do they seek next
I am all I have ever said, and I do not speak well of the dead
Your words are knives pulled from a mouth of swords
Your eyes are fire pulled from hells firy columns
Still you light my way, I am a fool to follow
But this is familiar, to my old soul
She who has scorned you, still calls your name
Never should she have even know it, but fools live and die
You must not answer, still you do,
but fools live and die
For you long for what is familiar to you
She  will follow, with the lust of her hands
To seek us in a place that no man knows
For where can that be, is it the garden
From whence God cast his children
Is it the sky, where Orion was scythed by his children
Or still yet the dessert where no water is found
Still now I see it, yet I do not know
For is it where none can ever go
Is is your heart , within your self
You live there, and die there, and can never get out
For you know this place, but do not even know yourself
Lexie Jan 2018
You smell like Memories

and I can barely stomach the taste
Lexie Jun 2015
She called us granddaughters

Not by blood, but by love
Lexie Jan 2014
They know my name
My shoe size and weight

They send me mail
Love and hate

They follow me
In life and on twitter

They call themselves my fans
But they are the ones that ******* away

They me to write my name over and over again
Using napkin, paper, pencil and pen

The cameras flash
And the people cheer

And I wonder how did I get here?
Was it something I said?
Was it something I did?

I like the attention but I need time for me to
I don't like always pushing through

The crowds are always there
They keep me hemmed in
They stand behind the ropes
Hands reaching for my body

I stand and smile they cheer and wave
I feel like I'm drowning pulled under by a wave
Lexie Oct 2014
I'm so fancy you already know
I'm in rehab from Tuesday to Thursday whoa
Lexie Jan 2016
so sensual, the tingling of your skin
as your sweaty palm meets mine
your breaths as steamy
as the hottest shower

it shivers down my spine
in tiny ringlets
and travels across my thighs
in soft moans

the sheets are twisted
and so is my mind
as ***** as this song
but we don't skip the track

we can roll, toss, and turn
into each other
until the sunrises
you are mine

you caress my face
and your hands travel
my skin like its a globe
around and around the world

in rhythm with the music
we make our own beat
and follow every step
with passion and vigor

we slide into each other
and dance between sheets
soft as clouds
and hard as rocks

we brewed our love
and let it pour out
into each other
and onto your bed

like water we poured
into a ****
over the edges
and into the cracks

smooth and slick
just the right amount of pressure
gentle, baby
there is more coming later
Lexie Oct 2020
In the morning
I will be charming again
Convincing everyone, but myself
Of my alignment with the upright world
Lexie Oct 2020
When you lie
With your silver tongue
You devalue yourself
We are human
We are worth honesty
Lexie Jan 2016
Today is the day
We said our goodbyes
You hugged me so hard
I almost started to cry

You will get on that plane
And fly away home
And leave me here
Like a fallen stone

I smiled at you
As best as I could
What I felt inside
Was anything but good

Like a leaf from a tree
The last one to fall
You turned your back
Without another call

You didn't want to
Ever have to part
But our time was
borrowed, from the start

It couldn't be worse
You said you never felt better
But that lie on your lips
Was worth a thousand a letter

I'll write to you
When you are away
And you will read my words
On the next day

And the day after that
You will remember
All the joy we had
In the month of December

So come walk these halls
In the corridors of my mind
Looking through the pieces
And see what you find

Memories with 'X's
Spray painted on
Pieces of poems
And parts of a song

I can picture your smile
But can't see your eyes
Without all the tears
That mask you disguise

You hide from me
All of your thoughts
Tried to be strong
At your own costs

You wanted a fight
I wouldn't give in
So you left me in tears
Neither of us to win

"I'm leaving"
Like a slap to the face
But if you could, you,
Would stay in this place

So I'll wait, for you
With a painted on smile
Because all these days
Made it an hour feel like a mile

Farewell my friend
Have a safe fly
And think of me
When you take the sky
Lexie Jul 2019
you said, we are running out of time
makes me wonder
if we ever had any at all
Lexie Jul 2019
More than surface deep
More then dreams and sleep
Lexie Sep 2017
Well ****.
I'll just hold back the tears
The truth will find it's own way it

And in all honesty
I never thought it would come to this
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