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Joe Bradley Jul 2014
a flicker of warm light
and your face is all that I see.
Thunderclouds are silenced,
burned away and
my chest is left open to
our place under the opal sky.
The light is our soft romance
and our candlelit meal for two...

'Spiritui Sancto'
A Benedictine Monk
alone in
cold stone chambers sees
an ascending soul,
holy company,
a solitary light in all the
'Sed libera nos a malo'

love - bites
but please don't stop...
In his lust,
Mould moments of my skin
and keep them

'Waxy fingertips!'
'Put that down,
Mum told us
If you play with fire
you're going to get burned.

30 miles
they say
is the mathematical distance
you can see a flame in the dark

This is the symbol of our nation.
'Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit'
This nine branched lamp symbolizes that our Israel.
has courage, those may be their Qassam rockets,
but those are our sirens.
and that humming you hear is our drones
over their heads.

What enchanting light...
what God are you? Oh
wondrous beauty
what magic do you hold, what glory...
come closer str.....

What died so I could read?
The tallow is a pig
the squealing embers
fat pig.

here comes the candle to light you to bed,
And I curled, vulnerable to the shapes in the window
with my feet creeping further under the duvet.
The shadows were melted, cut, distorted on
my bedroom walls.
A primal evil will danced by the light of the flame
until I shut my eyes so tight,
that I slept it away.
here comes the chopper to chop off your head.

'No Jennifer, I just feel candlelight just adds a certain


to a room


'Quickly, before it turns septic.'
'This wont hurt boy'
'The fire, pass the fire'
'Quarterise it quick or he won't last long'
'bite down hard my lad, bite down hard'

Children hurtle down,
a Bombay slum to hear that.
'King Rama has returned,
light his path!'

The open sewers adorned in Ghee lamps
find such intense beauty as each quivering flame,
although so fragile, breathes the story
of the power of human spirit
unshakable against overwhelming odds.
*'The King of Ayodhya
Has Returned
Show his path for the Festival of Light!'
Crystal Fox Dec 2013
Nina McNally Feb 2011
Silence is
Everywhere, even
In the middle of the night,when people are dreaming and going
ZZZZZzzzzzz..." all night long.
Every day is a new day. ---

Time to change and start something new.
How can we bring peace to this world?
Each day--little by little-

Day by day; We can do it!
And to wrap this up, I want to say, Happy Birthday to
You, Jimmy Sullivan.---You truely live foREVer!** <3
copyright; February 9th, 2011 McNally, Inc.
written on The Rev's birthday and just flowed from my pen.
Title from an Avenged Sevenfold song.
Nicole M Grubbs Dec 2011
It's the...
ZzZzZzZzZz all day
Living it up my way
Cricket noises outside my window
The leaves and how the wind blows
Sun light shining thru the blinds
My life not tied to time
Good book I can't put down
Driving away and skipping town
Homies I'm for till the end
Being high from 10 to 10
Music that lulls me to sleep
Blanket that warms my feet
Phone call that makes me smile
"Stay with me for awhile?"
Smoke in my lungs
Soaking in the sun
Having too much fun
Being with my numero one
Boy that makes my heart jump
My room thats a dump
Sweet talking I want to hear
The tallest places that I fear
Hot tea at 7 o'clock
Smoking a bowl on my dock
Late mornings I crawl out of bed
Hangovers that hurt my head
Late nights I'm far from home
Waking up all alone
One I want to call my own
Getting in the zone
Weekends I lose my mind
$10 for a dime
Last voice before I go to bed
"You're all I'll ever need."
I said.
Edmund black Nov 2021
Woke up with the sun this morning
and wanted to paint you a pretty picture
But all I got to write is
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.                   Zzzzzzzzzzzzz






Let me guess, error 502 ?
I’m not surprised, it happens to everybody.
olivia Oct 2019
Reaching still for you
The way you reach for me
In the morning
Your right arm wrapped around my belly
Fluttering inside

Crying for you still
The way you cried
At Hey Arnold
Your saltwater coursing through your cheeks
Tasting my tears
Like the salt rim around the margarita
I drink to forget you

But I will never forget you
Your soul in ingrained in my brain
I close my eyes (awake) and see your crooked front teeth
I close my eyes (asleep) and see us laughing, swinging

And you will remember me
The way I left you
Like a crackhead leaving their daughter behind
Only to be reconciled a decade later
Resentment isn’t the word, neither is forgiveness

“You won’t be happy with me
But give me one more chance
You won’t be happy anyway”

Maybe I’ll sing your favorite song at karaoke
And bring the house down with sadness
Like when you sang Skyway
Your cinnamon flavored voice booming

I always put an excess of it in my oatmeal
Although it makes my eyes

I should drink some water
I should get some sleep
I should take my meds

I will dress in black
I will chain smoke my spirits
I will drink myself to a stupor
ZzzzZZZzzzzzz tired ZZzzzzzZZZZ
ZZZZzzzzZ sleeping ZZZzzzzzZ
ZzzZZZZZZzZ living ZzzzZZzzZz
ZZzZzZzzzZZ dead ZzZzZZzZz
Nix W Apr 2020
This friend of mine is obsessive
He burdens me every night
By his constant arrogant desire
To keep me up all ****** night
He appears completely uninvited
and declares his space in me
By sitting directly on my head
To defecate profanity
Its completely obscene and alarming
The thoughts he implants you see
I’ve never known such disturbance
Until he embarks on tainting me
It keeps me up for nights on end
Wires tinkering away
I can’t seem to shut them off
A frozen cognitive display
I’ve focused on ignoring him
And pretended to be asleep
But he’s never easily fooled you see
So I imagine counting sheep
I heard it was suppose to work
But lies he won again
This pesty fiend is staying put
So i geuss there is no end
We make a deal
A deal where we both win
Where he resumes his nightly dues
And I can get some rest
I tell him he is welcomed
But only on one condition
That he only soils my shrivelled brain
When it is completely in transgression
This rodent stares and wonders
The meaning of this word
It baffles him completely
For this he’s never heard
As he thinks I smirk and wiggle
An inch away from him
To happily caress my pillow
And proudly announce “I win”

In the end your only battling yourself.
andy fardell Feb 16
Tiredness creeping in
It's still the night
And I'm awake
She snores

The bell of St Paul's would be quieter
My cat on a zoom
The dog of next door rattling
Yet still
She snores

My eyes are wide open
These ears are all bled
The roof is all lifted
Yet still
She snores

The daylight is coming
The tweet from dawn birds
I'm so wanting sleep
Yet still
She snores

Oh please let me sleep
This madness fried eyes
Just one silent breath please
Yet still
She snores

Dawn has alarmed her
Was that all it took
I think I hear silence
He snores
I don't want to get out of bed.
Its 04.00 am
I don't want to leave this sanctuary
Its 04.05 am
I don't want to get dressed
It's 04.10 am
I don't want to draw the curtains
Its 04.15 am
I don’t want to make a coffee
Its 04.20 am
I don’t want to go out side
Its 04.25 am
I don't want to scrape the window screen
Its 04.30 am
I don't want to drive to work
Its ....... hang on
Its my day off

— The End —