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Jagdeep Jul 2013
I am tired and worn,
Like a bird fluttering in cage,
Or Like a puppet dancing on stage,

I am tired and worn,
My heart bleeds under the crown of my dreams,
Which with thorns, is adorned,

I am tired and worn,
Just hours ago it was dawn,
My dreams were like vibrant colors,
Of the rainbow,with a luminous glow,

But all now left is a wreakage,
And a heart waned beyond age,
Filled with despair and rage,

Bitter and jealous of those
Who in life like angels have rose,
To fulfill their dreams, with clever schemes,

Maybe tomorrow will be new day,
An ethereal ray, may,
Enlighten the way,
But tonight,
My heart is torn,
And I am tired and worn..
BG Ibañez Jul 2014

This magic keeps me alive
Its just you
and me--
The wreakage of the world

I'm afraid
You're going to lose me,
Yet I need to save you
but who's going to save

And I know you're going
To need me
with you
but I'm losing myself
I can feel myself
Slipping away
And its making me crazy

I remember that—
what it made me say
but I'm losing myself
I saw you frown
I swear,
it wasn't me.
It was the crown.

Please forgive me
For whatever I do
when I don't remember

This must be
So confusing
For a little girl

This magic keeps me alive

you pitiful old man.
You're so annoying,
you find me,
and start
hanging around
but you're really
really nuts
Just another lame excuse
to see me.

Man, It's getting me down.
I'd like to help you,
but I don't know if I can.
Every time I move, eventually,
I thought you were nuts,
You know, I'm actually glad..
. to see you.
I'm the one
I make this peom out of two songs from Adventure Time: I Remember You episode. Basically, it is a cento :D Enjoy!
Pricers Mar 2019
I was running with the birds next thing I was flying with them aswell even faster for unwanted shortings just if it wanted me as I urred for recognition for any of the wreakage in fake jests beator third time for the bets are on and doubled so the richest of love dies in its lowest faction
Eshwara Prasad May 2021
War was ******.
Casualties high.
Perpetrators held power.
People started cleaning the wreakage.

— The End —