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This Letter Poem WM is dedicated to Mr. Williamsji Maveli, our Masterpoet.
Why a dedication to him? These initials WM are his names.
Accidentally also the initials of the first name of our Dutch Crown prince Willem-Alexander.
The second initial is of his wife's first name: Máxima.

I want to write also about our Royal Family, since our Queen of the Netherlands Beatrix will abdicate next 30 April 2013 and at the same time Willem-Alexander and his wife will be crowned as King and Queen of the Nederlanden.

Now you know a bit about the Dutch Royal family.
Today Her Majesty Queen Beatrix is still Queen of de Nederlanden till next 30 April 2013.
These humble verse is for you, Williamsji. Please, enjoy!
Thank you for your attention. 

Sylvia Frances Chan.

This letter W stands for WILLIAMSJI
and the next letter, an M for MAVELI

This W par accidence is also the first letter
of our Crown prince WILLEM-ALEXANDER
on next 30 April WILLEM and his époussée, his wife MAXIMA
will be crowned King and Queen of Neerlandica

Usually our country is called Nederland
the foreigners call it mostly the Netherlands
the tourists a many of them prefer to say Holland
with your permission, this dedication, if I may
can also be used as introduction, what do you say?

WILLIAMSJI is the first name of our masterpoet
he creates poems mostly about sensuality
entwined in beauty, eroticism and love
when you'll read his poetry
you wouldn't see all those I've written about him above

Instead you must use your rational ability
in the lines throughout his verse
you won't find, of course not, all that worse
instead, you will enjoy all the beauty
of his master's talent writing about sensuality

His family name is also beautiful, MAVELI
well known as the masterpoet Williamsji Maveli
both are his true names belonging to Mr. Maveli
this M reminds me of MáXIMA,
Crown prince Willem-Alexander's wife in optima

Now you know why I dedicate this poem to you
your initials are quite the same as Willem and Máxima
WM is Williamsji Maveli the famous poet
WM is also Crown prince Willem-Alexander
and his wife Princess Máxima

Still one thing hasn't been told
today the 27th April is Willem-Alexander's birthday
he has become forty six years old
a good father of three daughters,
all their first names begin with an A
princess Amalia, Alexia and Ariane
their grandma is Her Majesty Queen Beatrix
she will abdicate after three and thirty years of reign

Dear Mr. Williamsji Maheli, our masterpoet
your initials WM are exactly the same as
our Crown prince Willem-Alexander
and his beloved wife Máxima

that's why I present this humble dedication
to you today as a small Dutch presentation

© Sylvia Frances Chan
27th April 1967-2013
Crown prince Willem-Alexander's 46th Birthday
Since 30th April 2013 has he become
the King of The Netherlands,
a small lowland at the Northsea
In Westeurope

A new poetry posting site from God's own country, Kerala in India

Poetry dates all the way back to the beginnings of Humanity. People have always been questioning nature, and the day-to-day existence of themselves and other humans love, death, survival, war, injustice, and the universe are all examples of things that have been questioned by men and woman since the roots of human existence. Whether in nursery rhyme, ballad, jingle, rhyme, anthem, or music, people have found poetry to be an outlet for expressing these questions, sensations, and experiences

People often associate it with strict rhyming patterns, complicated vocabulary, hidden iconic meanings, and difficult rhythmical conventions. Poetry is even taught in school to be an intricate, complicated, inexplicable puzzle. True, poetry is difficult. Sure, it can be harder to understand than prose. However, that is only because sometimes it is involved with your inescapable complexities
and uncertainties of your existence.

In this era when the soul wants to go on a spree, imagination and creativity are all merged to serve and let you fulfill your wish to express. The pen, mightier than the sword, is free and can conquer hearts all over the world. So here is a site which allows unity in diversity and considers not cultural and racial barriers. It welcomes professionals and amateurs equally as poetry believe not in prejudice. Human beings are free to write their feelings and emotions. We therefore invite here people from all over the world to celebrate under the ipoetree. Feel at home here under the shade of this tree which
pines to have as fruits your poems.

Williamsji Maveli (Williams George Maveli) is an enthusiastic and solid writer. He is a sincere, resourceful and diligent in his poetic work. He is very well connected and networked within the literary community and is willing to take up projects even in his tight schedules. His writings reflect the amount of research on the current events that has gone into it along with his knowledge and expertise in the field. However, Williamsji’s many poems are simple to read, interpret, and understand. His latest book, titled “ARAMVIRALTHUMBATHU…” (On the tip of the sixth finger), is now published and released by H & C Books,Trichur, Kerala in India, which is a collection of lyrics.

If anyone is interested, please email to or write to

Where Poets grow and glow !
If anyone is interest in the above poetry site, Please write to


inspirational short poems....

Poem title : Healing Hugs

by Piusha Singh

    Gazing on the beauty of burning sun

    Warming in his arms of soft embrace

    Nestled in the cozy comfort of elegance

    Fearless in the wilderness of fragrance.


    Inspired by the above lines,


Love creeps into minds when nature fulfills,

Blue Lake in silence never flow towards hills,

Awakes in thirst when pure sweet honey pours,

Passionate devotion extend its hands for hugs.





My courtesy and love to Honorable Poetess Piusha Singh
Softly, gently, I  sipped
your red cherry-lip petals
patiently, silently, I grabbed
your brown nip-let buds
deeply, knowingly, I drowned
into your blue eye-oceans
The feminine body turns
to be  a dates garden
amidst my own
barren desert !

Williamsji Maveli

KGA (UAE Chapter)
Literary award for Poetry declared for
Williamsji Maveli’s   “Arramviralthumbath…”
The Kallettumakara Gblobal Association (KGA), UAE Chapter has announced their first poetry award for excellence to Williamsji Maveli's  third  poetry collection   titled as “Arramviralthumbath …”  (On the tip of the 6th finger,  published by H & C Books, Trichur) .The award has been declared  by Mathew David, Chairman of KGA at their Executive Committee meeting held recently in Sharjah Emirate of United Arab Emirates.  The award has  also been considered for his poetic works scattered in his recently published book named  as “Maa Salama."  ( means "With peace"  in Arabic). The poems have been gathered from different desert sketches,  focusing on his real-time life experiences ,while he was working in UAE for more than 30 years.  Williamsji, (Williams George),   former Ras Al Khaimah based Journalist and lyricist of tester-years has been nominated for a literary award for the first time for literature. The Award is being formulated by KGA  (Kallettumkara Global Association, UAE Chapter) for  outstanding contributions to literature  from the native writers  of Kallettumkara,  a village town in Trichur, Kerala in India.  The award will be presented by the KGA’s UAE Chapter on the grand occasion of their 10th anniversary, which is being scheduled to be held during September, this year,
according to Mathew David, Chairman of Kallettumkara Global Association.
Translated from original poem in Malayalam to English by the author. Extracted from ARRAMVIRALTHUMBATH....(At the tip of the 6th finger, written by WILLIAMSJI, published by H & C BOOKS, Trichur, Kerala in India
GREEN LEAVES: Inspirational poems
Healing Hugs by Piusha Singh

" Erased the salty tears of love, yesterday
Roosted in these healing hugs together
Severed the shackle of mortality of  life
Tethered in this cosmic union forever"
Written by Poetess Piusha Singh
• Inspired by the above lines,
• Williamsji Maveli writes…
Love creeps into minds when nature fulfills,
Blue Lake in silence never flow towards hills,
Awakes in thirst when pure sweet honey pours,
Passionate devotion extends its hand for hugs.
GREEN LEAVES: 2 From the collection of inspirational poems of Poetess Piusha Singh. My courtesy and love to Poetess Piusha Singh -WILLIAMSJI
Green Leaves : Williamsji Maveli writes Inspirational poems

Poetess Piusha Singh

Sun is the happiest to
welcome his beloved.
Together they spawn
a new love story, nature
witnessing their coupling,
bringing  the warmth around.
Inspired by the above,
What is inside you dear Sun that can hold me?
I dream of thee, but to love thee, I can never hope,
I am like the morning dew drop to perish and diminish,
Too tiny to take thee unto heart, my life is all in tears

NOTE: GREEN LEAVES: 1 This is from the collection of inspirational poems My Courtesy and love to Poetess Piusha Singh-Williamsji Maveli

Anything that glitters like gold
need not be very precious or valuable;
Many valueless things look alike!

Dear Readers,
"All that glitters are not gold!". Outward appearance cannot be greatly misleading. Gold is a very valuable metal. It has an attractive glittering appearance too. But it does not mean that everything which glitters like gold are precious. BY WILLIAMSJI MAVELI
From "SEASHELL", a collection of HAIKU's, written on Love & Life

Depressing eyes invites,
Seductive gaze stimulate
Her lust growing solid.

Bulky **** hurting stiff,
Open spacious for me,
Her flexible glossy lips get,

Bare soft tissue touches,
tender parts yielding  wet,
Thrusting deep within!

All that comes to net
are fish; either golden or silver color;
Fishermen are rich at heart!


Action speaks louder than words;
Be practical; stop wasting your precious time
Life is full of hazards!
You are naturally beautiful; cheerful,
a sight for my eyes to hold ;
Will you allow kissing!
While on visit to temples,
I imagine you as my own Goddess:
I become your only follower!
Few ***** drinks before dinner;
But sometimes, I overdo it at weekends!
A Hangover next day morning.

Williamsji­ Maveli

From SEASHELLS, a collection of HAIKU Poems by WILLIAMSJI MAVELI
If you really want to know how to write poetry
Then read the verses of Williamsji Mavelli
No he's not Shakespeare Frost or Maya Angelou
Yet, he has forgotten more about writing poems
Than most of us ever will know, or ever knew
Integrity is water in a barren desert-- a treasure found.
And a poet can become a slave to burning ego
Without the true man of the quill to keep their feet
Planted firmly on the ground
So I render this feeble tribute to you my old friend
Since the beginning; standing as a living symbol  
Of class, integrity and enduring inspiration
A Tribute Poem written by my friend poet
Curtis Longstreet

In a sweet nibble of mine;
A cold blood- drop clots
on your red lips.
In a sweat hug of mine;
A strong thread enters
into the hole of your heart;
To stitch our bodies into
one cloth for a
life better together....
From MICROTHEMES, a collection of short poems, written by WILLIAMSJI MAVELI

The first time, we looked at each other,
Like strangers at the lonely sandy shore,
For many seconds, minutes, and hours
Long and delicious, flamed both our emotions;
Our love and passion were in depths of desires;
A seductive, innocent  inner feelings steeped in;
Later, unknowingly you held me so tight;
an inspiration that I felt only when you left.
Then miles apart you stayed back in dark;
And I still wonder when you will be back !


Poe­try dates all the way back to the beginnings of Humanity. People have always been questioning nature, and the day-to-day existence of themselves and other humans love, death, survival, war, injustice, and the universe are all examples of things that have been questioned by men and woman since the roots of human existence. Whether in nursery rhyme, ballad, jingle, rhyme, anthem, or music, people have found poetry to be an outlet for expressing these questions, sensations, and experiences
People often associate it with strict rhyming patterns, complicated vocabulary, hidden iconic meanings, and difficult rhythmical conventions. Poetry is even taught in school to be an intricate, complicated, inexplicable puzzle. True, poetry is difficult. Sure, it can be harder to understand than prose.
However, that is only because sometimes it is involved
with your inescapable complexities and uncertainties of your existence.
Williamsji Maveli (Williams George) is an enthusiastic and solid writer. He is a sincere, resourceful and diligent in his poetic work. He is very well connected and networked within the literary community and is willing to take up projects even in his tight schedules. His writings reflect the amount of research on the current events that has gone into it along with his knowledge and expertise in the field. However, Williamsji’s many poems are simple to read, interpret, and understand. His latest book, titled “ARAMVIRALTHUMBATHU…” (On the tip of the sixth finger), is now published and released
by H & C Books,Trichur which is a collection of lyrics.
From MICROTHEMES, a collection of short poems,  written by

Pink ******* caught peeps through;
trapped inside her white tight transparent bra ;
cheeks feel ashamed in red  

By Williamsji Maveli

Waking up next morning  in a fairy dream
She is swimming **** in the water  stream
an adorable, elegant, celestial beauty
She is in her teens  looking  naughty
Seeing her own innocence and perfection
I convert her into verses with an inspiration
Sweet, seductive, natural,
She is tempting, shy,
desirable,  admirable
my own
wandering  next night  along the sea shore
She is feeling the touch of  the waves roar
She  has particular tastes, talents
Things have to be just right for moments
And one of her must-haves is a pool
Where she can enjoy the tides of cool
lovely, elogant, ******
She is sensual, seductive
innocent, adorable
my own

By Williamsji Maveli
The Kallettumakara Gblobal Association (KGA), UAE Chapter has announced their first poetry award for excellence to Williamsji Maveli's  third  poetry collection   titled as “Arramviralthumbath …”  (On the tip of the 6th finger,  published by H & C Books, Trichur) .The award has been declared  by Mathew David, Chairman of KGA at their Executive Committee meeting held recently in Sharjah Emirate of United Arab Emirates.  The award has  also been considered for his poetic works scattered in his recently published book named  as “Maa Salama."  ( means "With peace"  in Arabic). The poems have been gathered from different desert sketches,  focusing on his real-time life experiences ,while he was working in UAE for more than 30 years.  Williamsji, (Williams George),   former Ras Al Khaimah based Journalist and lyricist of tester-years has been nominated for a literary award for the first time for literature. The Award is being formulated by KGA  (Kallettumkara Global Association, UAE Chapter) for  outstanding contributions to literature  from the native writers  of Kallettumkara,  a village town in Trichur, Kerala in India.  The award will be presented by the KGA’s UAE Chapter on the grand occasion of their 11th anniversary, which is being scheduled to be held during November, this year,
according to Mathew David, Chairman of Kallettumkara Global Association.

Related Links:

Drinking drops of red wine;
spicy body alert, let feed, let fine,
you possess me in divine!
From "IN A NUTSHELL", a collection of Haiku poems, written by WILLIAMSJI MAVELI

My eyes on your ****;
shy blossoms  on your blue lotus face;
heart beats for love music !

Staring at your blue eyes;
Mind wandered for a soft touch;  
A long and luscious emotion spreads;
towards a slow, smooth, sweet desires;
stretching out the love and passion;
I feel drowning into your deep ocean;
Where I find your hands grip me;
Entangled tight in each  others arms;
Like an octopus of lust !

From MIRCOTHEMES, a collection of short poems, written by
Poetry dates all the way back to the beginnings of Humanity. People have always been questioning nature, and the day-to-day existence of themselves and other humans love, death, survival, war, injustice, and the universe are all examples of things that have been questioned by men and woman since the roots of human existence. Whether in nursery rhyme, ballad, jingle, rhyme, anthem, or music, people have found poetry to be an outlet for expressing these questions, sensations, and experiences
People often associate it with strict rhyming patterns, complicated vocabulary, hidden iconic meanings, and difficult rhythmical conventions. Poetry is even taught in school to be an intricate, complicated, inexplicable puzzle. True, poetry is difficult. Sure, it can be harder to understand than prose. However, that is only because sometimes it is involved with your inescapable complexities and uncertainties of your existence.
Williamsji Maveli (Williams George) is an enthusiastic and solid writer. He is a sincere, resourceful and diligent in his poetic work. He is very well connected and networked within the literary community and is willing to take up projects even in his tight schedules. His writings reflect the amount of research on the current events that has gone into it along with his knowledge and expertise in the field. However, Williamsji’s many poems are simple to read, interpret, and understand. His latest book, titled “ARAMVIRALTHUMBATHU…” (On the tip of the sixth finger), is now published and released by H & C Books,Trichur which is a collection of lyrics.
The Goddess


You are like the Greek goddess
Without wearing any silky dress
Neither of spring nor the winter  
I appeared like a natural painter

Your Blue eyes depicted shyness
Carving the shadows of godliness
I have no more splendid colors;
Nor with any fresh cut flowers,

Evening sky covered us in dark,
moonlight shared drops of dusk
Take my soft  kiss upon the brow
in parting away from you now

Recently, I had purchased the book titled "Arramviralthumbath...". I read all poems in it within minutes. I liked "ROOPAKUDE", the sarcastic writing of Williamsji, commenting on the Saints.....

I grabbed all your treasure;
Inside me; a sinful live cool pleasure;
mind and  heart in leisure !
From "IN A NUTSHELL", a collection Haiku poems, written by WILLIAMSJI MAVELI

Today, rain shower was down;
In her eyes, when tear drops flown;
But her gazes were up.
From "IN A NUTSHELL", a collection of Haiku Poems, written by WILLIAMSJI MAVELI

my good seeds
of love,
falls and enters
your  moist,
fertile dirt,
then, it all
sprouts and
blossoms to
fruits of
forbidden sins.

Copyright © 2013 Williamsji

Your lips; about to repair;
Blue eyes brings a feel of  desire;
For your love passion elsewhere!
From "IN A NUTSHELL", a collection of Haiku poems, written by WILLIAMSJI MAVELI
Broken Layers..................................

Williamsji Maveli


On the first petals of Creation,
sensual honey drops down,
the destiny,  the deed, and  the creator,
filling the syntax of human body,
broken layers of meanings
scattered rhythms and tunes


Situations beat the drums
Environment becomes "Tsunami"
"KATHRINA" blows the wind..
"RITA" shakes her *******,
Whales swallow the waves,
Fire erupts on the Volcano's
Hiroshima and Nagasaki*
blossoms again


Baghdad is burning to ashes,
Legs of  "September 11th"
is getting twisted
Someone is planting a bomb
in his own mother's womb
War weapons of suicide's
pierced the concrete jungles
Let not even a baby to be born again,
thirsting for milk,
bursting for food.....

By: Williamsji Maveli
Related Links of Williamsji

In the chill dawn hours;
A summer in her open cherry lips;
Recites lyrics of sweet kiss!

A shower of harmful Atom;
Wipe off,Hiroshima and Nagasaki, mothers; children ;
Soreness still strikes their hearts!

Broken Layers..................................

Williamsji Maveli


On the first petals of Creation,
sensual honey drops down,
the destiny,  the deed, and  the creator,
filling the syntax of human body,
broken layers of meanings
scattered rhythms and tunes


Situations beat the drums
Environment becomes "Tsunami"
"KATHRINA" blows the wind..
"RITA" shakes her *******,
Whales swallow the waves,
Fire erupts on the Volcano's
Hiroshima and Nagasaki*
blossoms again


Baghdad is burning to ashes,
Legs of  "September 11th"
is getting twisted
Someone is planting a bomb
in his own mother's womb
War weapons of suicide's
pierced the concrete jungles
Let not even a baby to be born again,
thirsting for milk,
bursting for food.....

By: Williamsji Maveli
Related Links of Williamsji

Focusing on a lovely face;
two lovable eyes zooms up
for a beautiful landscape;
you are  now, a picture-scape !

Touching on a spicy body;
two kissable **** warms up
for an elegant  green-scape;
You are now,  a kaleidoscope !

Monday, 04 th March, 2013
copyright: williamsji
From the collection of micro-poems, titled as "MICROTHEMES", written by Williamsji Maveli
The Phoenix

Williamsji Maveli

Phoenix Birds have no  doom
From scented snow of  bloom
You thrush that serenades me daily
Would not trill out his glee so gaily,
Could he foretell his wrongful breath
Would sadly soon be stilled in death.
Yon lambs that frolic on the lea
Would scarce disport them could they see
And incarnate the joy of life,
The shadow of the butcher’s knife:
Oh Nature, with your loving Ruth,
You spare them knowledge of Dark Truth.
Creation’s triumph ultimate
Where you will be intimate
To  bring the sad humanity alone,
The grimness of the grave is known,
The dusty destiny  is ever unknown
the  bird and beast in their elegance
Effulgence it’s all in  ignorance!
Oh man, provisioning the hearse,
With fortitude accept your curse!


Woke up early morning in a fairy dream,
She swam **** in a cool water stream
an adorable, elegant, celestial beauty
in her teens, She is looking naughty
Liking her innocence and perfection
I remoulded  her into verses in an inspiration.
Sweet, seductive, natural, and desirable
She is tempting, shy and so admirable
She has natural  tastes, novel  talents
Everything seems to be  right for moments
And one of her must-liking  is a  pool
Where she can enjoy the tides of cool

Williamsji Maveli

Visit my web sites
Poetry is like an impulsive steady flow of powerful feelings in human life: it takes its origins from emotional recollections in tranquility. Poetry is the art of substantiating shadows, and of lending existence to nothing. Williamsji’s lyrics cannot be treated as poems, but represents an image or a sketch from different angles of human life.. His writings are simple and generous. The title of his latest work is "Arramviralthumbath......" (On the tip of the sixth finger) is a legendary concept of a writer's pen, which is similar to the sixth finger used for scribbling the emotions into paper.

Williamsji  has written three collection of lyrics to his credit, namely RAGHAPOOJA (Offering of Love), RANAKHANAM (The War-front) and ARRAMVIRALTHUMBATH (On the tip of the 6th finger)

Please email your comments to:

Dress in saris, wear ornaments in gold
Around your neck and on the *******;
Be a girl; be shy; be womanish bold;
Be a wife; be a cook; be spiritually good;
Adore men, especially your husband;
Be submissive; be polite; be loyal;
Be the servant of goddess lotus!
Dwell in clay; live under the water;
Show light to sun; moon and stars!
Be soft; embrace in love; fade into water!

An old  Song on  King Maveli
goes somewhat like this.
When the legendary King Maveli,
Once governed over the land,
God’s own country, Kerala,
All the citizens had equality;
And citizens were joyful and cheerful;
They were all free from mischief;
There was neither worry nor illness,
There were no lies, prevailing;
There was neither theft nor dishonesty,
And no one was false in words either.
Measures and weights were right;
No one cheated or mistreated.
When Maveli, our King, ruled the land,
All the people created one caste-less race;
And lived harmoniously as one family


NOTE : This is a translation  from Malayalam. It is about the time of MAVELI*,
the so called Legendary  king ruled, Kerala  on whose name "THIRUVONAM "
is being celebrated during harvest season (August)
which is also being considered as the national festival of Kerala State in India.
The name "MAVELI" is only a coincidence with the name of the author
WILLIAMSJI MAVELI .It is just a popular family name in Kerala State, in India
Camel faces

Darkness is in every corners  of desert animals
witnessing the faces of donkeys and camels
The owner opens the gate for them to rest
but the unkind wind breaks down from the east
Caravan of camel is not decorated in colours
walking towards the desert without any flowers
Everywhere I see women wearing their veils,
without seeing their lips and simple smiles,
their  white-pink  garment is handmade,
Inside, suffers an  unseen  house maid
She is bold and gentle, but dark by birth ,
Same like God’s own created Earth.
Looking at the distant burning flame
Thirst  for  soft touch  rises to blame
Not grasped by inner heart desires,
Dried ,withered  dreams Disappears

By Williamsji Maveli
The Kallettumakara Gblobal Association (KGA), UAE Chapter has announced their first poetry award for excellence to Williamsji Maveli's  third  poetry collection   titled as “Arramviralthumbath …”  (On the tip of the 6th finger,  published by H & C Books, Trichur) .The award has been declared  by Mathew David, Chairman of KGA at their Executive Committee meeting held recently in Sharjah Emirate of United Arab Emirates.  The award has  also been considered for his poetic works scattered in his recently published book named  as “Maa Salama."  ( means "With peace"  in Arabic). The poems have been gathered from different desert sketches,  focusing on his real-time life experiences ,while he was working in UAE for more than 30 years.  Williamsji, (Williams George),   former Ras Al Khaimah based Journalist and lyricist of tester-years has been nominated for a literary award for the first time for literature. The Award is being formulated by KGA  (Kallettumkara Global Association, UAE Chapter) for  outstanding contributions to literature  from the native writers  of Kallettumkara,  a village town in Trichur, Kerala in India.  The award will be presented by the KGA’s UAE Chapter on the grand occasion of their 11th anniversary, which is being scheduled to be held during November, this year,
according to Mathew David, Chairman of Kallettumkara Global Association.

By Williamsji

When I sink in your deep blue eyes,
You grow within my soul and mind
Let your wet tongue rest for a moment
in my mouth and towards my face

When I seek shelter in your arms
You grow within my heart and body
Let your low limbs cross in me to climb
widely spreading branches for a shade

When I burrow into your soft *******
you retire from parched and barren air
let your milk drops to my drought lips
Crawling for a shelter from all storms

Written by Williamsji.

Today the word poetry evokes images of love and sentimentality, but the term romanticism has a much wider meaning. It covers a choice of developments in art, literature, music, dance and philosophy, spanning the late 20 th and early 21 st centuries.

The romantics would not have used the term themselves and the label was applied retrospectively, from around the middle of the 20 th century. Man was born free in this virtual environment of real life but, everywhere he is in chains. During the romantic period major transitions took place in culture, as dissatisfied intellectuals and artists challenged the establishment.

Almost all the romantic poets were at the very heart of this movement. They were inspired by a desire for liberty, and they denounced the misuse of the poor.There was a highlight on the significance of the individual; a conviction that people should follow ideals rather than imposed conventions and rules. The romantics renounced the rationalism and order linked with the preceding clarification era, stressing the importance of expressing authentic personal feelings.

They had a real sense of responsibility to their fellow men: they felt it was their duty to use their poetry to inform and inspire others, and to change the humanity and their social attitude. Poet Rumpa Ray Ghosh believe in this theory on life and poetry of this time.


For Poet Rumpa Ghosh, even a quatrain is what in a verse, which makes someone to cry or to laugh, or just be silent, makes your twinkle, makes you want to do this or that or nothing, makes you know that you are alone in the unknown world, that your bliss and suffering is forever shared and forever all your own.
Poetry is taking at the heartstrings, and making music within our solitude in life. Rumpa Ray Ghosh is a poet of profound obsession towards composing lyrical form of poetry. Her poetic enthusiasm makes her verses, extremely impressive and highly alluring. She is fast budding poetess of wisdom and emotional response. She had completed her Masters degree from University of Calcutta, though she is from Calcutta currently living in Mumbai.She started composing poems since her young age.

Intentionally or innocently, many of the poets are most often trying to fill a vast space with things that cannot satisfy fully. We look forward to fill the void with our own possessions for comfort, but unfortunately we normally end up wanting more and more. We try to fill it with relationships or pleasures, but we end up feeling even more empty and further more depressed than from the point where and when we commenced the discontentment as these thoughts were well presented by Rumpa Ray Ghosh in her poems, namely, “ The Roof”, “ The broken house “.
The only place that we can really find true fulfilment and gratification is in the hands of divine God. We need to recall and allow our convictions, not in circumstances, to govern our sense of contentment. The anthology freshly illuminates many excellent lyrics and short poems and are highly valued regardless of its freestyle genre.
For both the poet’s, self-consciousness is connected to the new eminence established to poetry by the feelings of the self, which truly resembles the title of the anthology, “ The Musical Marvels of Self “. Her poems are lyrical, close to heart, soft and romantic. The scrupulous flow in her rhyme magnetizes the readers. Her works were widely published in many national and international journals. She is a regular blogger. She takes the images of her writing from simple every day incidents, uses metaphors and imagery to add grace in her skill of presentation.
Her language is simple, easily understood by lay man, quite touching and heart rendering. Her first book " Musical Marvels of Self ", an anthology of 43 poems came out through Zorba publishers.

The anthology was a combined effort in association with honourable poet Dr Ujjwala Kakarala during September 2017 Besides, being a talented poetess of lyrics, she was an excellent singer Proficient in Bengali folksongs, Rabindra Sangeet and Nazrulgeeti and ghazals and has sung in numerous local stage shows. Rabindra Sangeet merge gracefully into Tagore's literature, most of which—poems or parts of single scene plays alike—were beautifully transformed or converted to lyrical formats. Influenced by the “ Thumri “ style of classical vocal music, this has made the entire scope of human emotion, ranging from his early songs-like Brahma devotional hymns to human soul.
This has emulated the tonal color of classical “ragas “to varying extents.
Earlier, She had also the chance to attain a position as Quarter-finalist in BBC Mastermind Family Quiz competition aired on Disney Channel.Poet Rumpa Ray Ghosh, an Indian by nationality, she hails from West Bengal, the “ City of Joy “, but currently living in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. She is by occupation a teacher, content writer and a blogger. By obsession she is a poetess and a singer. She has completed her post-graduation and B.Ed. from the University of Calcutta. She has worked as a teacher in St. Thomas School, Mumbai, as a content-writer for ‘Pratham’ (NGO) and as an English curriculum developer in Vibgyor High School in Mumbai.
She publishes her writings on her own blog with a name ( fragmentofimagination). She is also a writer for some literary groups. Some of her poems have been published in national anthologies. Recently one of her poems has been published in a US e-magazine "Beyond Borders” in a popular poetry site. She has also participated in an open-mic poetry reciting performance in the Prithvi theater arena in Mumbai. Being Proficient in classical vocal music, she had the opportunity to perform in classical vocal music on various musical events. She is a Sangeet Visharad from Bhatkhande Sangit Vidyapith, Lucknow and is trained under Late Pandit Vinayak Vohra. More tha a Poetess having a deep passion in writing, she enjoys dance, music and teaching his students as part of her professional skills. Stay blessed in all ways at all times.


The true love remains forever;
Flows within you like a blue river;
Living with a strange  gentleman,
It's honey moon time for women,
This life time has a  compromise
Ever to keep that promise;
Sleeping with the worst devil;
******’s bring out the best evil.
Let us enjoy the honeymoon
While the night stripes soon.

Williamsji Maveli

A mole on left breast;
She belongs to full of life; vigorous,
  Usually get what is needed
Williamsji Maveli
A Haiku on beauty of a left  mole

A fast-track court in the capital city;
A Judiciary of a democratic Country;
Hearing the a gang-**** case,
reserved its order
on the quantum of
Punishment for the
four convicted in the
Gang-**** and ******
of a 23-year-old
innocent girl

A 237- page judgment,
Noting that that the
Crime was committed
in an extremely brutal manner.
“The major part of her intestine
was pulled out from the body,”
the Doctor  said.

The prosecution has sought
the death penalty for the
four convicts, while the
Defense lawyers for the
Convicted are pleading
for a lenient verdict.
The arguments in the
gruesome gang-**** case
are over and sentencing
will be announced
at 2.30 pm on Friday,
13th September, 2013

"The sentence which is
very appropriate is nothing
short of death,"
special public prosecutor
told the court.

“The common man
will lose faith in the judiciary
if the harshest punishment
is not given “
the Judge remarked;
Guilty of ******,
Gang ****,
Unnatural ***,
Criminal conspiracy,  
destruction of evidence,
Kidnapping and attempting to ****,
the  eyewitness  said

The fifth convict
Committed suicide
in Tihar Jail
in March this year

The sixth convict
was a juvenile at the time
of the incident and has been
given a three- year term
in a reformation home.

A fast-track court,
A Judiciary of a democratic
Country will order
Stop Crime against women !
“Hang them,
Not let them go free”

The Poem is written in view of  a support with a motto "Stop Crime against women !"
Do know how to say a romantic compliment? Though the content of the compliment itself is excellent, how you empress it counts for a lot. Make the tone romantic by maintaining eye contact and keeping a half smile as you talk - it will make you naturally add appealing inflection to your voice.-WILLIAMSJI MAVELI

As long as you remain
in my own embrace,
my heart will also
keep on pounding.
After you leave;
Your memories will
come to my mind
And this heart will
keep on yearning.
When I gave my heart away
Without knowing that you would
Take it or not, in wait I was
Of this moment.
Today I found you
And I sigh with relief
Lets sit together and talk
About love.
Let the day pass and
Let the dawn set
And let night come don't go
Away anywhere.
Hide me in your arms
Of your love and let me sleep
Let love cross its boundaries.
As long as you remain
in my own embrace
my heart will also
keep on pounding


A strong word is not just a word;
sometimes, it is a sharp sword.
the word has it's own soft wings;
the sword also at times swings !

A nice bird is not just a bird;
sometimes, it is flying in mood.
the bird has its own natural beauty;
the bird also at times act as naughty

A poet's verse is not just a verse;
sometimes, it is  running like a horse.
the sonnet thrills the human heart;
the horse also at times pulls life-cart !


Williamsji Maveli

Copyright © 2013 Williamsji

By Williamsji

If the fire within me burns your body
If the drought within me dry your paddy  
I shall survive with my everlasting love
I shall resist my evils, further to move
If the deep sea brings the water level down
If the castle collapse and breaks my crown
I shall survive with my everlasting love
I shall resist my evils, further to move
If the blue sky covers the shining stars
If the moonlight fades on the upstairs
I shall survive with my everlasting love
I shall resist my evils, further to move

Some tender desires plunge
into my dreams
For I am submissive
and made of morning dew
If Sun shines in the sky,
Moon will too cry in dark
When drops of light glow during
hours of sorrowfulness,
rain clouds will shower
little of blessings
Time and tide will come and go
drink my sweat and blood
you shall breathe forever.

Williamsji Maveli

During the
first half,
I , started
scribbling my
on your face:

During the
second half
I , sipped
smelling my
on your lips:

I embraced,
kissing my
to lay; lust and
  to love........

By Williamsji Maveli
From the Anthology of lyrics, both  in English  & Malayalam ( bilingual, translated by the author)
and  titled as "Forever, lovingly yours.......", (Pranayapoorm, Ennennum Nintee...)
written by Williams George Maveli. ( Williamsji Maveli )

— The End —