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Mateuš Conrad Jun 2017
basic arithmetic in terms of punctuation, otherwise? simply the arithmetic of punctuation: what does (,) equal? what does (.) equal? what does (:) equal? what does (-) equal? what does (;) equal? come on, quick! quick! give me a number!

to *think
, is to not narrate,
                               much of what is regarded as
   "thinking", simply becomes as art
of narration
       that is sofa-bound, i.e. so comfortable
that it feels it has no inclination
toward the use of hands as ever
being idle, it simply replaces
  hands with a tongue...
                    hence: idle speech,
                hence political speech;
so if the "devil" has work for idle hands,
then "god" has work for the idle zunge
but most people don't think,
   because their thinkling is solely about
                  their day-to-day...
               and i appreciate this custom,
in the cognitive realm...
         i really do...
              how many jokes ushered into
the void of one's silence, neither whisphers,
nor hummings, nor whistling...
        wiser still, essentially unchanged...
but heidegger's aphorism no. 285
   really bothers me...
            the reader looking into the narrator
given the existentialist inverted commas
   (iberian inverted questioning
   ¿   ?          that's the first step toward
   an iberian existentialism)
                        said the third person,
    with third party sources, the middle man,
the second person, and then the reader
  of the writer's original testimony?
   if northern existentialism (french / german...
  the english were too reactionary, and
too easily bored by the continental drift)
       encompasses the tool that's "      "
   then the iberian tool has to be the inverted
question mark, i.e.       ¿   ?,
sitting comfortably? no? how about a wheelchair...
let me just break your legs and your spine.
       but aphorism 285: "worldview",
     "grounding", "configuring"...
       i don't understand this allocation of ambiguity,
and an italic stress on da-sein / da-sein...
   aren't all the three descriptive elements /
   adjectives the purposive sentiments for
                   originating the concept of dasein?
i had to counter with an iberian existential tool...
   after all i said, 'he said', "we said"...
                                  it's a third party medium
of supposed ambiguity...
         if there's a santa claus (satan's clause),
then there's pontius pilate's clause,
  found in the existential tool of     double-ditto "     "
  or as the english like to say: inverted commas;
   or the ritual: of washing your hands clean
   from passing the judgement...
   they're citation marks to be honest, come on,
let's be pompous, they donned 19th top-hats
     at ascot's horse races! who's fooling who?
allan harold rex May 2012
Rustle in the leaves,
tussle with the vines,
afoot in the tree of life,
the gutsy snake coiling,
Raddled and rattled with mans sin,
Divulgence to the loner who cherished the fruit,
in the dusky orange red skies which brought in the adhen
and from the tolling bells in the distant church ,
While the snake lolloped in the stark blue skies,
Manipulating this oppo for the abyss.
The wandering seam of the night,moon,
With flickering light forbade the seance on the seemlessly never ending night,
Pity the snake for another morn would rise
For it will have to go to the *** ,no the pit.
The ***** and cuckoo within cooee , chanted and coerced another morn out !
Following the sun like the grail, the people lounged in to the waters of the ganges.
While broods of hurted children huddled in hate,
hurling stones at the traitor.
Hauling the renegade into the throngs,
Hunnish hands assaulted him until he swooned in to the motherlands lap,
Hue and cry of the avengers brought in the tripper,
Heavy loads hugged on to his shoulders,
In poise words he spoke,
''for every creation has its flaws,
And when we batter on the withered soul,
It leaves the barren man dry again,
To ward off evil is like blowing into the forges of Vulcan,
And only when tests and temptations are burnt in the bonfires of joy,
will man be moulded into a joyous being''
Hissing whisphers from the crowd spoke,
Heresy of the tripper is the hold,
Hasten yourself and bring our brother medication,
Hunt down the snake will we,
For this vagabond has spoken in verses,
Only to be filed in the trippers travelogue.
Hushed up as the snake in the pit.
Fah Nov 2013
Today's sunset tints the air thick and orange , clothes stick to the skin as skin sticks to the air

it's sticky to say the least -
the thunderstrom clouds light up shades of violent violet and dusty sahara pinks and sand dune yellows

the sky , so blue is covered by high altitude brushes of greyscale hues and whisphers of floating away dreams
splitting at the seams with reality's crest on breast
the sea breeze whips up the trees and a respite from the deep heat of day as night slinks in
Hayley Oct 2018
I am your butter and bread
The voice thats in your head
Ill take you in and fill you up
With the lack of being fed

Dont worry i only killed her
I know you will have better control
Aman kumar Sep 2018
Silence, Isn't Ignoring
Sometimes, It shout loud
and everytime
It whisphers
If you listen
U’ll the voice of my silence sayin'
How are you?
And you feel that Heart
Listen Calls,
You Heart will start showering
me the emotions of  Happiness.
Mateuš Conrad Jan 2019
we are but whisphers
upon the edge of night...
willing the rustling
falling acrons,
   my stipends...
   and halved guises
of what becomes
the statute of man...
tamed shoelaces
like peacocking
in the guise of a signature...
you: my baron,
my Burgundy...
you my wine...
and subsequently
my Christ...
i have tasted the fear
and allowed a cough:
ich haben wohnte,
und ich wohnte:
   nein zeit: nein...
nein et-und-was...

wir die tot:
ein leben art...

the translation of
no... there's
is "no loss of

rather, the "vanguard"
of the conventionality
of the täglichsprechen...

there was never a "lost
in translation"...

was dort war was ist:
von wer von was ùt wann...

the minus: class...
the conventionality of
the disorientated noun:
and the well-informed

i am: the spectator's worth
of a fee...
the rest?
  what the world allows,
and since the world
has only allowed
what the world is:
i bid the yoyo:
the yoyo's reiteration.
Jonathan Moya Feb 10
Exhausted, endured,
my  veins
touch the moon's hope—

this faded celebration
that keeps clinging
to possibilities beyond—

amongst these pallid faces,
silent companions,
the burdened

looking down this
sterile room,
pale walls,

who surrender
to sleep so easily,

unheedful of this
moon child

listening to only
the comforting whisphers
just ahead.

— The End —