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Derick Van Dusen Oct 2010
ah hear da dog a snorin and da heavy breathin a da wolf
ah feel da wind a blowin and da chill dats brought in with it
  ah see da tings dey creepin to da shadows where dey creach
ah hear da turtle skootin to da den for shelta from da storm
  ah feel a mighty shakin comin out chru da broken ground
ah see a terrible storm a brewin in da distance waitin out its time

  ah watch as tings dey change an no always for da best
ah see da way dey act when dey done know dey bein watched
  ah know da tings dey be doin now dey tink meh watchin
ah see dey know, dey change dey tings dey do
  ah feal da change she comin and comin for ya know dey change
ah can na keep a runnin away des tings ah went an run to far

  meh guess is da was da right ting ta do
meh goin no betray da love dey sho meh
  meh tinks ah done right by him ah wont betray
ah can feel dah silance an da tension in da air
  ah know da time she comin for meh but ah hope she no to soon
ah see whas goin on an fallin down around meh

  ah no goin to pretend no more, des tings bother meh so much
ah no goin to hold my tongue when ah've been offend'd
  ah no goin ta take tings da wrong way any more too much time be wasted
ah got ta find where ah can stole away from da waves of questions raised
  ah feel des tings but can na change dem no more than change shes wanted

  ah hear da dog a snorin gettin after chasen tails
ah hear da turtle skootin to da den for winter warmth
  ah know how what wrong ah've done has come back round
ah can see she been cryin she wares it on her sleeve
  ah can see u no more smilin tryin headed for da bed
ah know da whistle ah hear come runnin o da trouble, ah stay out
I like this one
Esther Jan 2021
As the orchids grow, than I will see you again.
My beloved flowers.
Somethimes I get them from you, and somethimes
I get them for my birthday. You are away now, but
the time that the orchids grow you where back by me.
I will meet you and it looks like you never being away.
I always loved you. From the day that i have layed my
eyes on you, I whas in love with you. The flowers are
blooming now, the orchids grow. You where standing
before me and I whisper; you are back. Yes, I am you
said and you come to me and kssing my forehead.

Every time that I see orchids,
I think of you and me.
And what we meant for each other.
That delicate flower, the symbol of our precious love.
Every time that I see orchids, and their beautiful shape,
I must think on the wonderful times that we had together.
Yes, orchids are for us the flowers of love. For others are
it maybe roses, but not for us. And I'm so in love with
black orchids, they are my favourite ones. The orchid
a lovely elegant flower, when I see one, I think of us.
The orchid, that beautiful flower, symbol of our love,
I saw the orchids coming out of the ground, a sign that
you where coming back, and the first one that came out
where my favourite ones, they where black.
Reagan Kulka Aug 2014
But what hurt the most
whas when you told me
we were just a lie
James M Vines Aug 2017
Crystal ****, Crack *******, all of it is like a bullet to the brain. Living by the law of the gun, making money on the run. Millions flow into the banks, the people don't ask where it comes from. They just take their cut and then they move on. The bodies lay cold in the street, a 9mm or a pipe it doesn't matter which. The victims are just as dead. Leaving parentless children looking to be fed. The street breeds them, it is the way they live. Handouts only go so far, they see what is on T.V. the clothes and the fancy cars. I once was the same, then I got caught up in the game. Slinging on a corner just to make the rent, now I got more money than 50 cent. Gold and jewels I buy by the car load. The finest hotels and beautiful women who will sell their soul. You cannot tell me what money can't buy, my only limit seems to be the sky. So now I am standing on my own building like Donald Trump, I look at the billionaire next door and say hey dog whas up. I see all of the little people down below, ******* on a pipe or shooting up blow. Built on the despair and protected by guns for hire, I sit as the king of a drug empire!

— The End —