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Francie Lynch Apr 2017
Hey, Xavy:
If we're still here
When you get older,
Check out the potholes on my street;
Are we still planting telephone poles,
Accusing animals for sky blue holes?
Are there tourists in S.E. Asia;
Did Manhattan disappear?

Are people dying with different bodies,
Still thinking with their transplanted heads?
Do we build schools, did the shootings stop?
Is work still measured by the clock?
Do well-heeled shepherds still manage flocks?
Have you seen our  fingers evolve,
Does anyone listen to voices at all?

When you get there, Xavy,
Take a look.
Did they heed the Richter scales,
The geo-thermal warnings,
The snow caps' warmings?
Does wildlife drink from Winter's brooks,
Is the soil capable of growth,
Does Spring herald re-birth?

Your spirit is indomitable.
No problem insurmountable.
Denial is unintelligible,
The sacrifice regrettable,
But no other choice acceptable.
And the legacy left remarkable.

Ah, Xavy, What I would give to be a small part of your unfolding world.
But I've got to go.
All the Best.
Xavy: Short for Xavier, my grandson.
Michael DeVoe Feb 2010
I'm inspired by little gestures
To make big changes
But nowadays little gestures are hard to come by
It's like they placed a premium on them
And the world just can't afford it
Like helping old ladies cross the street
Costs a tank of gas
Like the four dollars on a rose for a stranger
Is your life savings
And sure if you looked in my wallet
You might find out that it's a pretty good percentage of mine
But I have a second account
It's in my heart and it's full
I've deposited enough smiles in it to make me
One of the richest men alive
And I'm not Santa Clause
I don't run TOMS Shoes
I don't give free turkeys on Thanksgiving
But I do as many little things I can everyday to make people smile
Because smiles are worth more to me
Love is worth more to me
Hugs are worth more to me
Than whatever it costs to get them
And if we all did little things
We might find there are two global warmings
The one in the atmosphere
And the one in our hearts
You're twenty five cents short of those Dorrito's
Yeah I got that
You're lost and you can't find your hotel
Here let me show you
Can I give you a jump
Need a shoulder on your Max ride home from your now ex-boyfriend's house
Why the hell not I'm just sitting here anyway
And I can handle the smell for twenty minutes
Why do these things have to be big deals
Because you were burned before
I've been burned before too
But that doesn't stop me
It motivates me
Because if the little things
Were things everybody did
Whoever burned me
Wouldn't have had to burn me
Because they would've been in a better place
My good mood has put so many people in a good mood
That it puts me in a good mood
Do the little things
It's addicting
It's infectious
It's contagious
And if we all start doing the little things
The world will be a better place
And one day we might even go from doing the little things
To doing the right things
A collection of poems by me is available on Amazon
Where She Left Me - Michael DeVoe
The one I love
The one I hate
I can spend
Equall amounts of time
Thinking of both
It requires
The same amount of energies
Just opposite
Or maybe the same
Both passionate
One positive
One negative
If you can say love is good
Or that hate is bad
You can't
Both may reap
The same results
They can tear you apart
And pull you together again
It is as water and fire
Both may destroy
And bothe may mend
Warm a freezing child
Burn a weeping mother
Quench a deadly thirst
Drown a foolish man
My words may not tell
My intended tale
But you will take what you will
For I cannot controll your feelings
Any,ore than I controll
My versa vice
One and the same
Hated and loved
Burning and drowning me
Warmings and quenching my thirst
Saving and killing
And versa vice
world is changing fast the planet has gone mad
gone now as the world that we always had
its just  spinning round each day is getting faster
filling up the world with nothing but disaster

bringing in the floods to each and every shore
it has lost control not safe anymore
icebergs they are melting in the climate change
planets upside down acting very strange.

pollution in the air getting thicker everyday
fog is getting thicker taking breath away
people with there fracking make it matters worse
adding yet more trouble to mother natures curse

global warmings here and it wont go away
sunshine is fading fast all we see is grey
will it ever end we will never know
gone has the world we knew all those years ago
the world is always changing each and everyday
the world we new before. so very far away
global warmings worse changing things around
icebergs melting daily melting to the ground.

hurricanes and floods taking land away
people there left homeless no where they can stay.
we dont really know why the worlds this way
forever it is changing every single day.
Arlene Corwin Jan 2018
It Rules The Planet

It rules the planet, schools the planet,
Still we don’t take seriously
Storm and earthquake, flood and rain,
Temperature and ocean size,
Human death and insect death,
Animal and fauna death,
Heat waves, all the waves,
Attempting step by step
To step on it,
Then conquer it.
How idiotic!  
Wars continue.

Thinking that the cyclones, floods,
The sweep of muds, the slides and thuds.
Containers, trucks,
The heaviest of objects turned,
And then the fires, people burned
And buried
Under forces too complex to list.
Category that and this,
Numbers measuring the forces.
Cars on roofs, numberless losses;
Categories three, four, five,
Searches for the people live, the few survived.
And still the wars.

Unpredictable the changes.
Some think they have a wealth of time.
Changes in intensity, they stick around through lava lime;
Stubbornly they stay and die.
Some say we’ve learned a lesson.
Experts say it will get worse.
It the curse of global warmings.
Non-believers like D. Trump play golf through stormings.
There will be repeated more to come.
Volcanic heat that lies below,
And some don’t seem to care or know,
Which (that) alone can blow the flow
As wars and hate

It rules the planet.
Still we do not seriously
Change our path.

* 1.23.2018 Horrifying coincidence; day after this is written there is a 7.9 earthquake in the Alaskan Gulf.

It Rules The Planet 1.22.2018 Circling Round Nature II; Our Times Our Culture II; War Book II; Arlene Corwin
It rules, it rules!
global warmings changing it is getting worse
now the world we live in is nothing but a curse
atmosphere polluted. polluting all the air
all around the world polution it is there.

icebergs they are melting filling up the sea
polar bears and seals now no longer free
endangered by the planet changing oh fast
no one really knows how long that it will last.

nothing we can do nothing we can say
planet is polluted taking life away
we cant turn it round it is far to late
only mother nature will decide our fate

— The End —