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HannahAlex Moody Feb 2013
I often find myself in wonderland
Talking to cheshire cats
And rabbits in waistcoats
I feel normal here,
For nothing is normal here.
The land is peculiar
And the earth feels unstable
I wish to leave this obscure place
I wish to go home.

Then I am brought back to reality
My wishes have been granted
And I have found what I was looking for.
Yet now it seems unwanted
I feel unnormal here
For everything is normal here
I wish for cheshire cats
And rabbits in waistcoats
A place where I can be accepted
And explore.

I wish for adventures
With strange creatures that can only be imagined
A place that seems like a dream
And is full of dreams.
Where a mushroom can cause a change of perspective
Where hatters are mad
And the queen has no heart.
A wonderful land

I often find myself reminiscing
Talking of cheshire cats
And rabbits in waistcoats
Of a place where I seemed normal
For everything was unnormal
I wish for a land that is peculiar
And the earth feels unstable

I wish for wonderland.
AJ Jun 2013
I feel very tired.
My phone is dying
My charger is lost.
I watched Golden Girls today.
I'm in love with Betty White.
I feel very naseous and unnormal.
I think I might be expecting again.
I want to brake a glass dish.
TV makes it look like a good stress reliever.
I ate a peach when I got home.
I wish it was organic.
I wish I was organic.
jeanette korbel Mar 2015
Dark days and brighter nights.
Why do we wake, when it doesn't feel right?
Can we go to sleep when the sun rise?

A bunch of people living an unnormal life.
Lets have dinner first and breakfast last.
Lets spend more time then we do cash.
Can we drive on the streets when their empty, not full.
Lets make this bitter life, not so dull.

lets wear sox but, not shoes.
Get use to the ****.
Find a night job, create our own school.

The law doesn't say, be awake in the day.
Lets do things different but, still okay.

We will live our own lives.
Unnoticed at night.
jeanette korbel Mar 2015
Dark days and brighter nights.
Why do we wake, when it doesn't feel right?
Can we go to sleep when the sun rise?

A bunch of people living an unnormal life.
Lets have dinner first and breakfast last.
Lets spend more time then we do cash.
Can we drive on the streets when their empty, not full.
Lets make this bitter life, not so dull.

lets wear sox but, not shoes.
Get use to the ****.
Find a night job, create our own school.

The law doesn't say, be awake in the day.
Lets do things different but, still okay.

We will live our own lives.
Unnoticed at night.
Vanessa Mar 2019
Im quietly sinking, sinking into the shadows,
Deeper and deeper,
Silent as my depressing life flows.
Fingers clenching and curling,
While outside, the light’s always fading,
Desperation invading.
Sinking deeper in again,
Falling forward, to stop at the edge of the deep end.
Masks hide the deep pool inside,
Masks happy, glad, while slowly, I die.
Mental images, turn back to haunt,
Not just pictures, but pain also seems to daunt.
Jabbing inside, my head is throbbing,
Yet still I pretend, just go along nodding.
My eyes lose their shine, as they come upon the house that’s mine,
But I have no freedom, i'm inside a cage, nowhere to hide.
I get jabbed and poked, and disrespect is horrible,
Injustice is normal,
As is me, alone in my room,
Me slowly casting away to my ultimate doom.
Fading into unsocial, always so blue,
It’s my default setting, which is sad, but true.
Smiles fade, eyes turn dull,
My insides tell me my life is straight bull.
Sleep never comes, or if it does, not for long,
Three to Five hours, which i'm told is wrong.
Unnormal, (like me,) I think in my mind,
And with a dull laugh, I think of how people would feel if I died.
I know I sound negative, you’re probably shaking your head,
Eyes rolled back at the things I just said.
But just know, I didn’t expect you to understand,
Nobody can. The shadows and sorrows that pull at me, are my closest friends.
Deeper and deeper. It’s out of my hands, floating freely into the abyss, waiting to see if i'll even be missed.

— The End —