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Ken Dimaranan Aug 2014
Scourge consumed my wake in the growing path
I fed fear with awe; my hope grew unbecomingly

The face I unravelled the world with—in half
them to love me wholly is wishful thinking; chaotic rather

An old, dreadful time of which I lived in
reminiscing nullifies bliss

Faith anew is pain in another round
I, alone, revolve in bane; no more radiant

To unveil partially—my life is enough
like the moon, I hide myself in half

Memories of affliction scarred; lament under the dark heaven
Like a coin, a person always has two sides. Some are just really good at hiding it.
Dark n Beautiful Sep 2019
When love becomes a universal migraine:

Forest of Broken Dreams
His kisses were illegal
Passionate, yet surprisingly forceful
Better than his first
More memorable than his second
His third smooch was as cold as a Bollywood kiss

I close my eyes every day,
And I asked God, why some people think
That it is a sin to be poor,
It is not good thing to take that tour,
Down memory lane,
Reliving  all those slam doors
Jeering, body shaming and the pretending:
Looking back, and feeling
that they love was like a charity case
Forgiveness is not what most of us think:

Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth;

Those lips that we kiss;
Were lethal, like a late night walked
On a lonely street,

Love is patient, but not kind…
Love is a universal migraine..
with a combination of the wood nettle vine
Arlene Corwin Aug 2020
Having written “Things I Cannot Do”  and gotten so many spontaneously positive comments “Things I Cannot Stop” popped into my head  as a natural follow-up a week or two later.

     (Some)Things I Cannot Stop

Skin satiny and pigment-free
Withut a a freckled speck,
Creased, dry, wrinkly -
Or becoming so,
So unbecomingly..

Diet good, wholesome food
Eaten in a happy mood,
And still, a flab where muscle should
And used to be.  Rude
Mother Nature in her stature
Augur of maturing age.

Other things I cannot stop:
Hubby’s snoring from the deep,
Broken sleep,
The stiffened vocal cord that hides
The youthful voice once both our pride;
The sleep, the snore, the youthful voice
Are things that cannot be denied.
And though one tries, cannot avoid.

One might translate it all as unalloyed damnation.
One adjusts - without a bit of condemnation.
It’s acceptance all the way;
Living for the day
With phases come what may,
And living with each day
As stages in our destiny.

(Some) Things I Cannot Stop 8.7.2020 A Sense Of The Ridiculous II; Circling Round Ageing; Birth, Death & In Between III; Circling Round Experience; Arlene Nover Corwin

— The End —