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Give them your turst untill they
Give you a reason not to..
Then thats great
For you
But my trust and my heart have been
Abused amd mis-used to many times
I have learned to protect myself
I have put up a wall and
And only let people get so close
Then someone like you comes along
Loving,caring and willing to be there
Wanting to be there
And i get scared
I dont know how to let you in
I know its unfair to you
To have to pay for the mistakes of others
To have to deal with the pain they left behind
But im asking you to try
I believe that love is about letting go
Putting all of your trust into that other person
I believe that when you hold back
You miss out on the possibility
Of experencing something great
Maybe im not ready to take that leap
But i am willing to try
Theres so many thoughts,questions and chances
That this could all be fake
Thats what my head tells me
But my heart is telling me that you mean
Every word that you say
And that your worth taking that "chance"
You wanted honesty and thats what you got
So there it is out in the open
Just lingering in the air
Where do we go from here?
Take the next step
Make the next move
Are you willing to wait for me?
I dont want to loose you and
I dont want push you away
So can we both make an effort to try?
For you to have patients with me
And for me to give you that trust you need
We dont have to know everything now
I guess its all up to time
But just remember that i love you
I know that i dont always make things easy
I just need to know that you will be there.
Quentin Briscoe Jan 2013
with an all seening Eye...cuz for that green **** we all die...One... we aint one...were infested with legions...of demons...they call sin.. living with reasons...and a dollar will make her work...a penny would really hurt...comparing it with water while you pay to make it rain...cuz they compared it to water, you cant live with out your brain...trapped you in the circle to laugh and watch you die...nobody shot them in the head they only have but one eye...One there mission...and One dollar is the of the nation and no sgins of capital hill..just refreance to thier Origin what they feell is real...becarful how you fold it dont mess up the Great Seal... Cuz for people who hated Color Why would you use a Pyrimid...Cuz they found a secret when they vandilized the sphinx's head...dont get confused by my god...Cuz it might not be my god my god we all turst in god...Cuz a dollars says we do...cuz we couldn't trust in silver, in gold or in You...but we turst in little bills...with pyrimids in great seals...cuz once any thing is buried it can see it all...So they buried the truth so you wont know at all...
Hawk Flight May 2014
Yes I am engaged
to a beautiful women
the love of my life
She's help me through ****
Hell half of them shes
been right there with me

But even though I love her
and even though I trust her
like I turst so few
there is one person out there
who knows me inside and out



she goes by a different name now


somehow she broke through the walls
that no one else could penetrate
she didnt put up with my *******

I am a heartless *******
I dont give a ****
I have no mercy

I dont cry
i dont show emotion
I'm a living
breathing  (Barely)

but her.......

she is a burning candle
in this hellhole
she's strong
she is caring

she is my burning candle
Fenix has her own account on here.
Its Fenix Flight.
Shes good.
real good.
better then I could ever hope to be
Katrina Zechman Nov 2015
i know your out there waiting
on your white hosre
your strong
you stand tall
and your thinking bout finding your Mrs.Right
will Mr.Right she might just be right under your nose
your sweet and kind and you care
you dont show off for other girls
when your with her your only hers
your turst worthy and honaorable
you dont lie
and your thinking bout finding Mrs.Right
well Dear Mr.Right your Mrs.Right might just be right here
i know young puppy love
i wanna be able to play video games and hope to god my family likes you
Dear Mr Right can you care for a firl with scares
can you care for a girl that is clinginy and loves truely and deeply
i might not be wife material but i am i good Mrs.Right and i bet your a better Mr.Right
Alya'a Aug 2013
what about our love ?
what about our memories ?
what about the dreams that we bild them toghter ?
what about your promises ? you said you don't break them
but you did !
because of you right now i can't turst anybody around me
yes i can't ..!
what about me ?
Mateuš Conrad Mar 2018
/then let us see... how empire, contra a commonwealth, works! past the heart and tongue, i know what else transcends lying, in what it's allowed to speak! for a desired purpose, to excuse a succumbing to a grief!/

between burgarian prostitutes
and turkish barbers?
             not much, english,
in terms of making a slave out
of myself,
to that, most, mundane,
of a history, of the once famous empire;
now i turst the russians,
when they burst the bellybutton
****-wit of:
             sorry... the colonial past
is over;
      now the h'american is to
                go on...
                   i'm just dying to know,
what sort of ****** tourists
you make...
               overtly proud...
        and just, plain,
                    *******, annoying;
better you have only a 3rd of the populace
owning passports...
       what, because they can,
and i can't?!
                      the only muslims i
respect are the turks...
                 well... the do actually use
tha latin script...
                          so that makes them
our last remaining rejects,
our lost trojan cousins...
                plus they've perfected
the barbarism of the profession
of being barbers...
                            the only muslims
i could ever give an respect for,
are the turks...
                given the fact that they're
not exactly pompous arab nomads
who were given a free gift with
having inherited oil...
               and built greater
stagnations of process than
the egyptians ever did with their
*******, pyramids!
                in terms of islam
your one safety resides with
hearing the turks speak...
         the rest is sand-******
camel-jockey crap,
or what remains a bangladeshi joke
concering the saudis....
                        like i said prior:
he already had his 2nd crucifix moment
with the up-side-down done to st. peter...
now i get to wash my hands clean
of the matter, a second time...
          since, i hardly gambled,
but when there was a worthy gamble,
i attempted to read a history;
singing orff's o fortuna
               in baritone,
                rather than in castrato!
well: so comes the appropriate
gesture of: oops.

— The End —