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Deb Nixon Nov 2011
The day was hot, the hours long.
I couldn't wait to go home.
Covered in sweat, from toiling outside,
I was reeking of sandy loam.

The clothes dropped off on my way in,
I could hardly wait to shower.
The faucets running at top speed,
It would take more than solar power.

The steam rose up, the water poured,
At last! I found some bliss.
Scrubbed until I was glowing pink,
Not an inch of flesh I'll miss.

Finally calm, I relaxed a bit,
The vanilla scent made me smile.
My hair was clean, I felt brand new.
Now to get perky for a while.

Turbanned hair gave my eyes a lift.
I just knew my face would glow.
As I sashayed in my fluffy towel,
To the mirror, I turned to show.

As I wiped the mirror, so I could see,
I started in surprise!
Surely, THAT couldn't be me!
But, yep, the same green eyes.

The temporary face lift fell,
The cat-eyes started to droop.
Dreading to take the body towel off,
Fearing the rest just looked like ****!

My oh my, where did it go?
That *** that looked so fab!
My age crept in when I was asleep,
And, turned me all to flab!

Deb Nixon
This poem was a challenge from another poet...she started the title, we had to write the poem based on it.
Sombro Apr 2016
Oh, trade me
In your caravan
With turbanned thoughts in spiced tongues,
Trade me onwards to that land,

The take-away place
The land of shivering darkness
Where silver laces flowers
And mercury runs through veins.

Take me there,
On clouds of cold space
To where silence reigns like kings would dream
Over long nights in winter castles.

Sighs take his pillow
And lashes tickle lover's necks
I can dream like him,
On my silver snowy mountain

Leave me be
To shine down too
And watch you from above,
To warm the sky a little with my blessing.
The moon is beautiful tonight and I am churning out these poems for once.

— The End —