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I stopped calling

     stopped texting

             unfriended you on Facebook (LOL-not even my account....I don't have one) today

We've been friends for more than half my life

     more than friends from time to time (FWB....BFF....NSA.....OMFG!)

            and now it's like neither of us exists

Because you had to lie

     you had to hold out....lead me on

          to cover your *** for doing something I repeatedly told you to do (***!!??)

So painfully slowly I'm erasing you

      deleting you

           turning my mind off  you (IMY  :-(  XO)

Annie Dark Oct 2012
That place.
With it's red vains of life
And breath, laced with sage and dill.
First comes the sage
Then comes the dill.
Juniper trees surround our tiny bodies.
Innocent eyes gaze at rapid wings,
Soft flesh, and seeds burst.
Sweet dew envelops the taste buds.
I skim my feet on blood red carpet,
The lines perfectly aligned.
Hopscotch through.
Never want to disrupt the perfection.
Time is still,
It dosen't have relevance here.
I prefer it that way.
The Good Pussy Dec 2014

             ta  ta  ta                  ta  ta  ta
        ta                   ta     ta                     ta
     ta                          ta                            ta
   ta             s              ta              s             ta
    ta                            ta                          ­  ta
      ta                        ta  ta                      ­ta
             ta   ta    ta             ta    ta    ta
ShowYouLove Jul 2014
Forever Friend

No matter the miles that stretch out between us,

No matter how far down the road you may be,

Even though, at this time, we rightly fuss

No distance is too great I hope you'll soon see.

When it comes to a forever friend.

In such short a time that I've been given

I've learned a few things

About laughing and loving and about livin',

God fearing women and the joy a smile brings;

These I have learned from a forever friend.

To share in the laughter, share in joy and in pain

To share in the tears and the moments so tender

To be rays of warm sun in the cold gray rain

These are the things forever friends engender.

These I have done and always will for my forever friend.

When the road gets too long and your world turns blue,

If your heart grows heavy and you feel weighted down,

Remember a bond far stronger than glue:

Close your eyes, count to ten, and turn around,

And there, close beside, is the forever friend.

For it is there, in the heart, that you can find

A part of them in you so close at hand.

Something there is; a connection of the strongest kind,

No distance, nor time, nor any other thing that cannot be spanned

By the love shared between forever friends.

And like Tigger so acutely does say:

Not good bye or farewell but TTFN

Its "Ta Ta For Now" until I see you again

You are never so far that you can't brighten my day

It makes me so proud that you are my forever friend!
Paul Butters Aug 2015
K, so here’s the deal,
English will change,
Gr8 eh?
B4u know it, all changed.
Fyi some call it Textese or SMS Language.
But through will become thru
And though of course tho
K so this poem might not trend,
But I’m way ahead of my time,
That’s my Msg.
N2u tho that may b.
That things must change,
That is.
8 it don’t u?
Such g9.
Scary Tbh.
4 me and 4u.
(I prefer you as yu it's tru).
Just Gfi is wot I say.
Even when Prw!
Laters – Sbtsbc.
Ttfn and bfn.
Sit my friend.

Paul Butters

© PB 13\8\2015.
Looking to the future......(You may need a Textese Dictionary)!
mike dm Jan 2017
Not here. Not there. Not anywhere. Not anywhy. Not caring pennywise above my lotto-won unslant brow. I simply cannot who this town anymore.

Wut? It's not that i "jus can't;"
it's that.. well, it's that....

---- It all sidepath whirr spins too much, resulting in me being in it too kneedeeply, as my limbs brim over the finely-tuned ledge of what we think we can potentially know, where it grins up at the space stolid, like a thing imagined real - plus my poor machete has (in a torrid blink of the winkers) turned; or, more accurately, transmogrified into sudden feted befridged leftovers, which, aren't exactly untaciturn in their ways.

(understatement of the eon, iknowiknow)..

---- worse still, -forgotten- leftovers, hidden away in the crisper drawer under the rest of the things spoken for: half due to lazy; the other half, to the fact it won't slide nicely anymore :/

it, turning
and smirking.

Oh! the its
and things.

And those three anthropomorphic hands always pushing n prodding the fated its and things. It's all so.. meh.

So, of c, we decorate it w meta imps and wings above them. Methinks the neon signs of the new rind output axon doth protest too much.

Yet, the gray area is nigh.
Autocorrect, be ******.

Me: I, now, know your tricks. Your abstruse, purely theoretical storms which appeal with chartreuse arms elongated into lawnorder - I can see you've been drawn out. I can see around the bend. You don't scare me anymore with your elegant renderings. I am too much in the dying whitehot.

That voice inside: nothing

Me: ...

Chicken, *****.

Don't you see? It's all getting crunched down. God is in the box marked "fragile," sexting n taking dog selfies doing a Miley tongue wag in the ***** bathroom mirror w an awk ttfn postscript n kissy face discursive.

I won't flinch.

my pockets turned inside-out aboutfacedly, knowingly staring that stare right back up at me, reflexively, interrogating and adjudicating, highchaired n bewigged n gavel-swinging n self-righteous spittle-wingin n all - cuffs hugging the curly q sloughed off set-o-symbols once hung like rare priceless lace above that (over)hyped brand new skull muscle (geologically speaking, of c). but the ***** have all been given, and i, finally, with arms reaching forward and backward, am here.

the haste the haste
the grammar head at the wake
let rigormortis do it's worst,
because there is more behind its door

0100111101010000 bars
hug the star's start
stripping them away,

Denuded, they

corrall it
adn things

I grip these two
and win back
the abysmal.

I am OK with breaking down,
with being hurt. Vulnerable as ****.
These tears are me
and mine.

— The End —