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Hollie Stutzman Feb 2013
Some words zip around like a dying fly's corpse hitting a fan. It's pieces should be collected, fit together, observed, and put in the ground where no one will find them; where no one will dig them up to utter them again. And the stale blood should be wiped from the blades, for they will keep spinning, and no one likes the sound of a truth gone false, whizzing 'round incessantly in their head. No one likes the crimson smell of something they'd rather forget.
Little Bear Jan 2016
It is of my opinion that you have desisted in truthiness.
And as such,
you will hence forth be known as a
'Teller of Untruths.'

As a result,
I do believe your trousers have combusted.
You are a blaggard and a rapscallion.
Good day...
Ha! liar liar, pants on fire!!!
Ilene Bauer Jan 2017
The earth is flat. We'll never die
And unicorns exist.
Olympic athletes never cheat;
Decorum won't be missed.

The sun did shine when Donald Trump
Took office; folks all bowed
Because they formed the largest yet
Inauguration crowd.

When Colbert talked of "truthiness,"
He meant it as a joke.
When lies disguise as facts, our dreams
Will all go up in smoke.
Heather Butler May 2012
between Patrick Thompson and this one*

It's huge.
       Floating, bobbing on the current--
I try:not to remember such
                                 thin  g           s,
      Sinewy and grasping as they are,
                            wraiths, demons, and shades alike.
      It all just
                      (makes sense &)
                                     tells of truths
"Truths." As true as truthiness can be
                    through a glass onion.
              -------------------------------------- - Run.
I fell for a heart from another land.
A country of Peace and Martial Arts.
Green grasses and Banzai  trees... sweet smiles and hard workers.
Her smile melted my soul as her words she had written me
They made my heart smile.
I smile every time I look at her beautiful picture
Class,friendly times, and love for a family full of honor.
I long to fly to her
On tin wings.. To my lady from another land.
To bask in the native surroundings and molding within one another.
My heart longs for her
Even if I haven't told her such..
I know she feels my yearning to honorably be one with her spirit.
In a world where lust seems to be the only expressed reward.
I value this smile and to learn of her "other land."
The orient where souls are free to be what they were design to be.
You sure have shown me.
Grown ups acting like children.
Childishly seeking to weigh another soul  down..
Through exploiting their weaknesses in the crowds..
and flaunting things that make another sad....
Since they assume you cannot have what they own.
Let them wear these  Rusty Crowns.
On their seats of thorns.
In their empty Kingdom..
I deserve the best out of life.
Truth, success, love, intimacy, and all that I do rightfully yearn for.
Such enlightened rewards which I have worked so very hard, to earn.
Through my true selfless nature and deep fondness of being the less violent and the  more kind....
Of  being this sort of sweet spirited person.
At times such is a curse.
As the corrupt take advantage of such.
They take from me too much....
Enjoyment of life....
Until I snap out of their trance and strike back.
I turn away....They receive some bad Karma.
I work onward, as me. Succeeding.
Such visions of such cuts them ,slowly,like a knife.
Now, more than ever, I "Look Before I leap."
For not everyone is what they appear.
When I need some one.
When they stab me in the back as I sleep.
Their actions prove their jealousy and yearning.....
For me to be below their childish and wicked level....
Let them think that they have it "all."
Looking back, I laugh at what "least of what is important,"
in their lives...
That they wish that I could  have  had.
For, it was not me who kept the good ones out.
The bad ones simply forgot the universal password.
Which was kindness, trust, and truthiness.
For them  to see, me ,get what I have needed.
Such keeps them out in the cold..
The warmer ones are with me...
Outside their  walls.
Us bigger hearts...The "Stronger" and the more "Bolder."
Life is not a play.
Life is not a movie set.
No producers, no managers, and no teleprompters..
It is a new event day after day.
Nothing in our life forces are planned energies.
They flow,freely,through the universe.
No scripts to memorize
No songs to rehearse
Memories are of the only steadfast and long lasting unchanged parts of our souls...
We do not need other people to order us about
Tell us how they think we should be..
Judge us upon being a "fake"
on "their stage" of life...
No no.
They received their just tolls.
No, it's our turn to show ourselves off on the "fashion of truthiness and bright and loving hear lights"
We spin and walk on the cat walk...
As we "free flow" this time..
As the future has no outline and nothing to show what it shall depict..
In scenes and henceforth
Life, in itself, is a force that needs no script.
For those who won't live through it,
I ache and I grind for everything
I haven't done.

There's those whose temper
Could not be contained
By their own history,
Stripped from their truthiness,
The only result is to attack,
To shorten others' integrity.

I cry a cry of remorse
To the humanity
We fail to carry
When one of us refuses
To share its load.

This cry without tears
(Frailty contained,
Rage tamed
And sharpened thoughts)
Is not to be heard:
Only silent weapons are useful.

A surprise attack is imminent.
The sound is an enemy,
But silence will spread,
Contagious and strong,
A wave of love and warmth
To overcome shots and shouts.

When they least expect
We'll all be covered
With the blanket of compassion.
Harriet Shea May 2020
Now is the Time

Now is the time to rise up, leading yourself differently in ways of thinking, believing! no more old ways, they are no longer needed in this bright brilliant world of the promise we now are experiencing after the superficial skeletons of centuries creating avenues for mankind to follow.

Mankind will follow there own intuitions, created from there own loving desires, and form a more perfect union in making peace with those who cannot acknowledge that love is the reason we are all one in one.

Creation was not created to hate, but love, not to be a slave of our own ways of believing, it was meant to capture all truthiness of life and victory of never letting go of the promises we all carry within all of us.

We are not men of unbelievers, we are men of truth, love, and fortitude, we belong to the highest honor of love, multidimensional beings, which mean! we are all separate from those who cannot understand why we are whom we've been from the beginning of time, each in one, one made whole.  We've divided thoughts into one thought, making it known as the creator of love intensive purpose of perfection through the rhythm of love being the center of life eternal.

Being the center of love in this human form now starting to awake from a sleep that has never been awoken until this moment, was written from the beginning of life as we know it to be.

Exciting! to finally find who we are and where we are going
in this new world of peace love and intelligence beyond connection and infinite knowledge.

No reason to doubt your life and truths that will be your reality of all realities, once your door has opened to your soul's deep intellectual spiritual wisdom of love, you'll never remember who you were when your thoughts weren't yours to remember.

Time is now to rejoice in your heart of hearts, it's time
to know how blessed you have always been and always will be through knowing who you really are and how much your life is one in one with love eternal.

(Stay warm within the realm of your love)

DerenaBree(All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2020
Now is the time to rise up, leading yourself differently in ways of thinking, believing! no more old ways, they are no longer needed in this bright brilliant world of the promise we now are experiencing after the superficial skeletons of centuries creating avenues for mankind to follow.

Mankind will follow there own intuitions, created from there own loving desires, and form a more perfect union in making peace with those who cannot acknowledge that love is the reason we are all one in one.

Creation was not created to hate, but love, not to be a slave of our own ways of believing, it was meant to capture all truthiness of life and victory of never letting go of the promises we all carry within all of us.

We are not men of unbelievers, we are men of truth, love, and fortitude, we belong to the highest honor of love, multidimensional beings, which mean! we are all separate from those who cannot understand why we are whom we've been from the beginning of time, each in one, one made whole. We've divided thoughts into one thought, making it known as the creator of love intensive purpose of perfection through the rhythm of love being the center of life eternal.

Being the center of love in this human form now starting to awake from a sleep that has never been awoken until this moment, was written from the beginning of life as we know it to be.

Exciting! to finally find who we are and where we are going
in this new world of peace love and intelligence beyond connection and infinite knowledge.

No reason to doubt your life and truths that will be your reality of all realities, once your door has opened to your soul's deep intellectual spiritual wisdom of love, you'll never remember who you were when your thoughts weren't yours to remember.

Time is now to rejoice in your heart of hearts, it's time
to know how blessed you have always been and always will be through knowing who you really are and how much your life is one in one with love eternal.

(Stay warm within the realm of your love)

DerenaBree(All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Dec 2020
Now is the time to rise up, leading yourself differently in ways of thinking, believing! no more old ways, they are no longer needed in this bright brilliant world of the promise we now are experiencing after the superficial skeletons of centuries creating avenues for mankind to follow.

Mankind will follow their own intuitions, created from their own loving desires, and form a more perfect union in making peace with those who cannot acknowledge that love is the reason we are all one in one.

Creation was not created to hate, but love, not to be a slave of our own ways of believing, it was meant to capture all truthiness of life and victory of never letting go of the promises we all carry within all of us.

We are not men of unbelievers, we are men of truth, love fortitude, we belong to the highest honor of love, multidimensional beings, we are all separate from those who cannot understand why we are whom we've been from the beginning of time, each in one, one made whole.

We've divided thoughts into one thought, making it known as the creator of love's intensive purpose of perfection through the rhythm of love being the center of life eternal.

Being the center of love in this human form now starting to awake from a sleep that has never been awoken until this moment, was written from the beginning of life as we know it to be.

Exciting! to finally find who we are and where we are going
in this new world of peace love and intelligence beyond connection and infinite knowledge.

No reason to doubt your life and truths that will be your reality of all realities, once your door has opened to your soul's deep intellectual spiritual wisdom of love, you'll never remember who you were when your thoughts weren't yours to remember.

Time is now to rejoice in your heart of hearts, it's time
to know how blessed you have always been and always will be through knowing who you really are and how much your life is one in one with love eternal.

(Stay warm within the realm of your love)

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)

— The End —