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Nat Lipstadt Aug 2013
Welcome Back To This, Your Isle

The rabbits beneath the deck,
Even the pesky deer who eat the shrubbery,
Sea creatures, living and spirits of the dead,
Lying on the paths and in the creeks of Silver Beach,
All inquire:

Was it better wherever you went?

Were the:

Bears, hiding in the forests outside Berlin,
Eagles, double headed, of Russia
Herring, fried, creamed, wined,
From the vendors on the docks of
Helsinki, Riga, Visby and Tallinn,
Salmon, smoked and cured in Stockholm,
More impressive,
Tastier than our striped bass,
Island cohorts of yours, who waited patiently
For their chronicler to return?

Did the Little Mermaid and her Dolphin
Guardians of the Port of Copenhagen
Welcome you more warmly than your friends,
The ospreys, lizards, turtles and owls
Who overwatch your steps and safety
When hiking in Mashomack Preserve?

Are the interlacing tidal creeks,
Woodlands, fields, salt marshes and the ragged,
Irregular but charmed coastline of this cherished island
Any lesser than those of Scandinavia?

Are the sea-going ferries that transverse the
Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Finland,
More poetic than the Menantic or the Lt. Joe,
Who carry you swiftly home to us?

The National Geographic people say that in
Tivoli Gardens, The Amerikaner (ha!) waffle ice cream cone
Is one of the ten best in the world.
Guessing they have not made it yet to the
Tuck Shop for some Moose Tracks!

Were you unaware that our isle settled before
Peter the Great ever envisioned creating the grand
Boulevards of his capitol, St. Petersburg,
Route 114 was a traveled forest path,
By settlers and Indians, not serfs.

Of the Treasures, the Gold Room of the Hermitage,
The Amber Room of Catherine's Palace,
Wrote not a single word, we observe.
Your attentions, they did not deserve?

The answers all, self evident.

Here, surrounded by the gentle breezes of
Long Island Sound and Gardiners Bay,
Sweet and salty flavors of the Peconic atmosphere,
Words unlocked, from your eyes to the page fall,
Smudged by joyous tears, for the muses of the island
Have embraced you yet again and rebirthed
Inspiration, within their comforting, sheltering grasp.

Silver Beach

July 22, 2012
LJ May 2016
In Lisbon, we blended
ended the day with spectacular culinary
Shopped and hopped side to side

In Dublin, we vented
as the whisky and Guinness was **** good
Shipped the hire car to Galway

In Italy, we invented
dropped coins in fountains of love we already held
From Florence, to Milan, to Rome, to Bologna

In Paris, I rented
alone in protests and hippies at Place De La Republique
Dreamt of you as they skated

In Romania, I persisted
up on the icy Tranfagarasan highway traps
I saw a bear and it had your eyes

In Stockholm, we insisted
As the Vasa sunk on tables of *****
Pecked on the trains and shied away.

In London, we protested
It was an ordinary day and the flowers didn't bloom
The Thames was gloomy and stale

In Oslo, we transmitted
The reindeer meal and cranberry was a disaster
The gloom followed us to southern skies

In Copenhagen, you were sorted
Smiled and amused by the Tivoli gardens
The night became day and the wind withered

In Amsterdam, we did what we did
Stored the memories on the reclaimed lands
Free-spirited in love and in eternity
Donna Aug 2012
The darkness of the night lights up with brilliance
I stand in awe, for such beauty before my eyes
'Il tocco dolce della morte', 'The sweet touch of death' invades my form
Beauty beyond comparison, for feelings of such is surreal
Flashing colors zig-zag across the night sky,
making me feel more alive than ever before.
And I inhale the sweet, sweet scent.
Of the coming rain about to fall upon my form
The tingling sensation comes along slowly
Till finally it takes control of all within
Then.. Raindrops begin to fall
Fist slowly, then soon, covering me in all its glory
And I smile, arms held wide, taking all it sends forth
Eyes towards the sky, I watch as the darkness turns to light
Colors brilliantly flashing, turning all into a painting of majestic glory
And slowly I whisper..
'Il tocco dolce della morte'
'The sweet touch of death',, yes.. Has invaded me once more.

© Donna R Tivoli
Donna Aug 2012
What am I doing?
Ahhh, yes..
Moving towards the land of destruction.

I laugh.

Open another bottle
Pour the golden liquid in the tall glass

Ice moves back and forth
I watch as the liquid lovingly caresses the small cubes
Bobbing up and down
Only it's your hands I see,

Eyes unfocused,
head starting to feel slightly dizzy
I still grin, a smile, like a secret is hidden deep inside there.

Is there?

The sound forms and passes through numb lips
Bruised, from the memory of yours
I close my eyes..

'Go away'
I whisper to the silence
But it does no good
For your smell still lingers
In each pore,
it seeps through
Tearing at me
Making me.....

Hard, I bite down on swollen lips.

A promise made
A promise broken
Like me.

You took,
I gave
You loved,
I caved,
right in..
To your majestic charms.

Oh how the mighty has fallen...

What am I doing?

Ahhh, yes..
That's right..

I'm moving towards the land of destruction.

© Donna R Tivoli
À Victor Hugo.


Dans les plis sinueux des vieilles capitales,
Où tout, même l'horreur, tourne aux enchantements,
Je guette, obéissant à mes humeurs fatales
Des êtres singuliers, décrépits et charmants.

Ces monstres disloqués furent jadis des femmes,
Éponine ou Laïs ! Monstres brisés, bossus
Ou tordus, aimons-les ! ce sont encor des âmes.
Sous des jupons troués et sous de froids tissus

Ils rampent, flagellés par les bises iniques,
Frémissant au fracas roulant des omnibus,
Et serrant sur leur flanc, ainsi que des reliques,
Un petit sac brodé de fleurs ou de rébus ;

Ils trottent, tout pareils à des marionnettes ;
Se traînent, comme font les animaux blessés,
Ou dansent, sans vouloir danser, pauvres sonnettes
Où se pend un Démon sans pitié ! Tout cassés

Qu'ils sont, ils ont des yeux perçants comme une vrille,
Luisants comme ces trous où l'eau dort dans la nuit ;
Ils ont les yeux divins de la petite fille
Qui s'étonne et qui rit à tout ce qui reluit.

- Avez-vous observé que maints cercueils de vieilles
Sont presque aussi petits que celui d'un enfant ?
La Mort savante met dans ces bières pareilles
Un symbole d'un goût bizarre et captivant,

Et lorsque j'entrevois un fantôme débile
Traversant de Paris le fourmillant tableau,
Il me semble toujours que cet être fragile
S'en va tout doucement vers un nouveau berceau ;

A moins que, méditant sur la géométrie,
Je ne cherche, à l'aspect de ces membres discords,
Combien de fois il faut que l'ouvrier varie
La forme de la boîte où l'on met tous ces corps.

- Ces yeux sont des puits faits d'un million de larmes,
Des creusets qu'un métal refroidi pailleta...
Ces yeux mystérieux ont d'invincibles charmes
Pour celui que l'austère Infortune allaita !


De Frascati défunt Vestale enamourée ;
Prêtresse de Thalie, hélas ! dont le souffleur
Enterré sait le nom ; célèbre évaporée
Que Tivoli jadis ombragea dans sa fleur,

Toutes m'enivrent ; mais parmi ces êtres frêles
Il en est qui, faisant de la douleur un miel
Ont dit au Dévouement qui leur prêtait ses ailes :
Hippogriffe puissant, mène-moi jusqu'au ciel !

L'une, par sa patrie au malheur exercée,
L'autre, que son époux surchargea de douleurs,
L'autre, par son enfant Madone transpercée,
Toutes auraient pu faire un fleuve avec leurs pleurs !


Ah ! que j'en ai suivi de ces petites vieilles !
Une, entre autres, à l'heure où le soleil tombant
Ensanglante le ciel de blessures vermeilles,
Pensive, s'asseyait à l'écart sur un banc,

Pour entendre un de ces concerts, riches de cuivre,
Dont les soldats parfois inondent nos jardins,
Et qui, dans ces soirs d'or où l'on se sent revivre,
Versent quelque héroïsme au coeur des citadins.

Celle-là, droite encor, fière et sentant la règle,
Humait avidement ce chant vif et guerrier ;
Son oeil parfois s'ouvrait comme l'oeil d'un vieil aigle ;
Son front de marbre avait l'air fait pour le laurier !


Telles vous cheminez, stoïques et sans plaintes,
A travers le chaos des vivantes cités,
Mères au coeur saignant, courtisanes ou saintes,
Dont autrefois les noms par tous étaient cités.

Vous qui fûtes la grâce ou qui fûtes la gloire,
Nul ne vous reconnaît ! un ivrogne incivil
Vous insulte en passant d'un amour dérisoire ;
Sur vos talons gambade un enfant lâche et vil.

Honteuses d'exister, ombres ratatinées,
Peureuses, le dos bas, vous côtoyez les murs ;
Et nul ne vous salue, étranges destinées !
Débris d'humanité pour l'éternité mûrs !

Mais moi, moi qui de **** tendrement vous surveille,
L'oeil inquiet, fixé sur vos pas incertains,
Tout comme si j'étais votre père, ô merveille !
Je goûte à votre insu des plaisirs clandestins :

Je vois s'épanouir vos passions novices ;
Sombres ou lumineux, je vis vos jours perdus ;
Mon coeur multiplié jouit de tous vos vices !
Mon âme resplendit de toutes vos vertus !

Ruines ! ma famille ! ô cerveaux congénères !
Je vous fais chaque soir un solennel adieu !
Où serez-vous demain, Èves octogénaires,
Sur qui pèse la griffe effroyable de Dieu ?
Cedric McClester May 2019
By: Cedric McClester

Her explanation
Best explains,
She’s living rent free
Inside of his brain
A mere distraction
That always remains
The motivator of
His outrageous claims

She’s been vetted
A thousand times
All they’ve come up with
Are imagined crimes
“Lock her up,”
His base always chimes.
She’d be rich
If they paid her in dimes

I guess we could have
Him calling for her
To be investigated
For spying he says
Kind of belated
They used to be friends
But now she’s hated

He’s talked in the past
About giving out pardons
But when it come to her
His attitude hardens
It’s like the war
Of the ancient Spartans
Not like a stroll
Through Tivoli Gardens

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2019. All rights reserved.
Ô Virgile ! ô poète ! ô mon maître divin !
Viens, quittons cette ville au cri sinistre et vain,
Qui, géante, et jamais ne fermant la paupière,
Presse un flot écumant entre ses flancs de pierre,
Lutèce, si petite au temps de tes Césars,
Et qui jette aujourd'hui, cité pleine de chars,
Sous le nom éclatant dont le monde la nomme,
Plus de clarté qu'Athène et plus de bruit que Rome.

Pour toi qui dans les bois fais, comme l'eau des cieux,
Tomber de feuille en feuille un vers mystérieux,
Pour toi dont la pensée emplit ma rêverie,
J'ai trouvé, dans une ombre où rit l'herbe fleurie,
Entre Buc et Meudon, dans un profond oubli,
- Et quand je dis Meudon, suppose Tivoli !
J'ai trouvé, mon poète, une chaste vallée
A des coteaux charmants nonchalamment mêlée,
Retraite favorable à des amants cachés,
Faite de flots dormants et de rameaux penchés,
Où midi baigne en vain de ses rayons sans nombre
La grotte et la forêt, frais asiles de l'ombre !

Pour toi je l'ai cherchée, un matin, fier, joyeux,
Avec l'amour au coeur et l'aube dans les yeux ;
Pour toi je l'ai cherchée, accompagné de celle
Qui sait tous les secrets que mon âme recèle,
Et qui, seule avec moi sous les bois chevelus,
Serait ma Lycoris si j'étais ton Gallus.

Car elle a dans le coeur cette fleur large et pure,
L'amour mystérieux de l'antique nature !
Elle aime comme nous, maître, ces douces voix,
Ce bruit de nids joyeux qui sort des sombres bois,
Et, le soir, tout au fond de la vallée étroite,
Les coteaux renversés dans le lac qui miroite,
Et, quand le couchant morne a perdu sa rougeur,
Les marais irrités des pas du voyageur,
Et l'humble chaume, et l'antre obstrué d'herbe verte,
Et qui semble une bouche avec terreur ouverte,
Les eaux, les prés, les monts, les refuges charmants,
Et les grands horizons pleins de rayonnements !

Maître ! puisque voici la saison des pervenches,
Si tu veux, chaque nuit, en écartant les branches,
Sans éveiller d'échos à nos pas hasardeux,
Nous irons tous les trois, c'est-à-dire tous deux,
Dans ce vallon sauvage, et de la solitude,
Rêveurs, nous surprendrons la secrète attitude.
Dans la brune clairière où l'arbre au tronc noueux
Prend le soir un profil humain et monstrueux,
Nous laisserons fumer, à côté d'un cytise,
Quelque feu qui s'éteint sans pâtre qui l'attise,
Et, l'oreille tendue à leurs vagues chansons,
Dans l'ombre, au clair de lune, à travers les buissons,
Avides, nous pourrons voir à la dérobée
Les satyres dansants qu'imite Alphésibée.
(or swing sets and monkey bars)

A pitch perfect spring day
such as today April 8th, 2022
within quaint hamlet
of Schwenksville, Pennsylvania
in close proximity within mind's eye
to Lake Wobegon, Minnesota
finds me reminiscing...

When, scads of light years ago
(half life of mein kampf),
while yours truly,
at that time a father linkedin
emotionally, mentally and socially
kibitzing with his two young adorable girls,
ah charming children indeed
(totally unbiased opinion that)
both sweet lassies to boot
figuratively got their daddy
tightly wrapped around all four

of their middle fingers,
matter of fact coercive Munchkin,
and her younger sibling Shayna Punim
both whose playful rebukes
courtesy daughters role playing
stern yet affectionate “mama,”
this papa feigned not to heed,
maybe begetting a boy
(cuz I ofttimes then
envisioned being pro creative
regarding bequeathing XY chromosomes

which engendered gifting us a son;
i.e. ideally conceived male child -
obviously at mercy
of biological random chance
genetic material receiving
proper allotment to garner
personal pronoun predicated
upon strict binary addressable as he/him),
when reproductive gamble roulette
never did yield nor diploid offspring
to carry forth Harris surname

constituting for good measure
genetic qua mixed breed,
would have elicited contrary response,
when playing reversed roles
whereby Matthew Scott the kid
(Billy me) not docile like his real self
and his imaginary male progeny
aplomb (fig your at Tivoli) found me
taking his fruitful lead
apple lee going bananas acceptable
make believe games regarding

above named adult playing
mischievous, innocuous, harmless
behavior committing neither
illegal transgression nor misdeed
from this grown man,
Sir Wren during self to architect
landing flat on me then
palm pilot sized ***
(measured by Andre the Giant)
as if drunk from mead,
where playfulness my creed

those were the days my friend...
years ago that streamed
flicked across thee ethereal net
at lightspeed, I experienced
manifest destiny nsync
with government assigned
mummy dearest head shrinker
taking eminent domain freed
Aladdin side me, those decades,
sans long gone fatherhood
plus roles he learned to succeed

recalling catfights ('twixt
daughters) he assertively refereed,
who cherished those
offspring, he did seed -
reckons adult opportunity
gifted yours truly mentoring
with excellence they did exceed
unlike yours truly
he rarely ever let loose maybe once,
the scairt (of his own shadow) boy inside
subsequently cowering frightened lad,

healthy development anxiety did impede
his spontaneity ****** and leveed,
thus renaissance awoke
to travel back in time
reliving boyhood non disrupted,
and prior to parenthood,
would be less apt to concede
how natural to bond with progeny
fostered by being keyed
into esprit de corps of biological charges,
now grown without need,

nor want of his company (halt)
sudden embarrassment that person,
whose absence in
“My Struggle” did bleed
unstaunched sadness till affixing
available spare time with books to read,
and poems to write attempting to feed
an errant stray tear every now and again,
more pronounced as father time guaranteed
begetting precious bundles of joy,
how pedestrian days

of yore like a tumbleweed
(think T.S. Elliot)
rocketed them thru preschool, kindergarten...
high school, college now this doddering
doth oft attempt (with futility) to reach them...
even cherished memories insync
with Jack and Jill Truck klaxon dost recede.
When, while a father with two young girls,
ah charming children indeed
both wrapped around mine *******,
whose playful rebukes
this papa did heed
(who wished for a son),
he never did breed)
aplomb (fig your at Tivoli) found me

taking their fruitful lead
apple lee going bananas acceptable
mischievous behavior harmless misdeed
from this grown man,
sir render ring self to land
flat on me ***
as if drunk from mead
where playfulness my creed

years ago that streamed
by at lightspeed,
I experienced a
manifest destiny that freed
Aladdin side me, those decades,
sans long gone fatherhood
plus roles he learned to succeed
recalling catfights ('twixt

daughters) he refereed
who cherished those
offspring, he did seed
reckons adult opportunity
gifted yours truly mentoring
with excellence they did excede
to let loose once, and always frightened lad,
healthy development anxiety did impede

his spontaneity ****** and leveed,
thus renaissance awoke to relive boyhood,
and prior to parenthood,
would be less apt to concede
how natural to bond with progeny
fostered by being keyed
into esprit de corps of biological charges,
now grown without need,

nor want of this
sudden embarrassment person,
whose absence in mein kampf did bleed
unstaunched sadness till affixing
available spare time with books to read,
and poems to write attempting to feed
an errant stray tear every now and again,
more pronounced as father time guaranteed

begetting precious bundles of joy,
how pedestrian days of yore like a tumbleweed
rocketed them thru preschool, kindergarten...
high school, college now this doddering
doth oft attempt (with futility) to reach them...
even cherished memories insync
with Jack and Jill Truck klaxon dost recede.
Qualyxian Quest Jan 2023
The American nation began in genocide
Slave labor all around
The Albino Whale is white
I am both lost and found

I've been to Copenhagen
Dear Soren Kierkegaard
Basketball is easy
Sexuality is hard

Went to Tivoli Gardens
Took my two young sons
Fireworks last night
On Taipei 101

Train back to Stockholm
Walked around Gamla Stan
Science fiction bookstore
Aliens anon?

             3 deer. 1 fawn.
migayle ocuaman Jul 2019
Chatting ladies of youth are one of lovely Tivoli's flowers,

Talking about nothing than the material world of desire,

The life they live sweet, innocent and kind in manner,

Snobbish in some, playful in words and action with others,

They laugh in pure luxury, rich in scene,

Youthful in beauty and through their hearts it seems,

Enthusiastic within the comforts of the high walls,

never seeing the cruelty of the world that rises and falls,

Their dream and fantasy's linger as it dances for a while.
Qualyxian Quest May 2023
Charlotte and Bob and philosophy
Tokyo at night
I don't smoke cigars
Rieko and Cate and I

Shenandoah Shakespeare
The Tempest in winter's snow
Maybe 22 below
Nashville and I and Ry

Soren Kierkegaard
Truly devoted to Regine
We at the Tivoli Gardens
Hey hey my my

Heloise and Abelard
All those medieval Cathedrals
Susan in the Rocky Mountains
Ay! Ay! Ay!

              Without a Why
Qualyxian Quest Aug 2020
Tivoli Gardens

'Scuse me, Ma'am
Beg your pardon

Little Mermaid

Hans Christian Anderson
My back yard

Melancholy Dane
Hamlet the Prince

Went to Denmark once
Haven't been since

         Tak Walk.
Qualyxian Quest Feb 2024
An original, not an echo
In sickness and in health
Quite a few cds
But very little wealth

Little hotel window
Copenhagen light
Soren Kierkegaard
European sight

                Tivoli Gardens
Qualyxian Quest Aug 2021
I love American music
I hate American wars
In Vegas American gamblers
Everywhere American ******

I remember Copenhagen
My sons at Tivoli
My mother from Toledo
Notre Dame for Proud Mary

                 Je suis!
Qualyxian Quest Jul 2021
I resisted the Absurdity
But Absurdity resists me
Walked with my family
Near the Baltic Sea
In Europe an American
In Europe with my three
Train to Copenhagen
We play at Tivoli


— The End —