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Hari prasad Aug 2016
[1:24 AM, 8/26/2016] +91 77085 85412: (Typing message on whatsapp)
A boy meets girl..  gets her attraction..
thinks to speak.. touch.. make her his better half..!  
She says yes..!  
Both gets together.. coffee shops.. movies..  parks.. pubs.. clubs.. beaches.. parties.. having a lot of fun.. touches each.. enjoying..
nice love story ryt... !  
Stop ther..
did u see any love inbetween themm..  
noo i didn't.. i saw two people having fun that isn't love..
then how are we thinking its a love story..
look at this story now..
A boy meets girl.. thinks she's cute..
both speaks after few vague  looks.. texts..
looking at their phone contacts thinking to call each..
more texts more calls.. rare meets.. one fine day confirming love..
some day later..
feeling faded out from it..
she reminds him.. he reminds her.. few texts..
he s feeling ******* of her..
she then speaks someday.. he melts for her voice.. he melts at her images.. he melts when thinking her..!  
He s getting confused.. thinking her.. calling her.. messaging her.. !  Hoping everything will b fine.. i see some love in this now
[1:25 AM, 8/26/2016] +91 77085 85412: And he types a crazy crazy big story in the middle of the night for her and she surprises him by being online!  ***.. shes awake!!
While typing a message to my girl friend
Anaa Alvarez Jun 2010
Thee sunliqht briqhtenss your eyes as ii look deep into themm
You whisper somethinqq as we stand there alonee
ii Just cant here you.
You start to fadee away..
ii Tryy to holdd you one moree time but ii Cant feel you
Dont Goo
ii whisper as a tear rolls down my cheek
Well Meet aqain you say in a voicee ii almost cant understand
Just know that ii love you and dont forqet me.
ii Lovee You too and theres no chancee ii will
ii walk away *** you fade into a liqht thinkinqq to myselff
"Ill Miss You My Love"♥

— The End —