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I remember when we on that sunny afternoon
grabbed a Hanson to the Lyons tearooms
we were rather jolly and full of mischief
when in there you dropped your silk gloves
I bent down to pick them up, slowly you did lift your skirt
your legs did part, with a naughty devilish smile pert

We drank Earl Grey by the *** full
strawberry cream cakes with filling cool
laughing how extraordinary it was to find each other
both spirits of freedoms never forgotten
you pushed a cream cake in my face
and I got the cream down your blouse of lace

Then we started kissing and wanting more
that's when the staff showed us the door
and as we ran down the muddy cobbled road
you grabbed my arm and said let's stop I'm cold
pulling me in with eyes of wanton lust
you had your way with me at last

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris

By NeonSolaris
© 2013 NeonSolaris (All rights reserved)
Wrenderlust Oct 2013
The café rumbles like the belly of a fasting saint,
voices competing with the clanks of silverware.
In the tearoom a boy with a tangle of wires
leaking from an unzipped backpack
struts between tables, billing himself as a "human hotspot".
He wears the same glasses you do;
they slip down his nose as he leans over to flirt with the waitress
in the red apron, who taps her nails against the cash register
and laughs at his bad jokes, she tells me, because
he wears his pants too high, just like her brother used to.

A man with a soup-stained button down and a bald spot
introduces himself as Peter Ling, proprietor,
oracle of the inner city rummage sale,
advisor to the lost and hungry.
He doles out pithy wisdom and lentils into mismatched bowls-
"You want therapy? Try your ex boyfriend."
The four of us hide our grins, and flee
to his cavernous basement. As we go spelunking
through the puddles left by a burst pipe,
clambering past bloated books and warped furniture,
Emma Miller swears that she slept here once-
on a moldy brown sofa crouched like a hibernating bear
among empty Heineken bottles.

The expedition yields four boxes of acupuncturist leaflets
and a damp antique suitcase filled with seeds,
who seized the opportunity to germinate,
their tiny roots searching fruitlessly
in the mildewed silk lining.
Ling says he's going to try gardening this year,
serve up spaghetti squash grown out back by the garage.

We sowed pea shoots and salad greens
in glass jars pilfered from a claw-footed armoire
that lay on its side, defeated, like the last of the saber-tooths.
I named one for you, tucked Eruca vesicaria sativa
into potting soil, and set it on the balcony railing-
tempting fate and gravity, because you always liked a little excitement
with your afternoon cup of rooibos.
I didn't see the girl who knocked you off your perch,
saw only the sun's sharp gleam off the glass
as the jar plunged, graceful as a slow-motion train wreck
on its arc toward the concrete,
and Peter Ling reached up with his big, calloused hand
to break your fall.
Jagari Mukherjee May 2012
The flavor of lemons is bitter -
That’s why I don’t need the mints;
I locked away your blue sweater
With the lint still on the pillow.

I looked into the sea and saw the stars
Saltier than the tears and the lemon ****
We shared in the tearoom on that last Sunday –

There is a dry blue rose in the closet all pressed and crumbling.
Blind agony stumbles in frustration; your presents are my poison -
Now the porcelain needs dusting, the Valentines are jumbling.
Zywa Apr 2021
In the tearoom, we pretend
to be good friends – in turn
we bounceball our days

If only I could make contact
but with words, it doesn't work
Our hands are close together

We gaze outside
it can't be explained
although we understand

And that already comes too close
For CW #1

Collection "The migration"
daphne Dec 2023
two strangers
sat in two different rows
watching The Avengers
but this is how their story goes

today, they will cross paths
and catch a glimpse of each other
the girl rushing to finish her drafts
the boy breaking up with his ex lover

two unacquainted lives intersect
waiting for the right place, right time
like a highly anticipated project
to make two random words rhyme

a few years from now, two strangers
will find their lives intertwined by fate
two strangers to friends to lovers
that will become each other's soulmate

right now, they may not be aware
of the resilient red string
that they both share
like a binding, invisible ring

all the stories they create now
they will share to each other later
exchanging "seriously?" and "wow!"
as they take turns to be the narrator

for now, two strangers
sat across from each other in a tearoom
the boy vowing to have no more lovers
the girl creating drafts for her next volume
rose hopkins Oct 2020
There's an elephant
in the boardroom
here's the scapegoat.......
in the tearoom.
haiku    elephant    scapegoat

— The End —