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apollota Aug 2015
Let's talk about that dreaded subject that students hate and probably wish wasn't real. Let's talk about School.

I don't understand it.
We sit in a boring room for six or more hours and 'learn' about stuff that most of us won't use when we're finished. Then, to make it all worse; they decide to test us. A couple letters to define us. They split us off into A's and F's, like it's a label. Like it matters, but it doesn't. Oh, **** it doesn't.
I know what you're thinking; "Oh, you're just a teenager. You're just lazy and don't understand." Yeah, I may be a teenager, but I still have the ability to realize when my time is being wasted. I don't want my time to be wasted. I've spent more of my life in a crumby, stuffy school room than with my family.
The education system is flawed and I'm not the only one who sees it.
I want to direct you to a video on Youtube titled "Don't Stay In School." uploaded by a Youtuber by the name of BoyInABand.
Listen to it. Listen to the whole thing and then tell me if you think the education system is perfectly fine because news flash, it's not.
Now I'll direct you to another video; "I Will Not Let An Exam Result Decide My Fate" by Suli Breaks. Listen to it.

School isn't about learning anymore. It's about passing.
What about the kids who can't memorize formulas and specific dates? Should we just sit there and fail? No, because we're not learning. And, sure, teachers will tell you to get a tutor or go to them for extra help, but most of the time it never works. At least not for me.

I can't memorize for ****, so I suffer.
You don't need to go to school to get an education.
The way I see it? School is school. If you want to go to school then that's cool, but don't **** on the people who dropout of school.

You know that little, interesting yet surprisingly weird website called Tumblr and the founder; David Karp. He dropped out of high school and look where he is now.

Don't knock down the players just because they don't understand the game.
Filomena Rocca Mar 2023
sina wile ike e mi la mi kama sama.
sina wile utala e mi la mi kama sama.
sina wile pakala e mi la mi kama sama.

mi jan utala ala.
pakala li jaki tawa mi.
mi wile taso pona e sina.
o pona taso e mi.

sina wile pona e mi la mi kama sama.
sina wile musi e mi la mi kama sama.
sina wile wawa e mi la mi kama sama.

mi jo e olin suli.
mi wile pana e musi kalama.
mi wile wawa e pilin mute.
sina o pali sama.


Do you want to do me ill? I become likewise.
Do you want to fight with me? I become likewise.
Do you want to injure me? I become likewise.

I am not a fighter.
Injury is sickening to me.
I'm only wanting good for you,
So please be good to me.

Do you want to help me out? I become likewise.
Do you want to make me smile? I become likewise.
Do you want to give me strength? I become likewise.

I aim to have the greatest love.
I want to foster joy and laughter.
I wish to strengthen the hearts of all.
Why not follow after?
Filomena Rocca Mar 2023
jan wan li toki e ni: sona li wawa.
jan ante li toki e ni: mani li wawa.
jan seme li toki pona?

sona li pana e wawa lawa sijelo.
mani li pana e wawa lawa jan.
wawa seme li suli?
ni li sona mani.

Some say that knowledge is power.
Others say that money is power.
Who is right?

Knowledge grants power over the self.
Money grants power over others.
But which power is greatest?
Knowledge of Money.

— The End —