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A hippodrome as smoke adjourn
those can wrap Havanas blunt
while Manila fish for sordino
they reek of harvest yet exhume Moro
then San Mateo shall not a maraschino bane
whether they've sought bastion in Italy then
once their hopes shall keep ships ahoy
and Sabatini sing San Marino here
that sandcastle star await his lover in
"The Sea Hawk" a fine costume whence sail
those Antilles with a conquistador as buttress
in this play they call Those Philippines alas meet
El Duarte in a duet with his song set aflame with
great sleeves in such kleptocracy worldwide again.
Trevon Haywood Jan 2019
She is a miserable girl I've ever seen in my own life.
She is friendless and an outcast because of something that happened over the summer.
Also, she has the wrong hair, the wrong clothes, the wrong attitude and she don't have anyone to sit with because she is the only outcast and I'm not.
And she needs to get her act and a better life together before something happens again.
She even had an ex-best friend named Rachel Bruin because she is the only girl she ever met in high school and she always hate her so much.
And the only thing is that being friendless and an outcast is NOT a good thjng here jn Massachusetts and it's very unacceptable. So don't be like Melinda Sordino, be smart and be friends with someone in hjgh school because love and passion is always a #1 priority.

Anonymous. 1/23/2019.
Created a poem about Melinda Sordina from Speak The Graphic Novel.
Woody Joel Feb 2020
It’s often I feel
an unexplainable urge
to peel off this black veil
and sing a shirt dirge.
Uncage the palominos,
let them run free,
‘fore the black veil sordino
mollifies yours, truly.

— The End —