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Brenda Gutierrez Sep 2013
Yo soy Guanajuatense
Nacida en una sociedad de Mexicanos
Born in a society of Mexicans were everyone is accepted by who they are
Not trapped as a slave or treated different
The American society can’t be compare to a Mexican society
Los mexicanos somos unicos
tenemos caminos hechos por padres mexicanos
Somo bautisados catholicos  
nuestra madre es La Virgen De Guadalupe
la cual Juan Diego vio y lo combertio en un santo
Penjamo is city full of colors visible as the rainbow
Our flag known as the tri color is a important figure in Mexico
green signifies hope, joy, and love
white represents peace and honesty
red stands for hardiness, bravery, strength, and valor
the eagle was found by Aztec people
where they would see an eagle on a cactus eating a snake
Tenochtitlan was founded by Aztec people
Which is now call Mexico City
As we believe the history we also believe what
The bible tells us it’s a precious thing for us Mexicans
We tend to speak with god to find solution to problems
Not all cultures have a belief in god
I also find myself in a world full of pain a contradiction to war
Not knowing whether anything could be done
People are dead here and their
Everywhere there is war
Veniendo de México a un mundo con nuevas reglas
saviendo que tu vida a cambiado y estas evolucrado/a
en una cultura que quisas no aceptes
como dise un dicho
mas vale ser aceptado/a por quien eres que por quien te cres
all cultures judge others by the way they are
but we are all humans and have the right to be who we are
only God could judge
when people say you're brown
I said I’m proud
When they say I’ll never learn English
Look at me know your reading my words
Soy 100% Mexicana
con educacion Americana
pero echa y derecha
con cultura Mexicana
LS May 2015
I remember one time
When we were *******
It was when that new song
"Ride" by SoMo had come out.
So you put it on and took me
Into the living room
And kissed me like you meant it.
We started on the couch
And then went into the kitchen
You bent me in half
Pushed it in
But something was wrong
I dropped to the floor, crying.
"Baby, what's wrong?" You asked,
Gathering me up in your arms.
I couldn't even answer,
I was crying so **** hard.
And it didn't even hurt anymore,
But I couldn't even walk
So we sat down on the couch
And I held you so **** close
And just cried
I haven't ever cried like that
In front of anyone, ever.
You just held me,
Let me cry, let me cry it all out.
To this day,
I still don't know why I was crying,
Or why I was begging you to
Just hold me.

Maybe I knew our end was coming soon
In the back of my mind
I knew
I still cannot listen to that song to this day.
Jude kyrie Sep 2015
Your lips fluttering
on my sleeping eyes.
I want to awaken
to the aria
of your whispers.

ti amo....I love you.
lo somo tuo...I am yours.

I awaken to your desire.
Full of wanton needs.
You bathe in my sweet release
kissing my hair
seeking all I am
all I want to be.

I love you

Those words
so wastefully whispered
are meaningless.
for they are
but a simple human
attempt to describe
the undescribable.

The voice of our love
climbs through
the open window
rising on the warmth
of angels breath
To heavens gate
Luís Jul 2017
Dizem que vivemos na terra da liberdade
Mas como se pode chamar liberdade se não somos livres?
Somos livres para seguir a ordens dadas
Somos livres para escolher o que nos não foi escolhido

Liberdade para criar uma carreira passada
Inovar o que foi criado
Sonhava ser livre
Liberdade paradoxal do pensamento

Somos livres para escolher religiões
Somo livres pensadores que acreditam num ser superior
Mas como podemos ser livres se não acreditamos em nós
Somos livres de pensar o que já foi pensado
Somos livres na terra da liberdade
Terra nutrida de mentiras e ordens
Terra sem virtude
Terra onde vivemos
Terra onde somos o que não queríamos

Assim se é livre
Livre acorrentado por coisas que não somos
Pensamento preso por aquilo que não fomos
Assim morremos ansiosos pelo ser superior
Ansiosos para ELE nos mostrar o seu poder
Mas como? Se morremos ao nascer

— The End —