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Rafu Oct 2015
I already feel the grief of the piling
Of more than two sleepless nights under the blackness
Covering the veil of celestial aurora.
I feel the shut down
Of noisy unpleasantness, rough dozing in memory of lava stabbing
The skin,
Giving place to a higher weariness than the circular and herculean passage
Of stars that hover on summit tops of alienated minds or just lost in themselves,
Weariness that befalls my resting eyelids
As if allowing a glimpse beyond the fog that covers the spaces of fleeting dreams that lead to nowhere.
Maybe, and just maybe, in me slumbers the latency
Of having the randomness as silent adviser of the turning
Of pages as mere coincidence
Of being servant of excruciating melancholy that really evolve,
Wraps, embrace, weaves and spins through cadences of pilfering seconds
That pass me by whirling quiet in their duties.
Those also flee from me, like dead poetry thieves escaping me through my fingers like any unrequited or forgotten passion through boatloads of vain moments…
And only fools do transpire to search for the essence
Of themselves or of their existence
As fleeting as the bravery
That comes and faints fading in a sea of bad luck.
Well then, I appear, dizzy pierced by the scope of the life that is felt more in sorrow than in the door of glory, or would not be if it could ever remain minimally
And went into me the meaning of feeling,
Which sometimes seems to exit
Much outward when I lose myself in more gibberish and sublime lack of having more to do indeed.
For what do I serve existing if I don't even know why do I write?
And so I lie awake thinking more than dreaming, unable to sleep
Never rested, or perhaps almost close to reinventing the wheel, or otherwise just silly word servant
And perhaps more executioner of myself than mainly butler in the service of all the perversions of the universe that conspires more against me than everything and everyone.
I wish I could be right if all of this allowed me to stop thinking and live,
Or at least sleep.
betterdays Apr 2017
heres is the story of
Bad boy Bill...
..with slight of hand
he had the plate
with eight pieces
of skate
which he quickly ate
not that he was
a deadweight
he did share
with a mate
before he did
donate the *****
plate to the nearest
gutter grate
he was a pick pocket
that he could not debate
he had given going straight
a trial but could not cognate
the traits of the cheapskate
state that gave him too many
gates to open only to end up
at the same old checkmate
so after beating his breastplate
he went on the lam
lashed out against
the ingrate magnates
and after a spate
of flyweight burglaries
he now awaits
as a sometimes
somnambulate inmate
at the pleasure
of the  abrogate state
in a room slightly
larger that a crate
with a surly
burly bedmate.
they who dictate
think he will be
down for at least eight
he was at this news
But that is the fate
of those who hesitate
to choose bad over good
and manipulate the laws
of the land.
Bit of silliness for the boy..with a handy lesson thrown in....some ones been stealing biscuits
plenitude steps taken in those
    DMs. my hands in the tense wind

are two hounds in a ***-lock.
somnambulate if you may, in the pretense of this
   grotesquerie. sing to me, you might, lax in tune
and foreboding by consent.

on the floor now, aslant, like two dogs
   waiting in servitude,
  the detritus of shedding – outside to no windows,
I perceive an elongated white of moon.

you must have hurt the world
with your darling feet.
carrying the night, deciphered from above,
whose distance is this that switches
to impact?

from the look of your face in the drone
   of sleep,
I doubt my presence

but when the radio of dream soon dies
and your breath ****** out of you
like a vacated city,

the undulant breath, a fair warning
and myself simply, an aftermath.

— The End —