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hloni Apr 2018
The best drug in the world
Are not the ones you inhale,smoke or stick a needle in your arm
It is a drug more addictive then coco

Kills you faster then a overdoes
You can never overdoes it
But it gets you high immediately
When it gets in your system

You can't go to rehab for it
Cause you will keep going back to it
Everyone I know is addicted to it Including  me

Somepeople want it so badly
But others are tired of it
Since its been killing them
You wonder what drug this is

Some of you call it
Being there for someone everyday
But we simply call it love
These poem is suppose to show the love is the best thing to have in life and it's considered as a drug cause everyone is one it
mojdeh Jul 2016
Once upon a time I rememeber a face & heart
A plain girl with an ordinary face
Not beautiful as much as  others are
Her eyes was full of lights
Somepeople may call  It love
Someother  may thinking that she had  a hope In her heart.
She sat  lonely on her chair.
She had  a sweet smile on her face
Her black eyes was   the shiny pearls
Lighting like a beautiful black dress

She was  shy & hide her heart
In the most hidden parts
She was an angel without wings

She was  there to drew her world not like others
But like her own
But then a storm came one day,
There was a place  where love then came.
She was not that  girl anymore.
Love put Itś spells on her
Something was changed she knew It well.
Love put Itś spell on her
lhm Oct 2020
somepeople getting crazy about catching their dreams,
some are learning to prepare their self as if their dreams are unreach,

— The End —