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The Good Pussy Aug 2015
                             power corrupts
                          absolutely absolute
                          power corrupts abs
                         solutely absolute  po
                          wer  corrupts   absol
                             utely  absolute  p
                             owe corrupts  ab
                             solutely absolute
                             power corrupts a
                             bsolutely absolut
                             ely absolute  pow
                             er corrupts absol
                             utely absolute po
                             were corrupts ab
                             solutely  absolute
                             power corrupt ab
                             solutely  absolute
                             p o w e r corrupts
              absolutely ab         solute power
         corrupts abeolute  ly absolute power
          absolute power      corrupts absolute
            ly absolute po         wer corrupt s
               absolute                      power
Daniel A Russ Jul 2010
Behind the window and through the blinds lies a man, who
stands and perches, naught but a silhouette outlined by the
brown, nicotine-stained glow of the sheets-called-curtains.
Anyway, there's a man there, peering into my window as
measures necessary to enable sleep are taken, but he's
not doing anything, I mean - I'm not sure he's even watch-
ing me, but the hour grows late and try as I might, the mind
wild -
drawing demons from crevices and hands of memory
from the bizarre December thunderstorm winds, and
it's always hard but right now becoming impossible
not to draw lines between nonexistent floating points and
shadow the underside of spinning geometrics. I
don't know how people do it, although I imagine
this ******* guy that will not stop looking at me - ab-
solutely, undoubtedly, has some notiong of how to ..
I shout, but I'm starting to wonder if he's really there at all
or if maybe he's not a pseudo-******* floating dot-point
construct, designed and developed and implemented by
some crazed group of people to -----------------------------no!
that is unlikely, and probably impossible - really,
I believe that I'm better now and see ent8irely that said
lying-yet-standing isn't a man, no, but that he is
Looking around at the soft yellow glow from the low-
yield/high-power bulbs as it leaps from sad chair to
stained and scarred electronics and into my
cerebral cortex, the lack of and maybe .. I can
see now a palpable, blood-like desperat-
ion for wont of any sort of human contact - it is
wretching, but ever-present - because, currently, that
And really is there ever anything nearly as damaging
and damning and, I think I'd argue, driving as the desperate
drive that comes from knowing that what you know is impossible to
rationalize? The terrible tragedy is the way that vile
data manifests itself, corrupting and poisoning pure s
streams, but becoming aware of this wasn't half so bad as
realizing that man you just spent hours learning to hate was
Published in UM-Flint Sigma Tau Delta, 2009.
Keith W Fletcher Jan 2017
Set my mind on...
Set my sights on...
Horizon.... zonin in on me

I may never reach
That distant Peak...I seek
Where we can speak
So I
To come back down
Where I can meet you...
On Uncommon Ground

It's because I held you
In such high esteem
That you have become
Something of a fantasy ...
... a spirit - a spectre
Caught in the dream-net
Of my wish collector

Pushing the pedal to the metal
Of my...
Deepest convictions
As I  roll on through...
... any thought ... of  you
As  something that's not true

But I know - though
Hard as I try.....
.... to convince my mind
There are no restrictions
No signs to find
Along the way - to delay
Progress... As I press

On and on on on
Rolling like thunder
Across a dark night sky

I will not seal- the deal
That deal I made
Or let the memory... of that dream
Or ever go staid

There's nothing in that void I have made
To try and deny
That there is always the possibility
That I am able and have the ability
My my my... my A..B find

That AB...solutely anything
Anything is Possible
Every bridge is crossable

By keeping my sight set
On her eyes
Her eyes on me

All love is impossible...
... in it's very existence as
A possibility
That everyone relies on
As being... Just beyond the next Horizon
Ken Pepiton Jul 2019
you said that I should
And I thought that I could

so I did

did y'

the people all sang along

like my song was one the a.i.
knew all along abs abs ab
prophecy new, like the gourd in Jonah's whale of a story,

from when we were kids and hope was a thing

we imagined we make something of.

It was love, according to the songs,
grace according to my grandpa;

works was what my one uncle said, be an Adventist
see the future in the past and grieve before hand.

My mama, she was everything mother's little helpers and
electro-convulsive therapy,

at un disclosed cost
trans mogrify her mind to be,

but she had blesst me,
bless my heart, my heart
his heart she said
bless his heart and

she said that t' God.
'might a been like when ya sneeze,

idle words, or
it could be secret motherlove leaven
craven for
warred for,

now free flowing from that woman at the well. Thru the pipeline I won from the Koch's
i flows I don't row

— The End —