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sean rozario Feb 2010
King America,
my King,
King America,
whom i live under,
King America,
who freed me of tryanny,
replaced only with illusions of security,
King America,
you tell me I'm free,
but all that can be seen,
you and me,
suffering with no means,
King America,
to no avail,
King America,
you abolished slaves,
but with your dictionaries,
created a word,
King America,
this is the wage im suppose to make?
come on my back hurts and I'm feeling the pain,
King America,
I'll feed and support you,
sew the clothes on your back,
make the beds you sleep in,
and even scratch your ***,
but as soon as the sun sets,
your nowhere to be found,
King America,
your a royal pain in the behind,
King America,
I'll give you this,
your good with your lies,
you talk with your mouth,
making me believe your eyes,
your face might even think its telling the truth,
but all along i can see your hands,
slidding the pawns,
your think your sneaky,
King America,
you use your religions and fears,
mark the masses,
I hope they easily scare,
King America,
you think your god,
King America,
if anythings the truth,
we shouldn't question,
we wouldn't search,
we couldn't know the answer,
it's all buried beneath the earth,
King America,
I'm sick of your ****,
you **** me off,
and you know what *******,
King America,
your looking to fight,
war heroes and crimes,
black hawks night vision goggles,
might as well throw in a b2,
and soldiers,
a few million,
why not?
King America,
as you stand there behind your game,
King America,
im just one man,
holding tight my hands,
King America,
look down your sights,
King America,
he's just one man,
who cares about his views?
King America,
I won't tell you "not" to shoot,
thats up to you,
King America,
I'd be your friend but your a bit of a ******,
King America,
you say your so great,
but look at the people who have no food,
King America,
the thirty plus percent,
that have no shoes,
King America,
look at the poor and tell me,
your happy with your thrown,
playboys  and penthouses,
yachts and jets,
5 irons and 3 woods,
business deals and synergy,
banks and loans,
monopoly and mafia,
but besides that mrs. lincoln how was the show?
King America,
you make me laugh,
or at least the fact,
that so many would rather see black,
King America,
you've colored your flag,
white for purity and innocence,
red for the valor of war,
blue for the chief,
had to get fancier and had a star,
a symbol of the heavens,
the divine goal to which man,
hath aspired from time immemorial,
dont forget the stripe,
symbolic of the rays of light,
King America,
too bad thats a lie.
poem copyright 2010 s.Rozario
October Rain Dec 2015
"I can't do this anymore!" She screams slidding down the wall burying her head in her knees.

"Then stop fighting us" The voices in her head whisper.

"I can't give in!" She crys grabbing fist fulls of her hair.

"Give in no one will miss you." They tell her.

"No, please stop." She beggs.

"Your worthless"
"A waste of space"
"A mistake"

She harshly wipes her tears away and stands up. She starts walking towards her closet.

"A nobody "

She opens the closet door and looks for the 'box'.

"**** yourself " the voices chant.

She grabs the box and opens the lid. She pulls out a gun and a heart breaking sob betrays her.

"Hurry before its to late"


Someone knocks on her door as she loads the gun and points it at her head.

"Sweet heart dinners rea...NOO!" Her mother screams as she pulls the trigger.
Kenneth Farward Jul 2014
The doors to the train car close and the train continues on its regular schedule.  The three souls settle in their own private areas of the train car. All of a sudden the train comes to a stop.

Trapped in just one try,
notice my emotion swings.
spread and flap about,
I try to escape.
of good hope concede.
My right to be.
Referee free
me let me be free.

No movement, no slidding, or skidding.
Not nearly. Why? One query,
I made it happen. I just concentrate.
I have one great superpower,
So nice and sweet
all of the candy I can
here and now where I am,
that is my plan

I would have no fortune if it weren’t for misfortune.
of bad luck haunts my every movement.
to ruin every plan I make. Crinkle,
my every dream. I am upset.
Out to achieve in a tie and shirt,
and I ache to reach only one desire.
One point and goal entirely
I give up now, I tire.
Mary Gay Kearns Apr 2019
She gathered her gloves from top bookcase
Those fingerless ones knitted by a friend in
Grey and blue, slidding them along the rail
To keep her hands clean and warm, cabled.

Love Mary ***
Thank you Jackie Carrier

— The End —